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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
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AerialKnight Offline
The Knight that Fights with Honor

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

11-30-2014, 04:00 AM

"Hey, look at that, Frost actually spoke for a change. Wouldn't you know it, he was better off not saying a fucking thing. Is he worth my time? Not really, but I'm required to record at least one promo on everyone involved. It's just part of my contract, after all."

We fade in on Johnathan Heartsford receiving pamphlets on political representatives for mayor and how he really should vote for them. They're piled on each other, since he doesn't really vote on any state except for his own, which is all the way back in Maryland. There are a ton of people picketing for people to vote for certain politicians who could protect their country better than the current officials. This make Johnathan shake his head in disbelief, since the recent attempted bombing on the St. Louis Arch was stopped successfully and the bomb turned out to be a massive fraud. The Cambot focuses on a few of them, who wave at the strange little thing that's currently filming them. However, so many people are speaking at once, it's impossible to tell who's really talking to the bot and who's just there to spread propaganda. Much to the annoyance of Johnathan, the bot keeps it's focus on the political advertisers, even though they are well past them. He turns the little bot over towards his way in order to actually film this promo.

"Millions of dollars were spent on this little machine, yet it chooses to focus on a few people trying to rally someone to vote. That's the XWF for ya, I guess."

The knight continues to walk with the bot to a much more quiet area of St. Louis. More specifically, one that doesn't have any political protesters or people trying to vote someone for mayor. He eventually finds a shopping district that, surprisingly enough, is rather peaceful. He finds a park bench and seats himself on it, the little camera moving toward his right, as if it has also taken a seat while facing his direction.

"Well this was certainly rather unexpected. Jet Frost actually cut a promo against us. Well, more Swann than me, but he talked about us nonetheless. Swann can handle his own problems because he's a man and I'm not his dad, so I'll wait for him to talk about you two lowlife idiots. Or not, depending if he actually thinks you're worth his time. Frost thinks he is, but he more than likely isn't. I mean, who would want to waste time on the much lamer son of Jack Frost?"

The knight laughs cockily.

"Apparently I would, because, once again, it's part of my contract that I talk about each and every tag team member involved in this match. So, what did you have to say about me again? I don't have my phone on me, so I have to do this by memory."

He ponders Frost's promo for a few seconds before continuing.

"Oh yeah, you talked about how you totally aren't gansta. And what I find strange is how he insisted that he wasn't but his entourage and his own tag team partner, who kicked Frost's ass majorly, mind you, were. Well, just because you said it, it must be true!"

He laughs sarcastically at Frost.

"Look at who you're associated with, Frosty. You're teaming with a man that sounds like he wants to be the O.G. and you have a camera man that's as clumsy as a bull in a China shop, yet still somehow more streetwise than most people I've seen. You're streetwise by association, according to many of the urban cities I've been in. You can't argue with what the city folk firmly believe, Jet. Otherwise you'll come off as some pompous douchebag that talks big game but doesn't show it. Oh wait, that's exactly like you, my mistake."

Again, he mockingly laughs at his opponent who may or may not even be watching this promo.

"The two examples of my loses, by the way? Really bad examples on your part. I lost to Harrison, yes, but as soon as that match was over and we were back in that locker room, he went over to me and offered to shake my hand for giving him a legitimately challenging match. So I shook his hand and formed Hope and Honor, a tag team that had yet to take off because he died. Thankfully he's resurrected, so there's a possible chance that we're both going to be seeing each other sometime later in the future. As for Delacroix, tell me when was the last time that fucker ever spoke to anybody in the past few months?

He pauses for a bit. He motions the viewer to hurry up and say exactly when, even though he knows that he/she can't respond through their television screens. He smiles at the little bot.

"Exactly. After I broke that fucker's nose, he said absolutely nothing after our match. Who said that you always had to win matches in order to prove that you're a real competitor? You, apparently. Not to worry though, you brain damaged buffoon, you might just redeem yourself by either pinning me in that squared circle, which you claim will be as easy as learning the alphabet or by losing with grace, which will more than likely happen at the end of the night."

He tries to think about what else Frost had said about him, but he just can't seem to think of anything quite yet.

"Well, if that's all your tiny little mind can come up with, I best be on my way home. No doubt about it, I'll pick up another victory over these two wannabe celebrities. Cambot"


"Turn off."

The scene cuts to black.

Singles Win/Lose/Draw

Tag Win/Lose/Draw

“Knighthood lies above eternity; it does not live off fame, but rather deeds.” - Dejan Stojanovic

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