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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
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AerialKnight Offline
The Knight that Fights with Honor

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

12-12-2014, 11:43 PM

The knight says nothing as he finds himself staring at his television monitor in complete disbelief at the recent promo Ghost Tank made. His eyes are squinted and nearly closed, as if either a ton of shit is flying in front of his face or something really bright is shining on it. After a moment, he rubs his eyes to make sure that there's nothing inside that's making him see things that just aren't there. He looks back at the promo and, sure enough, Ghost Tank is still there suplexing a bear repeatedly. Baffled, the knight pauses the tape and looks over to the Cambot, eyes still squinted and hands on his head, gripping his hair tightly.

"What the fuck did I just watch?!?"

We fade in on a seemingly normal day in a Louisiana park, where people are walking and standing around doing very normal things. As a few more normal people pass by this very normal park, we find the knight, Johnathan Heartsford, sitting down on a very normal looking park bench, placed in front/behind a really normal looking fountain. In his hand is a very normal hamburger made by normal people in a normal Burger King. He analyzes his burger thoroughly before taking a normal sized bite out of it. He chews his food for a normal amount of time before swallowing it normally. He looks over to the camera bot with a normal looking smile on his face.

"You know, I'd say that this burger tastes very, very normal. And that's not bad."

Johnathan can't help but laugh at the statement he just made.

"Much like a bad comedian, you laugh at your own jokes. How despicable."

"Hey, I can have fun if I want to, you know? Besides, I'm starting off strong, compared to the mess of a happening Ghost Tank put out. Hell, even after watching it multiple times, I still have no clue what just flashed on the TV screen."

He rubs his head, easing the headache he received from thinking about the bear suplexing machine of a video that he just watched.

"So, as you can tell, one of the voices that Ghost Tank keeps talking about has broken loose and, unfortunately, became audible."

"Hey, I'm the best part about these recordings. If it weren't for me, you probably wouldn't be appreciated as much as you are right now."

The knight sighs out of exasperation.

"And he just keeps talking about how I am quite possibly the worst case offender for doubting myself before going into a match. He's become even louder ever since I won-no wait, I was handed the belt."

"Exactly, you were handed that belt, you were given the pleasure to assert the dominance that you don't have. You can thank your general manager for advancing your career.

"He chose me because he saw a man that deserved a chance at glory."

"He chose you because he saw a man he could market off of!"

"That's what a champion is! A man that the company knows will draw them money when he wins! A man that the people want to see defy the odds and overcome the impossible, despite everyone else believing that 'he can't do it', 'he'll be killed in that match', and 'so much for that guy's chances.' Those people want to see a man grab a victory at the face of defeat, they want to see him grow an apple tree in the vast desert, they want me to defeat Ghost Tank at Madness."

The voice of Doubt laughs at Johnathan in an amused manner, impressed at his sudden boost of confidence that seemed to come from out of nowhere.

"If you truly believe that, I won't bother changing your thoughts. However, my beliefs on that match are far different from yours. I choose to side with everyone else into thinking that there's no possible way that you can come out on top of this match."

Johnathan finds himself chuckling at the voice's reasoning behind a possible loss in his behalf.

"What those people fail to realize is that Ghost Tank is currently experiencing some sort of bad trip come to life. Hell, it's gotten so bad, he chose to skip over my thoughts on him entirely because he was too busy playing with himself while reflecting on past accomplishments. Yes, the fact that you speared me through that cage was impressive. Yes, the fact that I stereotyped you as some mindless brute that wanted to showcase how big and buff he is was careless of me. And yes, you have proved to me and everyone else in that locker room, save for Scully, that you can demolish a man is you please. What you should know is that I am no bear. Suplexing a bear is not like facing off against something as swift as a bird."

He mocks running towards the Cambot, even though it doesn't even move from it's spot on the knight.

"Sure, you say that you're as agile as me, but in order to take me out, you not only have to be stronger than me, you have to be swifter too. It's good that you can match my movements, great even, but if you can't be more nimble than me, you can forget about it. What's the point of being as good as someone if you want to be better than them?"

He laughs once again.

"I'm glad to see that you're taking this match seriously enough to the point where you have to watch all of my matches to know my common strategies. I'm also glad that you somehow managed to suplex the shit out of that bear to the point where you'll end up sore in the morning. Azrael is a strange alien, isn't he? Well, now that your TV's going to be sold off by Luca to get some more coke money or whatever with your cameraman just clawing onto him to stop him, I think you might have a couple different priorities to attend to first. You know, like shopping and searching, and whatever else you have to do to repair your house. Aw well, if you're as fast as you were getting your short ass response up to me, I'm sure you'll be able to find him in no time."

He smiles.

"Besides, you don't need to fight a bear to face me, you could do more unbelievable things in order to take me out. For example, you could do what the guy in this commercial is doing to help you test your agility."

"Or you could do what these two kids are doing just to prove how agile you really are with a body that size."

"And if you want to make a statement to me about what would happen come Monday, you can do what this guy is doing to a metal bar."

"But you won't. I pointed them out, which is technically stealing my idea if you do so, and you want to make that point with your bare hands."

The knight stands up from the bench.

"There's a reason why MacClay handed me Gator's belt when he did. He saw a man that could take this belt places far and wide, against men that believe that they are truly ready for the spotlight once it hits their face, and a person that could be the voice for the people when they feel like they need a hero. And who am I to go against his wishes?"

He laughs once more.

"I don't plan dropping this belt as soon as you want me to. What I will do, however, is show you that these fifteen minutes will be pure torture on your behalf. Cambot."


"Turn off."

The scene cuts to black.

Singles Win/Lose/Draw

Tag Win/Lose/Draw

“Knighthood lies above eternity; it does not live off fame, but rather deeds.” - Dejan Stojanovic

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