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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
"Come on, come all! Come see the beat of them all!"
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Michael Taker Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-27-2014, 03:18 PM

Michael Taker: "Ok people, I know this is my first match... hell, it's my debut match for XWF... but listen, the two people I'm facing... I think thier names were Shinsuke Nakamura and Caroline O’Hara Burchill... they are going to get their monkey-dangling balls handed to them... so I can't wait to see them down in the ring... can't wait to show them that Michael Taker is here to whip their asses up and down the fucking streets of St. Louis..."

After the X-tron played his promo, the lights went out while Show Me How to Live by Audioslave boomed on the speakers. Fog rolled onto the ramp and than Michael finally started to make his way down. He was pumped as fuck, highfiving some of the fans that cheered for him while he smirked and laughed at the others. Once he reached the ring, he got into it and walked around before grabbing the mic. He hasn't seen his opponents yet and he thought it'd be nice to do another quick promo, to get his fans cheering for him and to get pumped for the match.

"Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls... you knew me as Michael Taker... or Newtaker, as I've been nicknamed by my friends at home... anyways, this is my first match... my first apperance here in XWF... so, let me get down to this... I am going straight to the top! I am going to show that I mean business! I AM GOING TO SHOW THAT I CAN RUN THIS AREA!" He yells out, getting a mixed reaction from the crowd that made him laugh quietly to himself. He already loved the attention he was getting from those that approved of him. As for the others, the mothers and sons that hated him, he didn't care much about them at all. They were weak and pathetic, as far as he knew. Though he did want them on his side and he was planning to do that real soon.

"Now, now... no need to start booing me just yet... I mean, let me have this match first and let me show you guys that I can easily rise up in XWF... let me show you that I can be champion, that I can destroy everyone that gets in front of me..."

Dropping the mic, he gets out of the ring and looks underneath the mat. Finding a steel chair, he pulls it out and throws it into the ring. Climbing back inside and unfolding it, he sits down, facing the ramp where he waited patiently for the other two wrestlers to show up. He knew that it was only a matter of time before they did, but he had all the time in the world. He was plotting and planning the destruction of both of them, planning how he'd tear them apart limb by limb and send them home on a long time injury. Hell, he knew that this match was an elimination match, though he knew that there might be DQ's if he used the steel chair or the ladder.

'Damn... sometimes, I wish the fucking owner would tell me if there are DQ's or not... I mean, it could truly screw me over in the long run if I decide to smack someone in the head with a chair... but no, I'd have to control myself for right now... to figure out how to destroy these two without using anything will be fun... but I knew I can do it... it's not going to be that hard... it shouldn't be that hard...'

After thinking to himself, he looked up at the ramp, licking his lips with hunger. His thoughts were making him want this match even more and soon, real soon, the match would start and he would rise up in a heart beat. The few fans he already had behind him, it made his heart thump with excitement and eagerness to show that he meant true business. With true business, he knew that after a couple of matches, he could probably challenge one of the Champions for their belts and he could easily win them. He wished he could do a tag-team match by himself, but that didn't matter to him at all. Singles match first, destroy opponents, win and move right on up. That was the goal he had right now, the goal he was craving to complete and the two he was going to face... they would be solved easily and tossed aside while he went to his next match.
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