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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
"Well duh. Bring that shit! I want the full Frodo experience"
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-02-2014, 10:51 PM

[Image: 264906222.jpg]

The doors open and three pairs of feet emerge from the vehicle. The van leaves the area quickly peeling out as it does. The camera pans up to reveal the backs of the three members of The Asylum left. Frodo Smackins, The Violator. Mickey Manson, The Martyr. Hysteria, The Prophet. The three men exchange a look before nodding.

You remember the plan?

Hysteria chuckles to himself as he can’t contain his excitement.

"Oh yes, Prophet. I surely can’t forget. They’ll never know what hit them."

Mickey Manson smiles largely showing his large white teeth. A contrast from his dark battle painted Venom.

Oh this is going to be so much fun, Hysteria!

Frodo is basically bouncing in anticipation.

Hysteria looks at his colleagues and begins laughing sinisterly as does Frodo and Mickey. He snaps. They come to attention as he does. They nod to each other and then take off in different directions. Frodo through the gate, Mickey over the gate, and Hysteria around the back. Frodo does a line of Coke before he rushes through the front door, and sees a pair of men standing guard, they're facing the opposite direction. He thinks quickly, and slides one of Swag's batons from up his sleeve. The men haven't noticed him yet, so he rushes them from behind, throwing the baton square into the man on the left's kneecap. He falls to it, when Frodo slides a blade into his free hand. He jabs the blade into the man's neck, leaving him alive but crippled. His partner turns around, but Frodo hits a wild swing of his baton right into the man's trachea, sending him back into the wall. Frodo follows it up with a massive kick to the man's groin. He leaves the men there, laying in a puddle of pain and misery. Not Zak Misery, Frodo's not that cruel. Suddenly, black smoke fills the hallways that Frodo began to run down. A group of figures begin to make their way towards Frodo, barely visible in the smoke. He's spent enough time around Minx and Zak to know what's going on. He drops his baton, and pulls something from his back. It's a wooden Ninja Sword that he sharpened at the end.

"Looks like you punks messed with the bull. Time to get the horns, motherfuckers."

He rushes in swinging. Vampires grab at him, and attempt to suck his blood, but he keeps sending them off, and dusting them when they get too close. One Vampire grabs Frodo by the throat, and slams him against the wall. The Vampire begins to lick at Frodo's throat before telling him how God hates fags. The Hobbit just laughs before throwing a fist to the stomach of the creature holding him. Surprise, Frodo's wearing some gloves he rigged up as tasers. The Vamp goes back hissing and screaming, Frodo drops to his knee, looks around and laughs. The group of undead are checking to see if their friend is all right, giving Frodo the opportunity to toss a few water balloons filled with Holy Water at the vampires.

"What is that? It burns, and smells like piss!"

"I ran out of Holy Water. Some of them are Piss that I prayed over. Deal with it."

One of the vampires rushes at Frodo, and he throws another tase punch. The vampire bursts into flames, grabs at Frodo and sets his clothes on fire. He quickly strips out of them before he burns. He throws another water balloon at the vampires. This one is filled with Gasoline, and it causes all of the vamps to catch fire. Frodo turns around, sees another group coming for him. He rushes into a Janitor's Closet where he finds a mop, some rags, and a bunch of chemicals. Without thinking too far ahead, Frodo ties the rags around the mop, then dunks them in some random chemicals. He steps back into the hall way
the group have gotten closer. He hears them speaking, and thinks they're insulting Demi Lovato as well. This sends Frodo into a huge fit. He sets the mop torch ablaze with the burning corpses of their friends.


The Vampires look at each other in confusion and just kind of stand there as Frodo charges them. He throws the torch, impaling one of them. He then picks up his bokken, jumps at one and impales it into the vampire. Then he let's go, and hits the third with a Shayouken that sends him back. Frodo hops on the vampire and begins to eat the man's eyelids off. Seriously begins to rip the eyelids off with his teeth. He pops to his feet and surveys the damage he's caused. Satisfied with the chaos he walks off towards the back, where he was supposed to meet Hysteria. His tiny, naked feet carry him as quickly as they can. He finds a vampire with two gold hand guns, so he picks them up and searches for Ammo on the body. He finds two more clips, which he quickly uses to reload before running into a room where he spots three men standing around laughing. Frodo assumes they're laughing and Demi Lovato and goes insane.


The sound of more gunfire is heard, but it sounds like smaller guns. Hysteria peers into the next room and sees Frodo spinning around shooting randomly with two golden pistols whilst being completely naked. The three men are leaning against the wall with multiple bullet holes in them. Blood is gushing from all three as they’re not moving.

Finally Frodo empties the clip as the sound of clicking is heard. He continues twirling around in a circle with the sound of clicking following. Hysteria rushes into the room and grabs his arms.

Violator? You look sick. Are you feeling alright?

Frodo’s eyes randomly open and close as he seemingly looks right past Hysteria.

I… must… REDEEM DEMI’S RESPECT! Get out of the way, !

Frodo spins out of Hysteria’s arms and runs into the doorway with his member swinging around as he moves into the next room.

Hysteria follows quickly after him and enters the main chapel of the church. Signs are scattered across the walls. Some read, ‘GOD HATES FAGS’ while some read, “OBAMA IS THE DEVIL!”

Mickey Manson and Frodo Smackins are standing in center of the room. On the podium in front of them is Woe holding up The Book of The Higher Power. Two men to the left and right have sniper rifles with red dots on the head and chest of Mickey and Frodo.

WOE: Looking for this fucktards? Maybe I should just light it on fire. Hey Bishop! Throw me your lighter!

One of the men throws a lighter to Woe who catches it and laughs. No one has yet to notice Hysteria in the back of the room. Hysteria looks around and notices the switches for the lights at the back of the room. Woe holds the book up and flips the switch on the lighter as he holds the book over it. Hysteria hits the lights!

Shots go off! The sound of running and stumbling is heard throughout the dark. The sound of a crash! One of the stained glass windows along the wall has been smashed! It’s Mickey Manson! He got thrown through the window by Woe! Woe runs through the wall taking the window frame and wall fragments through it. The men with the sniper rifles go to follow Woe out of the room, but, as they go to leave, two sets of hands grab them and pull them back into the dark. The sound of fighting is heard as the bodies slump to the ground. The backs of Hysteria and Frodo are shown as they follow Woe outside. The camera goes outside to see Woe throw Manson into the dirt. Woe turns around to see the two men exit the building.

WOE: Bring it, you pussies!

Frodo pulls out his butter sock. He whips it around over his head. He begins moving towards Woe and smacks him in the head again. Woe brushes it off and grabs the butter sock. Woe snarls at Frodo and pulls him towards him where he punches him directly in the face. Hysteria flings two razor-sharp cards towards the jugulars of Woe. Woe raises his beefy arms and the cards dig into his skin. He looks at his arms and roars at Hysteria! Manson has gotten back to his feet and kicks Woe in the balls! Woe turns around and lifts up Manson! Hysteria comes rushing forward and stabs a fork right into the neck of Woe! Woe throws an elbow sending Hysteria off!

WOE: I’m going to crush this man’s skull. Then Frodo? I’m going to stuff this butter sock down your throat. You laughing FREAK? I’m going to break your legs and beat the hell out of you with them.

The sound of honking is heard. All four men turn towards the noise just in time to see a van crash through the wooden fence! Woe drops Manson just in time for the van to crash into Woe! Woe hits the ground with a thump and stops moving. Hysteria walks over and grabs the book. He lifts it up and flips through the pages. He sighs in relief. He steps away as does Frodo and Manson.

You two have fought valiantly today. The Higher Power would be proud of our work here today. Now rest up. Warfare is going to be a fight for our life.

The three men nod their head as the scene fades out…TO DEMI LOVATO AND SELENA GOMEZ

[Image: Selena%20Gomez%20Demi%20Lovato%20Seventeen.jpg]

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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