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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Fool Killer. [RP 1 || Monday Madness]
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Caroline O'Hara Burchill Offline
Must Be My Electric Personality.

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

12-11-2014, 04:34 PM

Joey Hawkins is nothing more but a pathetic, irrelevant loser who is just another hopeless case that gives failure a bad name. Oh wait, it already has a bad name to it, but Joey just so happens to be the epitome of a disgraceful, winless, try-hard who thinks that his Shit doesn't stink when it actually does... and it stinks badly.

Hawkins, when was the last time you actually won a match? Ever since you came back to the XWF, you've done nothing more but get laid out onto the mat and looked up at the ceiling aimlessly as nearly every opponent you've faced has decimated you. Honestly, it's quite fucking embarrassing. You lost to Darkwynd, a fucking noob that hasn't even made an appearance here for nearly a month now. Frodo completely turned your ass inside out like a pink sock the size of Texas. Yet you continue to insist that you can win, that you can actually surmount to something here when it's been proven time after time again that you're just a fucking loser. Oh well, I guess some people are just born with some kind of inferiority complex that prohibits them from succeeding in life and, well, everything. You're a fucking failure, just like your father's condom. You see people, Joey Hawkins is the perfect epitome of a half-wit stultifying asininity that is sickly infected with mental and a downright abomination to our society and our world as a whole.

Or, to put it in Layman's terms, Joey Hawkins is an ignorant, illiterate and idiotic fucking cunt that can't seem to piece two and two together and understand that he is a complete fucking loser who will never win. No matter how hard he tries, Joey Hawkins will always be a has-been washout. The one that will always be on the losing end of the spectrum. The one that will always be grasping at straws... actually, no. He will only be grasping at thin air, which is pretty much nothing.

You understand, Joey? Or is your mind too constipated at the moment that your brain can hardly function and you can't even register the slightest bit of the basic English language? With all of that beating you've received and how many times you've dropped right on that head of yours, I wouldn't be surprised if mush just came pouring out of your ears all of a sudden. Oh Joey, you poor, silly mentally challenged ball bag. Can't you see that you're nothing more but a simpleton, wasteful fuck?

Here's a little word of advice for you: just fucking leave, this time for good, so that you can save yourself from further humiliation. It will save yourself the trouble.

Jaws... I can't even say the name without laughing. God, this is all too fucking ridiculous and stupid. By any chance has anyone slipped LSD into my tea this morning? Probably Frodo did, that obsessive, heinous little fucktard.

Okay, so I'm not actually having any absurd illusions or hallucinations. We really do have an alien shark here in the XWF.

Seriously? Is this honestly suppose to be some kind of a fucking joke?

I... wow. This is fucking ridiculous. I think I'm beginning to develop a migraine as my mind is trying to register and comprehend any of this. I just can't even fathom the thought of this.

We had Mastermind's chair wrestle here before and we have Shane's fucking robot butt buddy, but never have I seen anything as this repulsive and a insult to our intelligence as Jaws.

What, should I be afraid of you? Should I be quivering in my boots and soiling my underwear like some little baby? Maybe Joey would, but not me. Here you are, saying how you're going to destroy me. You're going to break every bone in my body. Pfft. Yeah, right. Whatever you say.

Apparently you were the undefeated and undisputed champion of the Alien Shark Wrestling Association. Geez, congrats. You want a fucking ribbon? A congratulatory sash? A smiley face sticker? Lollipop?

Well, I guess because you were a champion back in your home planet and the fact that you're Azrael's fuck boy pet, you think that can say how you're going to do this and that and blah blah blah blah. Yawn. What you've said was already stated by 3,000+ others before. And guess what happened to a good majority of them? They lost. Point blank period, written in bold, fine print.

And you've stated that you've done your "research" yet you stated:

She has gotten easy pickings over the last couple of weeks and has racked up a winning streak, being undefeated at three wins to two losses.

Idiot. You big, fucking idiot.

I thought that you and the people from your home planet had "technological advances", which would allow for you to easily gather information from reliable sources so that you can be able to construct a well-formed, systematic evaluation of your opponents, correct? Jaws, where did you get your bullshit information from exactly? Hm? Please enlighten me. I am currently undefeated with three wins to zero losses, not three wins to two losses.

Asinine fuck, you can't even do a simple web search properly. It's quite embarrassing, considering that you're Azrael's protege or whatever the fuck you are to him.

So, please come back to me when you actually know how to do proper evaluations on your opponents before you spew idiotic Shit such as that from your mouth. Be sure to check your sources, you dumb fuck.

[Image: N1TmzMp.jpg]
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