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Barbie and Pest speak
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12-05-2014, 09:29 PM

Pest and Erica are driving along the road heading towards Turkey. She's trying to find a radio channel to listen to, but none of them interest her, so she pulls out a Nintendo 3DS and begins to play some game on it. Pest just drives on in silence. Eventually she turns the 3DS off and begins to speak.

Erica:Did you really need to kill her?

Mr WGWF:Yes. Why?

Erica:She was pregnant with your child.

Mr WGWF:Yes, but that doesn't remove the fact that she was dangerous as well.

Erica:How was she dangerous?

Mr WGWF:Because, she clouded my mind.

Erica:What do you mean?

Mr WGWF:I loved her. I couldn't focus on what needed done because I was too concerned with protecting her. I chose to end her so that I could focus on what needed done.

Erica looked nervous at that. Her voice got low.

Erica:Oh. So, will you kill me if you fall in love with me?

Mr WGWF:We shall see when that day comes. Now, let's stop and get some food. I'm quite hungry.

Pest pulls into some restaurant and parks the car. He gets out of the car, walks over and opens the door for Erica. She begins to get out of the car, but he stops her. She looks up at him, and he grabs her throat before slamming her into the car. She's gasping for air, and he uses his free hand to stroke her face, his hand getting slightly tangled in her wig. He releases his choke, and kisses her. She kisses him back, deeply, letting their tongues dance in the space betwixt their teeth. His hand that was previously around her throat is moving slowly to her hips. She doesn't stop him. He grabs her hip, and she pushes her pelvis to his.

Pest pulls back from the kiss and looks at her with anger in his eyes.

Mr WGWF:That is the last time you ask about her. Or I won't be so forgiving.

She nods, and Pest walks into the restaurant, Erica lingers back by the car for a second before walking inside. Pest has gotten a table for them, a corner booth so he can watch the door. She goes sits down, and begins looking over the menu. Pest gets up, excuses himself and goes to the restroom. There's a man using the only urinal in the restroom, thus Pest waits in line. The man finishes up and leaves without washing his hands. Pest walks over and releases his manhood and begins to relieve himself. A familiar voice echoes through the bathroom, much to the surprise of Pest.

Barbie:You killed me.

Mr WGWF:I did, and I'm sorry. You know a part of me died with you.

Barbie:Did you? Were you hanging on the wall, nails in your wrists and feet? A baby dying in your uterus? No, that was me. You were perfectly fine, walking out with your new whore. You replaced me the day we went into that clothing store. You say her, and you knew you would replacing me with her. Her tits were perkier, her pussy was tighter. You didn't want me or the baby.

Mr WGWF:That's not true, Barbie.

Barbie:Isn't it? Where is she? She's waiting for you in the restaurant, isn't she?

Mr WGWF:She is, but she's not here because she replaced you. No one could replace you, Barbie.

Barbie:Then why am I dead? And her not?

Mr WGWF:Because, you clouded my judgement. You made it hard for me to do my job.

Barbie:What, Shane? How did me dying help you stop Shane?

Mr WGWF:You kept me from being able to think straight. All I was able to do was think about how I needed to keep you safe. How I wanted to be with you. Barbie, I loved you so much I couldn't focus.

Barbie:What did Shane do to deserve this?

Mr WGWF:You know what. You're not real, you're in my head. You're fake.

Barbie:I want you to say it out loud. Why is Shane more deserving of than death, than I am of life?

Mr WGWF:He's the reason my daughter killed herself.

Barbie:So, one of your children has to die before he even draws breath because your daughter killed herself? That makes great sense. Kill the girl you claim to love for Shane.

Mr WGWF:Shane has it coming! Shane took the world from me, he has to pay.

Barbie:And what did you take from me? You took my innocence, you took my heart, you gave me a child, and you took that from me.

Mr WGWF:And you know that I hate myself for taking it from you.

Barbie:I know you say that, but I also know you lie a lot. James, Zach, Chris, or Justin. I know Shane didn't make your daughter kill herself. You're responsible for that. You're blaming Shane because you're inadequate. You couldn't keep your daughter alive, and you chose to kill me.

Mr WGWF:Whatever.

Pest finished his business, puts his business away, and goes to wash his hands. He's about to leave the restroom, and go have lunch with Erica. Until something stopped him. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Barbie in the mirror of the bathroom. Out of anger he punches the mirror, cracking and shattering it. Shards fall into Pest's hand, and puncture the skin and slice the veins in his knuckles. He turns and walks out of the restroom, his hand heavy at his side, dripping blood slowly. He sits down at the booth next to Erica who is attempting to order food, but since she does not speak Swedish, she is having difficulties. Pest looks at the woman who is attempting to take their order.

Mr WGWF:Hon kommer att ha grillad kyckling, och jag kommer att ta Jannson frestelse. två Cokes

Erica:You speak Swedish?

Mr WGWF:I know enough to order food. You pick things up while travelling. I can order lunch in most countries we're likely to travel to.

Erica:Oh. So, what do we do now?

Mr WGWF:After we eat, we drive to a hotel, and sleep for the night.

Erica:Two beds, or one?

Mr WGWF:One. You must appear to be my consort, and to sleep separately will not be convincing enough.

Erica:And if I choose not to follow through?

Mr WGWF:Then we see if the police are quick enough to solve your murder before I leave the country.

Erica:Ok, so one bed, then. Awesome. What did you order me to eat?

Mr WGWF:Grill Chicken, and a coke.

Erica:I'm a Vegetarian.

Mr WGWF:I should have known that in advance. Today, you're not.


The pair eat their meals with light conversation, and Pest teaching her to order food in Turkish, their next destination. She chuckles, and seems to enjoy the chicken. They laugh, and she tells him about her old life back home, and how her boyfriend had sent her like 20 messages on Facebook, asking where she was. Some chicken fell down her shirt, and into her cleavage. Pest reached in and grabbed it out for her. She blushed a little, felt a little embarrassed, but acted outwardly ok with it. After the meal they got back in the car, and drove off to their hotel.

Erica:You don't go down into my tits in public again. Do you hear me?

Mr WGWF:What's the issue? You liked it in the restaurant.

Erica:Yes. In public, I did. Privately, I do not. I felt disrespected. I felt violated.

Mr WGWF:I apologize. I do not mean to disrespect you in any way. Except later tonight.


Mr WGWF:When we have sex.

Erica:Excuse me?

Mr WGWF:We will make love tonight, and you will enjoy it. I promise.

The pair drive in silence for the rest of the way until the find a hotel. Pest goes to check in while Erica waits in the car. He comes back to collect her and their bags. They walk into their room, and once inside Erica goes to take a hot shower in the bathroom. Pest sets their bags on the bed, and then undresses. He walks into the bathroom, and steps into the shower. Erica sees him, and attempts to cover herself up. He forces her arms away, and looks at her naked flesh. He goes in for a kiss, and attempts to inch closer to her, but she tries to fight him back. Pest gets angry, and wraps his hand around her throat before slamming her into the wall. She begins to sob, and he uses his free hand to push her legs apart before sliding himself inside of her.

She’s trying to push him out, and he begins to thrust inside of her, repeatedly. His hand is still wrapped around her throat, she’s still sobbing, and begins to gasping for air. Pest hurries his thrusts, and the sobbing begins to slow down. He reaches up to her breast and begins to play with it.

Mr WGWF:I told you that you’d like it.

His thrusting hurries until he climaxes and removes himself from between her thighs. She collapses and begins to cry again as he washes himself off before getting out of the shower, and going to lay down on the bed. She lays there in the shower for a few minutes before getting up and washing herself off, and stepping out. She sees Pest on the bed watching tv, and throws the bar of soap that she was holding at him.

Erica:You raped me.

Mr WGWF:I did. And I will continue to do so until you choose to open your legs for me willingly. You’ve forgotten that you now belong to me. Your pussy is my pussy. When I want it, I will take it. Eventually you will begin to like it.

Erica:The next time you do that, I will stab you in your sleep.

Mr WGWF:No. No, you will not, the next time I walk in on you in the shower, or request your sex, you will willingly give it to me. And you will enjoy it. Like you did at the store that day. Do you need to continue this conversation, or can I go to sleep now?

Erica:I’m going to sleep. If you can manage to sleep after raping me, that’s on you.

Mr WGWF:I can sleep. Now, get in here.

He lifts the sheets and she nervously gets in bed next to Pest, he begins to cuddle her and falls asleep easily. She, stays awake until she believes he’s asleep, before beginning to cry herself to sleep.

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