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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "WAR GAMES" PPV RP Board
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LH Harrison Offline
The Inspiration of the XWF

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

10-22-2014, 09:27 PM

The theme song transitions to LH Harrison sitting in the armchair of a quaint little living room with green wallpaper, short carpet, two armchairs with a couch between them. A small table is set-up in front of the couch and has a couple of red candles sitting it with three wicks each. The candle on the right side of the table is lit and a smell of pine fills the room. Alongside the left side of the room is a doorway leading into the kitchen and a small table along the wall beside the door. The back wall has a bookshelf on it packed full of books and picture frames showing what seem to be taped together pictures of Team Victory Forever together. There is a staircase leading to the second floor to the back right side of the room with the front door at end of the staircase. LH Harrison is sitting in the right armchair. He leans down and takes in a whiff of the candle and smiles to himself. He leans back and extends the leg rest while reading his newspaper. Venomous comes down the stairs whistling to himself. He goes to the opposite armchair and stops whistling when he notices the candle. He looks at the candle and looks up at LH then back at the candle then back to LH.

[The laugh track begins chuckling more and more as he switches his viewpoint.]

He finally clears his throat. LH doesn’t look up from his paper. He clears his throat again and LH still doesn’t notice him. Venomous sits up and clears his throat extremely loudly.

[The laugh track starts up again, neither person hearing it.]

LH lowers his paper and leg rest.

Yes, Michael?

I told you, it’s Venomous!

Okay, Venomous. What do you want that you’re pulling me away from the Funny Pages?

Venomous looks at LH and then looks down at the candle indicating it with his hands. LH Harrison cocks an eyebrow and shrugs.

What about the candle? I can’t light a candle in my own house?

Venomous looks a little worried as he examines the smell and flame.

How are you going to hide it from her?

Her? Oh you mean Jessica? My wife? Why would I hide it from her?

You know she said not to light it up until December!

But who’s house is this, V?

Her h-

LH shoots daggers in his direction with his eyes.

Alright, alright! It’s your place.

That’s better. I’ll light whatever I want in my house.

LH Harrison goes back to his paper as Venomous looks at him as if he’s a moron. Suddenly a head emerges from behind the armchair. The shaved head of a young gentleman pops up slowly. He smirks as he looks down at the unassuming LH Harrison.



LH leaps from his chair and knocks over the candle in the process! The candle rolls to the floor, but Harrison catches it burning his hand in the process! He yells as he pushes the candle onto the table. Maverick is still standing behind the chair laughing his butt off at LH Harrison. LH Harrison sucks on the burn as he turns around to look at the doctor incredulously.

[The laugh track is going crazy as the silliness ensues!]

What in hell was that all about? You can’t just frighten me like that!

The Avatar of Perfection smiles as he regains his composure.

Hey man I’m just kidding. I just wanted to introduce myself to the team. I’m Maverick and I’m a former X-Treme Champion! And no. I didn’t shit on the title.

Venomous looks at him out of the side of his eyes very cautiously.

How could you desecrate a title belt like that?

Maverick looks at him with his mouth slightly open. He throws his arms up and shakes his head.

Didn’t I just say that I didn’t do that? It was X-PAC! Jeez…

[The laughing track cuts up.]

Now I just want to get along with you guys so we can win this thing. I lead my last team to…


Maverick looks at LH in disbelief. He slowly shakes his head and Maverick looks a little disappointed.

It’s true that we did lose, but did you see those losers I was saddled with? Bryan James who can barely speak English, Scully who is good but got beat by Shawn Michaels, and that damn rookie. He barely even showed up! Now do you team with the guy who DIDN’T shit on the title or what?

LH Harrison looks at him strangely but as he goes to respond…


The front door flies open! In walks Morbid Angel wearing a suit…. Well a remnant of a suit. The jacket has the sleeves removed completely and the white button down shirt has the sleeves cut off at the elbows and is unbuttoned three buttons from the top. He walks in with his briefcase with the logo TEAM VICTORY FOREVER imprinted on it. He yells!


Morbid Angel’s eyes look around the room and they stop at Venomous. Morbid stares wildly at him

Morbid Angel-”Didn’t I trade you to that mother[BEEP]]ing Theo Pryce for a bag of skittles?”

Venomous looks at Morbid with insult in his eyes.

Venomous-”He turned you down, remember? I mean, skittles? Really? I thought I was worth more that that…”

Morbid Angel puts his briefcase on the coffee table and looks at Venomous once more.

Morbid Angel-”A Snickers, perhaps…nothing more.”

Venomous stands up and points at Morbid Angel with no ill intentions

Venomous-”You should learn how to give other people chances. I could be great!”

Morbid Angel-”You could be…BUT! Why risk it…”

Morbid Angel opens up the briefcase and pulls out stacks of papers. They were contracts. He quickly hands one to Harrison and Maverick. Harrison starts to read out loud.

LH Harrison-”I, LH Harrison. Here do swear allegiance to the team Victory Forever, formally known as the Adolfs’ Hitler’s. To fight to the death to destroy any who stand in our way to greatness. If for some reason I, LH Harrison, do not win and survive the battle against the chosen team of Theo Pryce. I will release my earnings of current $29,000 to Team Theo Pryce within 24 hours of failure.

These terms are non negotiable and will not be changed for any reason. Blah, blah, blah. And it goes on and one…Sigh, initial and drip blood…the normal things.”

Morbid Angel hands over a pen and a knife to Harrison. An evil smile crawls across his face as Harrison signs the Paper.

Morbid Angel-”Don’t forget to Sign the last two pages…they are very important.”

Harrison quickly scribbles the last few pages and hands back the paperwork. Morbid let’s out a deep bellowing laugh that could shake the house!

He hands Maverick a pen and knife and watches as he as well Signs the contract and hands it back over! Morbid quickly digs through the briefcase looking for an extra contract for Venomous…but there was none to be had. Morbid had only drawn up a contract for LH Harrison, Maverick, D’ville and Gein. Gein isn’t even on the team! He stayed with Team Theo! So, in a moment of desperation he takes Gein’s contract out and reaches into his pocket for a Sharpie and crosses out any mention of Gein and makes the easy amendments and hands it over.

Venomous isn’t very happy but he gets his contract which means he gets a chunk of the riches! He knows the story of Morbid Angel. He is an evil, deceitful man who will stab you in the back to get ahead. These things are known well. He also knows that Morbid Angel is not one who wants to lose and this contract means that he is under the protection of one of the most dangerous men in the XWF. Morbid Angel, the undefeated! Now, Venomous is apart of a team that cannot lose!

He quickly fills in his parts and drips the blood to make the pact complete! Morbid quickly locks the contracts in his briefcase.

Morbid Angel-”Where’s D’ville?”

LH Harrison-”He should be here soon.”

Morbid Angel-”You feel that?

Venomous-”Feel what?”

Morbid Angel-”That empty feeling?”

Maverick-”No…can’t say I feel empty.”

Morbid Angel-”Any kind of oddness?”

LH Harrison-”Well, now that you mention it. I do feel a little stuffed up. This weather is killing me!”

Morbid Angel lets out a loud laugh that could shake the house.

Morbid Angel-”All your souls belong to ME! HAHAHAHAHAHA!”

[audience “OOH’s”]

Morbid whips around looking for the noise.

Morbid Angel-”What the f[BEEP] was that? Sounded like…like…PEOPLE!?!?!”

LH Harrison walks over to Morbid.

LH Harrison-”What did you mean when you said “All our souls belong to you.”?”

Morbid Angel-”I mean exactly what it sounded like! If we win I get all the money and you sold me your souls to work with me…simple. Don’t lose or you’ll be living in a box…NOW! What the hell was that?”

LH Harrison-”What was what? I didn’t hear anything.”

Morbid Angel-”Don’t you try and play game’s with me! I don’t like games…unless it’s Parcheesi and I don’t even like that game much.”

[crowd laughter]

Morbid’s eyes shot wide open as he hears laughing.

Morbid Angel-”I KNOW I HEARD THAT! WHAT THE F[BEEP] IS GOING ON HERE! Heyman! Is that you?! I know you’re out there! Playing tricks on me because you are jealous?! I KICKED YOU OUT OF HEAVEN FOR A REASON! Simple rules! NO JEWS ALLOWED! Now, show yourself before I get…Godlike!”

LH took a deep sigh before continuing. Finally, he shouted at the top of his lungs, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! IT ISN'T ENOUGH THAT WE COULD POSSIBLY DIE DOING THIS MATCH?! AND LOSE OUR CASH?! I MEAN, A ROOFTOP MATCH?! YOU ALSO HAVE TO TAKE OUR SOULS?!"

Morbid, while still anxious to find out where that laughter had come from, turned to LH. "Nope, it isn't enough. I have to be sure that I get ALL THE MONEY! And what's wrong with a rooftop match? They have just as much of a chance to die as much as we do! In fact, they have even more of a chance, as this is Theo's first match in a looong while, not to mention his last pick, Gein, hasn't even wrestled a match at f[BEEP]ing all! Now then! HEYMAN! I KNOW THAT IS YOU! SHOW YOURSELF!"

LH then gets up in Morbid's face. Morbid is taken back a bit, but then smiles and steps forward in LH's face. LH said, "I can't believe you made these deals for this money and our souls. It's repugnant. You're so greedy that you need to take out souls so you get all the money and control us?!"

Morbid responded, "Yep, that's right. But don't worry! As long as we win- which we will! VICTORY FOREVER!- then the person who did the best in this match will get the MVP earnings! Most likely it'll be me, but you never know! But, what are you gonna do about it?"

LH cocked his fist back. "Well, maybe I'll--"


Both men turned to their side, where they saw Maverick, getting in between Morbid and LH.

"We need to stop this. We won't have a chance of beating Team Theo if we're fighting ourselves. In fact, we'd be more likely to die falling off the rooftops, and Morbid went through a freakin' Iron Maiden and lived to tell the tale!" Maverick said, breaking the two teammates apart.

Morbid, flexing his over-sized biceps, said, "Hell yeah! I'm the Morbigod!"

"My point is, that while it may be wrong to steal all the money for yourself, Morbid, there's a lot more on the line than money. Let's not forget, we're going up against two main eventers in Pryce and Cain, not to mention solid up- and- comers in Monolith and Gein."

Venomous cocked his eyebrow a bit. "What about Proxy?"

"What ABOUT Proxy?" the Avatar of Perfection responded. "He's only point about him is that he's good with weapons. He needs to be after all, he's a hit man. But, there's no weapons in this match. We're stranded on a rooftop, after all! And Morbid, don't get yourself worked up about the laughter. You're probably just experiencing side effects from the steroids."

Morbid looks at him angry for a minute, thinks on it, and then flexes with a big satisfied smile on his face.

[The laughing track cuts up again.]

Morbid looks directly ahead as he jiggles his man-breasts with his eyes squinted in suspicion.

LH, still mad, sighed, "Whatever. I'm not going to associate myself with a madman who's reaping our spoils of cash. I'm outta here." LH then stormed out into his backyard, despite Morbid's continued protests of, "Wait! You can't leave us! I'm the Morbigod! I just reaped your soul!"

LH Harrison walks over the fence and leans against it as he shakes his head. He notices a white bowler hat across the tall fence.

What are you doing, Wilson?

Below the hat, a glass eye peers up over the fence at Harrison. The potent smell of cigar smoke lingers over the fence as well.

"Heidy-ho, my friend!"

LH's head shoots up. "D'Ville?!"

"Indeed. Tell me, Mister Harrison, something seems to be troubling you. What could it be?"

LH steps back away from the fence cautiously. The history between LH Harrison and the Doctor was brief, but certainly exists.

"Well, Doc... The freakshow inside... Morbid taking full control of the team, putting our cash on the line, and even putting our lives on the line! Who does he think he is anyway?"

"A lack of faith in our captain's decisions, my friend? Hm. Interesting."

The Doctor laughs a bit as he continues to peer at LH Harrison over the fence.

"Morbid Angel's ego seems to be on steroids as well. I wouldn't worry to much about death or your money, Mister Harrison. I have much confidence in our alliance."

LH scratches the back of his head. "I'm confident too. But when we're led by a complete loose cannon... It just seems we have a few leaks."

"A few leaks? If anything, we have a few weak links, not leaks. However, Maverick is here is he not? Venomous is present. Those two men share the same desire as we all do. Morbid has his own issues with Pryce that surely originated long before War Games. Judging by the fact our team was targeted almost immediately following the draft, I believe Pryce has similar issues with our captain. It was never a concern of mine who we drew as our opponents. In my opinion, we are the strongest team going into the Pay-Per-View. Any team that decided to come after us, would follow the same fate as any other. Victory Forever, my friend."

LH nods. "Victory Forever, Doc!"

The back door to the house swings open and Morbid storms out nearly taking the door and part of the frame with him.

"Did I just hear someone say, VICTORY FOREVER?!?!"

LH puts his guard up for a moment then let's it down.

"The Doc showed up."

Morbid looks down over the fence as he towers of it and the two men.

"HA! What the fuck?! Are you two having a moment or what?! Fucking queers!"

[Laugh Track]

"What the fu-- Godammit!!!"

The Doctor vanishes behind the fence and appears behind LH.

"Just talking a bit of strategy, my captain! Mister Harrison seemed a bit concerned over your decision making skills as our leader. I believe we can settle this."

"You don't fucking like the way I run my team, bitch?!"

"I already told you! From your contract, to your stipulations, to the roof of the Joe Louis Arena! Who do you think you are?!"


The Doctor stands aside and watches the two continue to argue face to face. Morbid Angel towers over LH Harrison and continues to scream.

"If you don't like the way I do things, you can FUCK OFF PUSSY! You don't want Victory Forever, then so be it! Go join another team of scrubs and enjoy losing! You fucking--"

The Doctor has finally had enough. He tosses his lit cigar into the air and it makes a loud pop as it reaches it's highest point. The sound was loud enough it sounded like a gunshot. Venomous and Maverick run outside after hearing the sound.

Mav- "What the hell was that?!"

Venomous- "Yeah, what was that?! We thought someone was shot!"

The two men see the Doctor standing to one side the Morbid Angel and LH Harrison still facing each other.

Doc- "Just a minor grievance between our fellow teammates, my friends. Fear not, the issue is being resolved. Right now."

"FUCK YOU D'VILLE! I don't know who you think you are, but I'M THE CAPTAIN! AND THIS IS MY TEAM!! WHAT I SAY GUH---"

The Doctor makes a "shooshing" motion and Morbid's voice seems to have left him. He continues to attempt to speak, but no sound comes out. Morbid Angel becomes extremely enraged and heads back towards the house. He picks up two large metal garbage cans by each hand and throws them nearly fifty feet into the air. The two cans come crashing down around his team mates.

Mav- "How the fuck...?"

Doc- "My friends. Ever since our fearless... quite outspoken leader drafted me onto his team, it was guaranteed victory. You should all feel very lucky to be standing where you are right now. You have the longest reigning Universal Champion..."

The Doctor points over to Morbid Angel, he ends his "roid-rage" by flexing his massive biceps at the group.

Doc- "You have Mister Harrison, who has been a consistent part of Monday Madness for the past few months."

The Doctor holds his hand out towards LH Harrison who responds with a nod.

Doc- "The two of you may be new here, but you Maverick, have already made your own impact in the XWF. If getting under people's skin is in your nature, you'll do well. I've found you doing just that in your previous matches. Your only downfall, came from an elimination tag team match. Which, in my opinion, could have ended in multiple ways. As for you Venomous. What a welcome you will have here in the XWF. Not only will you be working with top talent immediately, but the match itself should show everyone what to expect from you in your future here."

The Doctor lights up another cigar and takes a long drag from it.

Doc- "And then of course, you have me. Doctor Louis D'Ville! I've made my presence known here since my debut a few short months ago. Mister Harrison could surely vouch for me a bit, if it's necessary. I believe you are all familiar with how I do things around here. I've fought champions, won two battle royals, and continue to receive attention from some of the top talent here. I do not believe in failure or lack of effort, so keep that in mind leading up to the war just around the corner. When we are victorious, all of us will reap the rewards. If one of you lead to us failing, don't think it will stop there. You will never live it down, I can assure you. Now, as stand here together, I leave you with one final thought. If you'd kindly say it with me, VICTORY FOREVER!!"

Team Victory Forever- "VICTORY FOREVER!!!"

The five men stand in a circle and as one they chant.

[Image: yA7XLDP.png]

[Image: f9wsBWb.jpg]
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