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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "WAR GAMES" PPV RP Board
A Pest and his Crucifixion.
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10-23-2014, 10:07 PM

Pest is seated outside on a park bench, there is a large crucifix behind him, and he looks a little worried. He is tossing rice to birds as he waits. Barbie was supposed to run to his place and bring something to him here. And Sayors was supposed to meet them both in five minutes. No sign of either of them. What if Sayors and Barbie met up early and had sex? He would have to kill Sayors. Rips the man's throat from his neck and beat him to death with it. Barbie was Pest's girl, and no one else's. How dare Sayors attempt to lay a hand on Barbie's perfect skin. Run his hands through her silky blonde hair. There will be none of that! Let any man who attempts to lay hands to Barbie be struck down where they stand! FOR HE IS A PEST, AND SHE IS HIS GIRL!

The feeling of fear was soon drained as Barbie came skipping up with her backpack in one hand and an Ice Cone in the other. She looked like Aphrodite herself walking the Earth, and Pest felt as if he was Zeus. He stood up and scowled at her. Careful to not let her know how deeply he feared she had strayed. Was this love? Did Pest truly love Barbie despite his bravado, and contempt for the world? No mind, he would have time enough for these thoughts later. For now, it was time to get to business. The words he spoke were slower than usual, and his voice more gravelly.

Mr. WGWF:Did you find it?

Barbie:Of course, silly. Did you miss me?

More than he could ever admit to her. To him, she was near flawless. Despite her getting too old. He would try and stay with her despite her age.

Mr. WGWF:Missing girls is for high school boys, and .

BarbieYou did miss me, Silly Bear. It's ok, James. I love you.

I love you, too Barbs. He thought. A lump was swallowed.

Mr. WGWF:Let's get ready. Sayors is walking up now.

She began to pull the contents out of her bag and lay them on the bench. Pest removed his shirt, and stood there in the middle of the park while Sayors approached. He looked confused.

Sayors:What's going on, Pest? You asked me to come out here with three nails, and a hammer. No explanation.

Mr. WGWF:You wanted to interview me for War Games. Well, you're going to help Barbie and I prepare. We'll speak as you do what I ask. Never question, just obey.

Sayors:Ok, I guess I can do that.

Pest slowly takes his tattered loafers off and sets them gingerly on the bench he once called home. He lowers his khakis and stands there in his underpants for the world to see him. Then without a word he kneels. Barbie pulls a whip out from the bag and hands it to Sayors, then she removes for herself a blackjack.

Sayors:What am I to do with this?

Mr. WGWF:Whip me. Beat me. Bloody me. And inquire as you do.

Barbie begins to send the blackjack into Pest's body, leaving marks all over his flesh. She tears up and gestures for Sayors to begin whipping. He follows the orders he's given. All the while Pest makes no sound. His face becomes twisted, but he remains a silent vigil.

Sayors:So, how do you feel about your team at War Games?

Mr. WGWF:I have yet to hear a peep from SWAT, and I promise you, if he does not chime in with something, I will ensure he does not make it out of the arena. As for Scully, Peter, and Simon, I'm proud of them. I have asked them to assist me in battle, and they have done gloriously. Scully asked me to come around and visit him, I had intended to, but I have been busy and lost track of time. You may not know this, Steven, but I have been purifying my body. It is a temple, and I intend to open these doors to cleanse the world. For, I am the God of Emptiness, and the world is too cluttered. I will save it through Chaos.

Barbie sends the blackjack into the top of Pest's head. Blood begins to trickle down by his ears.

Sayors:Interesting. Care to speak on your opponents?

Mr. WGWF:Which one in particular?

Sayors:McBride? You seem to be targeting him specifically. Anything to add to him?

Mr. WGWF:No, I've spoken to the coward, and he has ignored my calls. He is afraid of me, and it will come back to him.

Sayors:Ok, well, what of Ezekiel?

Mr. WGWF:Oh, yes, the AIDs boy. Has he maintained anything worth following? I assume he dribbled out his usual claims of being the best, being attractive, and how he does not lose all the time. So, I don't feel there's much need to counter it. It is apparent that the man is a fool, and he has lost all ability to speak save those words on repeat. Perhaps it is not AIDs that ails the boy, but late stage Syphilis. He should be tested immediately.

Barbie takes the Dildo Crown off of Pest's head, and sets it on the bench.

Sayors:What is she doing?

Mr. WGWF:Do not question this scenario, just keep whipping me and asking your questions.

Sayors:Ok, Mastermind. Do you have anything to say to him?

Mr. WGWF:He's fired his Salvos, and they have missed the mark 100 percent of the time. I stand here unscathed by his words. I find it abysmal that the man continues to use these terms as if they imbue him with some sort of sophistication or intellect. The man is nowhere near the level he believes he is. If success were a dinner table, he would be begging for scraps at the children's table. Hoping a benevolent master will drop just a small fraction of a morsel of the Thanksgiving Turkey. HIT ME HARDER YOU FOOLS!

Sayors continues to whip, Pest's back is torn and bloody. The look of pain on his face is now replaced with one of steadfast resolve. Barbie pulls out a crown of thorns and places it on his head. She begins to thwack it into place with her blackjack, Driving it deeper in the skull of the God of Emptiness. Blood continues to pour down his face, and into his eyes.

Sayors:Vinnie Lane?

Mr. WGWF:Has the man spoke of me? Has he not been preoccupied with my imitation Hobbit? Fine, I shall address him. It's a fool's quest to focus on one man so heartily in a multi-man battle, but that would describe Crybaby to the T. The man is nothing short of Don Quixote chasing Windmills thinking they are Dragons. I will allow the invalid to chase his windmills, and I will laugh. Do not expect me to step in on the behalf of either of them, Simon and I do not like each other, and I do hide the fact. Jane and I dislike each other immensely, or rather, he writes angry poems about me in his Die-Ary. It's almost as if he has a school girl crush on me. Barbie writes about me in her diary as well, only she praises me. But none the less, she writes of me often. Much the same as how Jane cannot keep my name out of his mouth. It's almost time, Steven. Are you prepared?

Sayors:I am not. But I will assist you. Mostly because you scare me. Do you have anything for Gator?

Mr. WGWF:Jacob Woods? What is to say? He has barely spoken of me as well. Much like his foolish partner, he has chosen to ignore almost everyone save for Simon. It's a tragedy. I thought he to be the smart one on the team, but alas, I was mistaken. Tragedy strikes the team of Philistines. Now, lower the cross. I will lay upon it as Jesus before me.

Barbie and Sayors begin to work the Cross on the ground. It goes down with a thud, and Pest finally stands before walking slowly to the cross. He does not waiver, wobble, or fumble. He approaches the Cross, and lays upon it. Arms spread, and feet tucked upon each other.

Mr. WGWF:Now, Steven, I want you to nail me in as if I was Christ your Lord prepared to die for you.


Mr. WGWF:I did not haver, I spoke plainly. You are to nail me to this cross, and hoist me to the Heavens. If you do not, Barbie has assured me that you will be next to me on the second one I had brought. Now, drive the nails into my flesh. I will not scream, and I will not cry.

Sayors fell to his knees beside Pest's left hand and placed a nail on the palm preparing to drive it in.

Mr. WGWF:NO! What are you doing?!

Sayors:You told me to. Were you kidding?

Mr. WGWF:No, I was being quite serious. But do not drive it into my palms. Drive the nails into my wrists. Do it correctly, or do not do it at all.

Sayors moves the nail over to the wrist, and began to drive it through Pest's flesh. True to his word, he did not cry, nor did he whimper. Solemnly he started down Steven and watched as the two nails went into his flesh. When Sayors had finished he looked at Pest holding up the last nail.

Sayors:One nail, and two feet.

Mr. WGWF:I'd advise you to drive the nail in through the tops of my feet, into the arches, and into the wood. One on top of the other. It's the easiest way.

Without speaking, Sayors began to nail Pest's feet the way he had requested. Tears forming at the eyes of the man assigned to interview the greats. When it was done he looked at the nailed Pest.

Sayors:Now what?

Mr. WGWF:Now, you and Barbie raise me to the Heavens. You ask one more question. The one you've wanted answered since the beginning of our dance, and then you part with me. We shall meet again, eventually my friend.

Sayors:What question is that?

Mr. WGWF:The Ultimate one that you've oft wondered in my presence. The one you've been too afraid to answer. Think on it as you lift me. And do not shirk in your duties, Steven. I must be fully erect in the sky for this to work. Do not giggle, Barbie, for this is a serious matter.

Sayors silently moves behind Pest's head, and assists in raising him to the skies. It takes the strength of the two torturers, plus the camera man to get Pest in the ground properly, and when he is Barbie begins to tear up.

Mr. WGWF:Do not cry, Barbie. I am not dead. No, like Christ the Savior, I am just standing here admiring the view. Now, ask that question, Steven. Mark it as possibly your last.

Sayors:Why? Why all of this? The Crucifixion. The crown, the seething hatred? All of it?

Mr. WGWF:I know of no other way, Steven. I exude hatred like a man perspires. I was fed hatred as a child, I was fed hatred as an adult. And when my daughter was born, I fed her hatred. When she ended her life at 16, I carried her hatred with me. The crucifixion is the only way I know to purify this world. I must purify it. And I like the Dildo Crown. You've got your answer, now please leave. Barbie and I must speak.

Sayors turned and left Pest to dangle in the air. Barbie walked around to face Pest, tears streaming from her eyes.

Barbie:James, baby. This is too much. We have to get you down.

Mr. WGWF:No, I must stay here. The life will not drain from me, I shall stand in the ring tomorrow night and claim victory. Wipe your eyes and look at me.

She does as she's told.

Mr. WGWF:I will be back. I promise. I need you to go, and not come back to this spot. Promise me that you will not return here.

Barbie:I promise. I will not return here. Do you love me, James?

He turns his head to the sky. He knows the answer, but he dare not speak the words.

Mr. WGWF:What do you think?

She whimpers a little and then turns to leave. Never looking back. He whispers silently.

Mr. WGWF:Of course, you silly girl.

She thinks she hears his answer, but does not turn around to verify. Just goes into the sunset carrying his crown.

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