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Fool Killer -- All that I see before my very eyes is pure nothingness.
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Caroline O'Hara Burchill Offline
Must Be My Electric Personality.

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

02-13-2015, 08:58 AM

"We are addicted to our egotism, our likes and dislikes and prejudices, and depend upon them for our own sense of identity."

- Karen Armstrong.

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Please, I cannot stress this enough. Don't be late for this interview. It is highly imperative that you show up on time as it won't look good on your part. Also, please be on your best behavior. No bitchy attitude. We definitely don't need a repeat of what happened last time and I sure as hell don't have the bail money this time around.

— Amy

Friday, February 13th.

Her pace now reached a maddening rush as she walked with great haste, slithering in between the dawdling mass of anonymous figures that stood in her way. A muscle twitched involuntarily at the corner of her right eye; her mouth forming a rigid grimace with each glance she made at the diamond-studded Michael Kors watch she had on her wrist. Finally reaching the main entrance of the towering building, Caroline pushed herself past through the revolving doors and continued on with her frantic pace into the lobby.

Her eyes nearly widened and popped out of her skull as she saw that the elevator was about to close. With every fiber of her body and the last bit of energy that she could muster up from within herself, Caroline quickly made a run for it and placed her hand in between the elevator doors, stopping them from closing. Caroline would've busted out singing "Hail Mary" as a sigh of relief passed through her lips and she entered the elevator, squeezing herself into a corner that had some space that was enough to fit her petite frame.

Like hail pouring down against a window pane, the drumming of Caroline's fingers was as relentless as it was loud. Each click of the french polished nails on the clutch purse echoed the tumultuous thudding of her heartbeat. Her face, rigid with tension, negate her youthfulness, as she seemed to have aged a decade in the past few hours of her mad dash trying to reach her interview on time.

She was one hour late, right on the dot.

With an audible ping!, the elevator ride (which seemed like an endless journey) finally came to an end and the doors opened. After the crowd of people dispersed and she was able to get out of the elevator, Caroline quickly made her way towards the end of the hall. She would be greeted by a blonde woman, arms folded and feet impatiently tapping against the wood flooring. The pursed lips of the woman looking straight at Caroline indicated that she was not in the best of moods.

She was none other than Amy Scottsfiern — Caroline's agent.

"Does 'be here on time' not mean anything to you? You're over an hour late, Burchill!"

"I know, I know! Will you just fucking chill? At least I actually went out of my way to roll out of bed and show up in the first place. I still don't feel well."

"The world doesn't revolve around you nor does it owe you anything. You realize that, right? We have to get to the interview room now. You've been keeping these people waiting for way too long now."

"Oh, no really? I thought that we were going to go out and get some ice cream, arm-in-arm as we skip down the yellow brick road."

"You're way too good at pissing people off. You really know how to irk someone to their very soul."

"It is just one of the many talents that I possess. . and certainly more than you'll ever have."

Amy groaned as she opened a door, leading the two into the designated room that they were supposed to go and walked in. Almost instantaneously, Caroline would be greeted by the harsh brightness of flashing lights and a group of pesky reporters, shouting out all sorts of questions and remarks to Caroline. However, she paid them no mind and simply sat down at the lounge chair that was right across from the person who would be conducting the interview -- Steve Sayors.

Sayors appeared to be a bit uncomfortable as he shifted nervously in his chair, his hands intertwined with each other repeatedly as he fidgeted with them. Maybe it was the presence of Caroline herself or the bravado that she exude... whatever it may be, Steve was a bit apprehensive about her. Caroline couldn't help but to arch a slender eyebrow at Sayors; the same french tip nails tapping lightly on the armrest of the chair. Her eyes were piercing like daggers as she waited impatiently, making Steve gulp. Luckily for Sayors, his saving grace would come to his much-needed aid as Sayors was given the cue by one of the camera crew people. Steve nodded and brought his attention over to look directly at the camera. One of the crew members began to count down.






"Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome as we bring to you an exclusive interview being broadcasted live on My guest here with me is perhaps one of the most controversial wrestlers in the world today, albeit in recent memory: Caroline O'Hara Burchill. An indy standout, Caroline was signed by the head officials of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation back in October and is now scheduled to compete in the main event of Monday Night Madness as one of the eight participants in a Gauntlet match to determine who will be the number one contender for Gator's Television Championship."

Steve looked over at Caroline, who in turn smiled at him as the camera shot panned over to her.

"It must be a little nerve-wracking for you as you are going to be competing against seven others for a title contentionship. After all, some may even argue that this is the most important match of your career. Aren't you nervous? What are your own thoughts right now as you are heading to this bout on Monday night?"

"Nervous? What is there to be nervous about? Ha! That is such a stupid question to ask. Of course I'm not nervous! I am actually flattered by the fact that my exemplary talents and superiority has given me the recognition that I deserve, far more than the rest of these ineffectual cock breathers that I am set to do battle with. What relevancy do they possess in this federation? What, do they expect people to be intimidated by them in the slightest bit? Should we even give two shits about any of these asinine, hemorrhoid fuck-faces? When I look at them, I see nothing more but pure nothingness. What exactly have these arse clowns accomplished in this federation, besides having people run their feet all over them? They are nothing more but a bunch of irrelevant, washed-up wastes that belong in the trash. At least they will be somewhere where they will actually fit in. I will take great pleasure in doing the honors by laying them out on the mat and pinning them, laughing right in their face as I see the great dissapointment in their eyes. They will come to cruel realization that they aren't worth anything and so, they will sulk back to the locker room, crying like the pathetic little scums that they are."

"To think that any of them will reach the limelight is laughable at best. They aren't ready to reach the pinnacle point and become champion. Never have been and never will be. Try as they might, they will just fall back into the sad reality that they are losers and they will just continue to do what it is that they do best: losing."

"Wow, very strong remarks said there. Then again, you are infamous in your own right for being an unabashedly candid individual who isn't afraid to speak your mind. Still, I can't help but to think that you don't have a lot of respect for any of your fellow competitors."

"What, am I supposed to sugarcoat my words and act all sweet? Ha! No wonder you get pushed around here so much. You're so gullible that it's pathetic! Being nice and letting everyone run their feet all over on you isn't going to get you anywhere in life. Those who seek acceptance lack ambition. In today's society, people are ruthless and will stomp on you whenever the situation calls for it. You'll just be nothing more but a stepping stone; a pedestal for them so that they can climb higher and higher on the ladder of success. But meanwhile, what about you? You'll just remain at the bottom of the chain. Why? Is being a push over really worth it in the end? People seek out to accomplish goals for their own self interests and they definitely didn't play the "Be Nice!" card to get to where they are."

"But don't you want to... you know, have friends and acquaintances? Surely -- "

"No. They will just become a liability for me. They'll just hold me back from ever achieving what it is that I want. Besides, what will they do for you in the long run? What benefits are you gaining from them? Nothing at all. Next question."

"Well, we actually covered the main basis for this interview..."

"Really? Well then, that's excellent. I have other business that I need to tend to. Still, thank you for having me here, Mr. Sayors."

Without uttering another word, Caroline got up and walked out of the room. Amy, who was a little surprised by Caroline's sudden leave, walked quickly after her. Steve remained seated, a look of confusion plastered on his face as the scene fades to black.

[Image: N1TmzMp.jpg]
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