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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Surpassing the Others
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AerialKnight Offline
The Knight that Fights with Honor

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

11-01-2014, 06:11 PM

"Looks like it's time to cut another promo on King of the Ring, eh, Cambot?"


"Sometimes, I have no idea why I talk to you as if you're a real person. Maybe just to act as if there's a person controlling you or something."

A little league baseball game is taking place on the other side of the fence Johnathan is walking by. All of the children are huddled closely together, as if the one at bat is an easy out. The child is shaky as hell and looks like she could very well strike out, but she holds the bat as if she wants to hit a homerun. The kid looks at the catcher's mitt, who signals to throw a fastball. The kid nods and winds up for the pitch. He throws it, the girl swings, and hits nothing but thin air. Strike one. The ball is thrown back to the pitcher, who prepares to throw another fastball. The girl tightens the grip on her bat as the pitcher winds up for a second pitch. He throws the ball and the girl hits it, only for the ball to be a grounder across the foul line. The first baseman picks up the ball and tosses it over to the pitcher.

"Eye on the ball, baby! Eye on the ball!"

She hears the words of support from her mother and waits for the third pitch from the pitcher of the other team. This time, the catcher signals for a curveball. The pitcher nods and winds up for the pitch. The batter telegraphs it and prepares for a wicked swing. The ball is thrown as it curves to the batter's left, making it slightly harder to hit for her. However, she still manages to hit it, sending the ball flying high over the fence Johnathan's walking along. The ball manages to hit the knight on the back, dropping him down to one knee while he clutches his back in pain. Back in the game, however, it counts as a homerun, and the home team starts to cheer for their MVP. The knight stands up and walks away from the ballpark while rubbing his back out of pain.

"Yeah, those are nice folks alright, stopping the game just to check on little ol' me."

The knight rolls his eyes as he sits down on a nearby park bench.

"Yeah, real nice guys. I'm not here to showcase how awful the civilians of NY are; they prove that by themselves. I'm still here to promote not only the King of the Ring tournament, but also to ask for support from all you future knights to destroy that piece of shit crown that Gilmour prides himself with. It's a massive eyesore and does fuck all for the company. Whatever Gilmour did with the crown won't matter anymore when that thing is gone. Hell, I'm probably going to destroy his portable toilet for all I care."

The knight snickers as he stretches out, trying to pop his back once again.

"Before I can even reach the crown to fucking destroy it, I have a few third round opponents to worry about. I know that the card lists about six people that could move on to the third round, but Rampant, Venomous, and Harley Jack are too much of sniveling cowards to even attempt to open their mouths. So I only have four people to worry about. I say worry, but I really mean 'briefly mention them as they did with me.' Don't worry, it shouldn't take too long for me to skim through them; you can continue with whatever you were doing after you listen to what I say."

He stretches once more and pops a few bones in his neck before speaking again.

"First off, we have the 'new and improved' Joey Hawkins. I never fought this guy before, nor has any of the roster, to my knowledge. From what I can get out of him, however, he's one of the few people that believe that Mastermind is a legitimate threat. While he isn't much of a laughing matter in the ring, anyone with any amount of skill can best him inside that ring. Sure, Tommy Gunn might have had something to do with that, but a victory is a victory, regardless people were involved or not. And you think that you're going to face him in the finals? You know, that probably would've made me laugh if it weren't for the fact you were being dead serious. That's just pathetic. You think you improved with the amount of time you've been away, huh Hawkins? The only way to prove that to be true is to make it past me. And if you think MM is a tough challenge, then you'll be a puddle not worth stepping on."

He grimaces slightly as he adjusts his sitting position.

"Now there's #82, the local thug of wrestling. Creo que eres un verdadero combate duro, ¿verdad? Crees que eres lo suficientemente resistente para cara mitad de los hombres que se reunieron en ese anillo? Dudar de ella. Quieres saber por qué? La mayoría de su competencia proviene de los coches que ha tratado de chatarra y la policía que trató de escapar. Usted nunca ha luchado contra un caballero bien, usted?"

The knight laughs a bit.

"Hay una primera vez para todo, esse. Solo espero que no sea la última."

He then smiles.

"You'd be surprised what you learn when wrestling in California. You might pick up a little something from there every once in a while."

The knight stretches again, still trying to pop some bones in his back, which doesn't work.

"And then we have Justin, another one of the TV title contenders coming up on Wednesday. Is he any good? Well he teamed up with Evertrust because he trusted in his abilities or whatever. Will Evertrust have something to do with his victory in the first round? Maybe, but I doubt it. I don't think Evertrust even wants anything to do with this tournament, even. Can't really say I blame him; there's nothing to be gained in this tournament other than the opportunity to wear that cardboard cutout of a crown. So, it looks like the Sane man is on his own in this case. Will he really be worthy of taking me out and advancing to the next round, possibly also in the five way coming up? It's a possibility, but Sane never even knocked me out in that steel cage. That was all Tank's doing, and he isn't really backing up his threats to do it again."

He chuckles as he stands up.

"Hell, the city around me is doing more damage than he ever could. What makes Sane think he will crush me in that tournament if he even faces me at all? He's only fought in one match in this federation, and that match was a tag team match! He's on his own in this one, and the odds that he'll be in the finals are slim after all the matches he'll be in.You could say the same for me, but I have a motive in this tourney. Not only do I have to prove that I'm a true combatant, I want to crush that crown Gilmour wears, rendering any sort of nobility that asshole has useless. It's only a just cause, and the Knight is here to make sure that cause is met."

He walks off, Cambot follows behind him not too far behind.



"Shut down."

The camera cuts to black.

Singles Win/Lose/Draw

Tag Win/Lose/Draw

“Knighthood lies above eternity; it does not live off fame, but rather deeds.” - Dejan Stojanovic

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