In-Ring Name: ⤤⇝ℰⱱεℛℑȓųšƬ⇜⤣
Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Aih, Ehyvior^rys
Height: 6'1
Weight: Refuses to step onto a scale; claims they steal parts of yourself because true weight isn't determined by numbers and to force such numbers onto a person's being is to replace something much greater in themselves
Hometown: A different kind of here
Personality: A trickster who will lie, cheat and steal his way to destiny. Some claim he is a wizard.
Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Magician Warlock
Physical Build Description: Slender with long fingers like a wizard
Attire: A suit
Wrestling Style: Sneaky, ultra violent, calculated malevolence
Strengths: He's accused of having an array of super powers, such as his ability to control ponies with his mind brain. Belief in such power seems to give Evertrust the edge as if making them a reality.
Weaknesses: Having had 8 different neck surgeries, this could be considered a weak spot. His neck has been broken 5 times. Doctors tell him if he takes a well placed move such as a "cutter" he could die on the spot, but Evertrust tells them
they don't know.
Entrance Theme Music 1: Fault of the Flesh by Nevermore
Entrance Theme Music 2: Lunatic Pandora Midi File
Entrance Description: One of Evertrust's themes begin to play as the arena goes pitch black. Mere seconds later a bright spotlight, alternating between green and blue color, reveals Evertrust gliding out from the back with his arms crossed and his feet hanging just a couple of inches over the ground. Evertrust ignores the fans as he makes a full circle around the ringside area before finally landing on the bottom step and walking up the rest. Evertrust snaps his fingers high in the air after he steps between the ropes and the lights return to normal in an instant.
Manager (if applicable): Mr. Eden aka "The Edenist"
Manager's Pic Base: Mel Gibson w/ devil goatee
Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves: Body slam
Drop kick
Mongolian chop
Shoulder nerve hold
Springboard tornado DDT
Plastic bag over the head of the opponent to suffocate them while beating them senseless with punches directly to the bridge of the nose the entire time
Using his tie like a noose to hang the opponent from the top rope outside the ring
Whatever else sounds good
Trademark Move(s): Just standing up like he hasn't even been hurt at all, right after taking a big damage move from somebody
Description(s): He just stands up like he hasn't even been hurt after somebody hits a big move like a trademark or finisher on him.
*This can be followed by any move but is sometimes followed by either a kick to the knee cap, a fireball spat into the face, or a standard kick to the groin.
Primary Finisher: Magic Spell*
Description: Evertrust spits a massive glob of green goo right into the opponent's eyes, blinding them while he kindly delivers them to damnation with a simple snap DDT. If he's looking to end the match right then with a submission, he rolls straight into sleeper hold with body scissors directly following the impact of the DDT.
*great to use right after his trademark standing up move
Second Finisher: "I Dream of a World So Cold"
Description: Just a sleeper hold. He enjoys pulling them up by their neck and kicking their knees out from under them to drop them in a kneeling slump once they're out. He may even release them and come around in front of them to hold out his arms as the motionless mass of flesh remains hunched forward on their knees before him.
Extra Finisher: Picture of Ponies (also known as The Big P.O.P.)
Description: Evertrust uses a picture of at least one pony in some nefarious manner to gain a pinfall over an opponent. Sometimes he'll just hand them the picture, slap them and roll them into a small package pin. Other times he might take a thumb tack and stick the pony pic right to their forehead so they can't kickout. He may even use the picture itself to place over the mouth and nose to suffocate the opponent for the easy pinfall. Any action involving a pony pic will do.
Favorite Weapon if any: The opponent's brain, because once they believe they're actually fighting him, he's already gained control of his ultimate weapon
Additional notes: While writing his matches please feel free to have Evertrust morph into other people or objects
on edit: marking as a floater until some connectivity and availability issues are resolved