Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Leather jacket, sunglasses, blue jeans.
Ethnicity: 100% Italian robot.
Pic Base:
Wrestling Style: A brawler who just goes out and wants to hurt people. But sometimes he can be technical and show off his skills.
Strengths: Power, Gilmour-inspired courage.
Weaknesses: Educated by the school of Gilmour.
Entrance Theme Music: Terminator 2 theme.
Entrance Description: The arena goes black as the fans clamor. The theme from Terminator 2 begins to play as Gilmournator makes his way down to the ring, bobbing his head to the song. He slides into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle, throwing up an 'X' sign with his arms. He hops down and awaits his next victim.
Manager (if applicable):
Manager's Pic Base:
Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Suplexes (nothern lights, belly to back, belly to belly, snap, german)
Leg drop
yakuza kick
spinning leg kick
side russian leg sweep
Elbow drop
Samoan Drop
Falcon Arrow
Fireman's Carry
Shoulder breaker
gut buster
Trademark Move(s):Roaring Elbow Drop
Fist Drop
Facewash into a Yakuza kick
Osaka Street Cutter
Angel Wings (Daniel's finisher)
Leg Drop
Primary Finisher: Gilmournator Cutter
Description: Like a Gilmour Cutter but with robot noises.
Secondary Finisher if applicable: ENDGAME 2199
Description: Like a package piledriver but with robot noises.