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Wednesday Night Warfare (3/20/13)
Author Message
Wallace Witasick Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
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03-21-2013, 09:09 AM

[Image: kQDFZ.jpg]

Wednesday Night Warfare

Ladies and Gentlemen we welcome you to another addition of Wednesday Night Warfare!

The crowd erupts in a large standing ovation as the X-tron turns on and inside Wallace Witasick's office sits both Wallace and across from him the United States Champion Mark Flynn. Tyrone stares on in the distance, as usual, awaiting any sudden movements from Flynn. The camera zooms in as the crowd still stands anxiously awaiting this conversation, only now without the roar of sound as they remain silent to hear the conversation.

Wallace Witasick: "Yes Mark I'm telling you, go out there and air your grievances. I heard you complaining in Singapore about how you get little to no recognition.

Mark Flynn: "You want ME to go out there and tell all those people who hate me why I'm the best the XWF has to offer? To antagonize the crowd and rile up YOUR fans Wallace?"

Wallace Witasick: "Yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you...."

Mark Flynn: "I never thought I'd ever tell you this Wally, but thanks, I would love nothing more than to be an annoying and pompous ass to piss off you and the fans. I am the 'Most hated man in the XWF' for a reason, ya know?

Witasick smiles and with the nod of his head urges Flynn to proceed down to the ring to start off Warfare with an enlightening speech. Flynn is met with a chorus of boos from the fans whom he politely bows to before entering the ring, mic in hand..

Mark Flynn: Hello Michigan!

The crowd boos again.

Mark Flynn: It is my pleasure to introduce to you, the greatest wrestler in XWF history, current United States Champion, and full time pain in General Manager Wallace Witasick's side...


Mark Fu...

Before Flynn can pronounce the defamatory word the X-tron turns on randomly and begins flashing a strange static. Finally, a video starts to play....

burst of pyro is heard and Mark Flynn is startled. He looks up toward the X-Tron which is now engulfed in flames...

From underneath the mat slides.....


He was hiding underneath the ring this entire time waiting for Flynn!

Flynn is still watching speechless at the video as Duke enters the ring from behind Flynn. When he does get inside the ring he grabs Flynn by the throat...


Choke slam in the middle of the ring...

Flynn goes down hard...

Duke gets down on one knee and whispers something in Flynn's ear...

11 Days......

The X-tron cuts back to Wallace Witasick smiling and rubbing his hands together menacingly. Surely he must have known this was about to happen.

Steve Davids
- vs -
Owen Crooks
- vs -
'The Freak' Mike Rhodes
Triple Threat -- One Fall

Mike Rhodes and Owen Crooks are already waiting patiently for their final opponent to come down to the ring and get this edition of Warfare started off with a bang.

'What I've Done' by Linkin Park blares over the loudspeakers and As his music hits the lights flicker briefly as Steve Davids makes his way out of the shadows with his head and arms held high. Davids struts down the ramp focusing directly on the ring in order to remain concentrated. Grabbing the middle rope he pulls himself onto the ring apron before climbing into the ring and starting to punch the air in front of him as if to prepare for the fight about to happen.

The bell rings and the three opponents begi circling the ring awaiting the first strike. Crooks attacks Mike Rhodes first by spearing him into the turnbuckle, but unfortunately for that idiot he just committed a cardinal sin of letting his guard down in a triple threat match as both him and Rhodes are laid out in the corner. Davids approaches them both and lifts Crooks to his feet first. He then unleashes a vicious Fireman's carry slam that renders Crooks nearly unconscious.

Davids then turns his attention to Rhodes who was bleeding already in the corner.

Belly to Belly suplex to Rhodes who was now also completely out of it as well.

Davids stands to taunt the crowd as he has obviously taken a huge advantage here in our opener. Looking very strong while his opponents lay around on the mat like a bunch of losers.

Crooks gets up and approaches Davids again, who was waiting for him and taunting him the entire time. After Crooks is hit in the face with three devastating punches he is locked into position and set up for...

SHOCKWAVE!!! (Cradle Neckbreaker)

Davids has already hit his finishing maneuver in this match on Crooks as Rhodes comes to his feet and approaches the action. Davids points to the audience and Rhodes for some reason looks. He grabs a hold of Rhodes and performs yet another...


Two finishers in one match, both men laid out in the ring as Davids stands above Rhodes.. Might as well pin him..

He puts his foot on top of Rhodes chest while both men lay on the ground whimpering...




Winner: Steve Davids.

The rookie looked rather intimidating in his debut this evening, although putting away two jobbers is easy. We look forward to seeing more of his man in action in the XWF arena here on future episodes of Warfare when he gets tested by some higher talents!

Sweet Cheapshots
- vs -
Sin Gambit
Standard Rules

RING ANNOUNCER: "The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first and making his way to the ring from Sheffield, England... SIN GAMBIT!!!"

The crowd gives a lukewarm response as Gambit slides in under the ropes and rolls his neck a few times as he tries to get loose.

RING ANNOUNCER: "And his opponent, from Los Angeles California..."

The lights in the arena go out as smoke begins to fill the stage. The first sounds of “Can You Hear Me Now?” by Downstait come blasting over the P.A. As the main guitar riff kicks in, several blue spotlights begin to search the darkened arena for something or someone.

RING ANNOUNCER: "Sweeeeet Cheapshots!!!"

The camera pans down to find The Cheap One on stage. He stares out into the crowd, giant smirk on his face. He turns around and extends his arms wide as he yells to get himself fired up. Cheapshots then begins to head towards the ring running his mouth about something the entire way.

As he approaches the ring steps, he runs a hand through his hair and flings the excess water onto a nearby fan. He walks up the stairs and around the apron, where he hooks his arms over the top ropes. Then he runs up to the turnbuckle where he shields his eyes from the bright lights as he tries to peer into the audience, then waves them off as if he can't be bothered.

Bell rings.

The two circle around feeling each other out and then meet in the middle for a lock-up. Cheapshots uses his strength to push Gambit into the corner. He lets go of the lock-up and backs away slowly...

Suddenly, Cheapshots comes running with a clothesline, but Gambit slips out of the way, and Cheapshots catches himself in time. He turns, slightly furious to Gambit across the ring giving a shrug of his shoulders.

The two circle each other again, lock-up, and Cheapshots is quick to put an armbar on Sin Gambit.

Gambit -- moving quickly -- drops down to his back, then kips up and reverses to put the armbar onto Cheapshots now and then rolls him out onto his back.

Gambit closes back in and sends Cheapshots off the ropes, but on the rebound Cheapshots catches himself to hang onto the rope, just missing an incoming attack.

He slips out of the ring and over to the announce table. He takes a breather and asks if he can have a sip of water, but doesn't wait for a reply as he cracks open a bottle of poland springs and gives a quick chug.

The crowd lets him have it as he slides back into the ring. The two competitors circle back around each other, but Cheapshots reaches out quickly, and takes Gambit off his feet with a quick take-down.

It's time for a little more showboating as Cheapshots does a little strut around the ring as the crowd starts to boo. "What?" he asks the crowd with a smirk on his face.

Once again, the two circle around, Cheapshots closes in for another lock-up, but Gambit catches him in an arm drag takeover -- Cheapshots back to his feet -- and Gambit catches him again with another arm drag!

Cheapshots backs himself up into the corner, but Gambit follows and sends Cheapshots off the ropes. On the rebound, Cheapshots hits Gambit with a shoulder block -- yells in fury - and runs toward the opposite ropes.

He jumps over a rolling Gambit, rebounds, Gambit leapfrogs over and off the second rebound Cheapshots jumps -- but Sin catches Cheapshots by the leg -- and falls backwards planting Cheapshots on his face! Ouch!

The Cheap One stumbles up next to the ropes, but here comes Gambit and he clotheslines Cheapshots out of the ring.

Cheapshots is down and tries to roll to his feet. Gambit approaches the ropes and catapults himself over the ropes onto Cheapshots--!!

Both men are laid out, but Gambit gets back to his feet first, and he's walking a little gingerly. He may have tweaked his knee on that landing.

Gambit rolls Cheapshots back into the ring and snaps on an armbar that keeps Cheapshots grounded.

Not for long though, Cheapshots back to his feet, and he pushes Gambit backwards into the ropes and sends his opponent running. Cheapshots tries for a clothesline -- misses! -- and on the rebound Gambit tries for a cross-body, but Cheapshots wisely dives out of the way and Gambit gets all tangled up into the ropes.

Cheapshots with the cover --




Cheapshots springs back to his feet as Gambit is still down. He's holding what looks to be his collarbone after getting all tangled in the ropes.

Cheapshots goes for a stroll around the ring, big grin on his face. He walks back over and hits a wild jumping elbow--!

Gambit rolls onto his side, and Cheapshots drops down and plants his feet under Gambit's back and starts to do sit-ups.

"One!" he yells. The crowd starts to boo.




Cheapshots gets back to his feet and looks out at the crowd. He's really pleased with himself. "I could've done more," he says.

Gambit is trying to find his footing now, but Cheapshots is there to send him into the turnbuckle with a hard irish-whip. Gambit crashes into the turnbuckle and falls face first onto the mat.

Cheapshots starts to stroll the ring again. "Who is this guy?" he asks the crowd and they respond with another rounds of boos.

Cheapshots pulls Gambit back to his feet and tries for a swinging neck-breaker, but Gambit quickly reverses it into a roll-up pin--!




Both men back to their feet quickly, but Cheapshots is a hair quicker and hits Gambit with a running dropkick that takes Gambit off his feet.

Cheapshots puts Gambit in a side headlock and would you believe this guy is still running his mouth?

Cheapshots showing a bit of a ground game now as he turns the headlock into a one arm chicken wing, and he's really applying the pressure.

But, here's Gambit, struggling back to his feet. Cheapshots drives a couple knees to his gut for his trouble. Then, he's sending Gambit off the ropes with an irish-whip. He lowers his head for the back-body-drop and -- no!

Gambit grabs Cheapshots head, jumps, and smashes him face first into the canvas.

Gambit moves to the corner to get positioning, and Cheapshots comes running full force, but Gambit greets him with a boot to the face. As his opponent stumbles away Gambit stands up tall on the second rope.

Cheapshots turns -- missile dropkick from Gambit!

Cheapshots scatters to the corner, but Gambit isn't going to let him get face and he connects with a running jumping clothesline.

The Cheap One falls all the way to the bottom rung of the turnbuckle.

Gambit sees an opening, he starts to line up the kill shot...

He comes running for the knee to the face --


Gambit whacks that bad knee on the bottom turnbuckle and he's howling in pain now as he walks into --


Sweet Cheapshots with the cover --



3!!! Cheapshots picks up the win here tonight and hopefully that will give him momentum going forward.

WINNER: Sweet Cheapshots

World-1 International
- vs -
Stalker Knight
Standard Rules

Steve Sayors: Well, we're all set for our next match...Stalker Knight's theme is playing on the PA system, but there's no sign of the 300-pounder...just music...and...what's that?

Liz Weinberg: The ring is filling up with purple smoke...! What is this, some kind of terrorist attack or something?

Steve Sayors: The power went out in the building! Everything's gone black--! Wait...the lights are back on...and there's Stalker Knight...looming in the middle of the ring!

Liz Weinberg: Stalker Knight versus World 1-International, geez, I wonder how this one is going to turn out...think the guy with an actual name and twice the size and muscle mass just might be the slight favorite?

Steve Sayors: Don't count World 1-International out, Liz...he's been pretty impressive so far...

Liz: Impressive? He hasn't won one single, solitary match!

Steve: That's true, Liz, but each match he's had, he's wowed audiences and opponents alike with his daredevil high-flying....

Liz: Yeah, give me a break! What's one single, solitary thing he's ever done to distinguish himself? Heck, I don't even think he's gonna show up for the match tonight...

Steve Sayors: Do you notice all those fans pointing up towards the ceiling? I wonder what that's all about...wait, is there somebody up there....? Someone's about to jump! Oh my--

World 1-International drops from the rafters like a comet, crashing into the 300-pound Stalker Knight with a moonsault!

Steve Sayors: Moonsault from the rafters! Moonsault from the rafters! The referee is signalling for the bell, he's making the count...there's 1....2....Stalker Knight's foot is on the ropes...that was almost a record-breaking victory by World 1-International!

Liz Weinberg: I. Don't. Believe it.

Steve Sayors: Stalker Knight now with the clothesline...World 1-International baseball slides beneath it...drop-kick to the big man...presses off into a somersault...landing on the top turnbuckle...flying heel-kick off the top! Stalker Knight goes down! Standing shooting star-press by World 1-International...! Liz, are you okay?

Liz Weinberg: I need new contacts? Did someone spike my coffee? Am I going INSANE? I could've sworn I saw a moonsault from the rafters a few minutes ago...

Steve Sayors: World 1-International off the ropes, a the pin....? No! Stalker Knight got his shoulder up at the last possible instant! I thought he was a goner!

Liz Weinberg: Did I really, actually see somebody drop from the RAFTERS into a MOONSAULT????

Steve Sayors: World 1-International up to the top turnbuckle in a single bound...comes off with a twisting body-press...STALKER KNIGHT COUNTERS WITH A SPEAR OUT OF NOWHERE! 300-POUNDS OF MUSCLE JUST CRASHED INTO WORLD 1-INTERNATIONAL LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN!

Now both men lay down on the mat breathing heavily before Stalker Knight begins climbing to his feet first. He smashes a fist over his back which keeps World-1 from pulling himself up via the ropes. Stalker Knight then flings World-1 into the turnbuckle after lifting him to his feet. Soaring off the turnbuckle World 1 ducks a clotheslline...

Soaring back again he connects with one of his own. A very powerful clothesline necessary to snd Stalker Knight to the mat. World-1 climbs the turnbuckles quickly again as Knight starts to rise to his feet before getting hit with a massive spinning shooting star press!!!

This time I think World-1 has done it as he goes for the cover.




Winner: World-1 International.

Congratulations on picking up his first victory in XWF goes to World-1 International for this affair. Still plenty of Warfare to come folks, you don't want to miss it!

Sebastian Duke
- vs -
Man Preaching Nothing
Standard Rules

Both Man Preaching Nothing and Sebastian Duke are standing in the ring, glaring at eachother. The bell's about to be rung when lightning flashes with a thoud CLAP of thunder and Duke smirks at MPN, playing some early head games.

Now the bell does ring, and MPN runs at Duke, but is taken down with a huge clothesline to start off this match. Duke lifts MPN up and hits him with a front suplex, which drops MPN right onto his face and chest, taking out a lot of his strength already, as he slams into the canvas. MPN rolls onto his back, with his hands covering his face in pain. Duke hits him with an elbow drop, and then a second, this time staying down and laying across MPN's chest for a cover.



Duke picks MPN back up, setting up a suplex, but before Duke can lift him off his feet, MPN counters with six rapid punches to the upper jaw. He drags duke to the turnbuckle by his hair, for which the referee gets in MPN's face, and MPN yells "I'm doing it my way" back at the ref. MPN groggies Duke up a bit with a roundhouse kick in the turnbuckle! He then lifts Duke into a seated position on the top rope, facing out towards the crowd, and climbs up onto the outside of the turnbuckle! The fans cheer, with some scattered boos, in anticipation of a big move. What could he be setting up here? Well, it doesn't matter because Duke counters wih a huge fist to the midsection, and gets him in a front facelock position ! MPN is in trouble, seated on the top rope, as Duke lowers himself to the second rope, and drops down onto the canvas, nailing MPN with a huge avalanche ddt, and goes straight for another pin!




Neither Duke or MPN can really move after that, but both crawl towards the ropes, in opposite directions! The fans begin a sequence of claps, not really for either superstar in particular, but more as a way to bring pace back to the match. And it works! MPN gets back on his feet, with the help of the ropes, and runs at Duke, but gets speared, which is also countered by a ddt from MPN! Duke was dropped right on his head there! Hard enough that he may be concussed from that kind of impact. Rather than going for a cover, MPN starts showing off by flexing at the crowd, who just react with boos, only causing MPN to respond with a middle finger gesture while yelling phrases about a lack of hope. As he turns around, he gets grabbed by the throat by Duke, and lifted into the air for a chokeslam, but a random flail of his leg kicks Duke in the face, causing Duke to drop MPN and allows him to fall down, more or less onto his stumbling feet. While Duke is still holding his face, MPN runs up and stirkes him with a forearm, sending him to the mat. MPN tries a cover!




Duke tries to get up, but only finds himself victim to a kick to the gut and a gutbuster across the knee of MPN. MPN, while Duke is down, climbs up onto the top rope. Cheers and boos, mostly boos, are heard as he sets up.... And dives off the ropes, nailing Duke with his trademark elbow drop off the top rope! A brilliant move, as MPN goes in for a cover... But is that enough to keep Duke down?



KICKOUT by Duke!!!

It's still not enough to take down the Angel of Darkness!!!

Duke tries to get up, but only finds himself victim to a kick to the gut and a gutbuster across the knee of MPN. MPN, while Duke is down, climbs up onto the top rope. Cheers and boos, mostly boos, are heard as he sets up.... And dives off the ropes, but Duke is like lightning, bursting to his feet! He was playing possum! He's got MPN by the throat, looks like he's got him now! MPN goes up......... And comes back down with a chokeslam that damn near broke the ring! Forget moving, it's hard to tell is MPN is breathing. And if he was, he probably isn't after Duke locks in Pandora's Box! MPN's instantly out-cold, so the ref calls for the bell!

Winner: Sebastian Duke

Duke has won the match and has been on a very strong winning streak since reclaiming that number one contendership a few weeks ago. He slowly makes his trot out of the ring and towards the back before....

Down the ramp...


Mark Flynn has come out here for revenge on Duke from earlier this evening. He smashes a steel chair across his face and then proceeds to start screaming in Duke's face.

In just eleven days these two will meet up in one of the biggest Pay Per Views in XWF history known as Gauntlet City for the United States title. Warfare fades to commercial as Flynn walks back up the ramp...

Foreshadowing the Future

We go into Wallace Witasick’s office where he’s sitting at his desk thumping around on his tablet.

Wallace: What happened last week, Tyrone?

The camera pans across the room to where Tyrone is standing tall with his hands folded in front of him. He looks straight ahead, not blinking, but he still must feel ashamed about what happened last week.

Tyrone remains silent. He just shakes his head.

Wallace: Last week, one of our promising rookies shocked the world when he eliminated US Champion Mark Flynn. Chris MacBeth should have taken credit for eliminating Mark Flynn. And then right after, Knightmask eliminated MacBeth. Knightmask should have been the victor last week. I sent you down to the ring to fix a problem. What happened?

Tyrone: The ref; he was knocked out boss.


Wallace throws the tablet at Tyrone, and it bounces off of his chest.

Wallace: Why can’t you operate a simple computer device?

Tyrone: Boss, my fingers is too big for that keypad. I hate them d*** touch screens!

Wallace: Get a stylus. I don’t care! Just get your act together Tyrone.

Tyrone: You’re right. I should have been prepared that night. I apologize for my actions.

Wallace: What’s done is done. Time to move on… I have another assignment for you, Tyrone.

Tyrone: Anything boss.

Wallace: Last night I spoke on the phone with someone who you’ve worked with in the past. And tonight, we’re having a meeting to discuss a business deal. A deal which should garner some more attention for our brand. This business which involves you, Mark Flynn, the rest of the roster, and a future episode of Wednesday Warfare.

Tyrone: Who? What is it?

Wallace motions towards the door behind Tyrone by giving a single nod of the head. Tyrone turns around and his eyes widen.

Tyrone: OH S***!

The feed cuts out before we can see who it is.

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Chris MacBeth
Standard Rules

Steve Sayors: There's "Daddy's Fallen Angel" by In This Moment on the PA, and you know what that means, Liz...

Liz Weinberg: It means one half of the tag champions, Peter Gilmour, is going to be on his way to the ring!

Steve Sayors: Wrong, it means we get to feast our eyes on Rose Smith...check out that halter top! I think she just winked at me!

Liz Weinberg: You're a moron Sayors...and you better hope Gilmour didn't hear comes the big man now...

Steve Sayors: Gilmour and Rose are waiting in the ring for their opponent tonight...the very man who nearly eliminated Mark Flynn himself from the battle royal last week...

Liz Weinberg: NEARLY...? He threw Flynn's sorry butt over the top rope, Sayors. Have the guts to speak the truth. There he is...the Brit punk-rocker who grew up in Chicago and is now making his way up the XWF ladder...Chris MacBeth! Wow...he is one of the littlest guys I've seen try to make it in this industry...

Steve Sayors: Yet another David and Goliath match-up here in the Joe Louis arena…I guess that’s the theme of this edition of Warfare!

Liz Weinberg: Yeah, at 155, MacBeth is incredibly small for a professional wrestler…he’s small even for a cruiserweight! He’s almost in a Steve Sayors-category of scrawny!

Steve Sayors: Just like me and Bruce Lee, Chris MacBeth is lean and mean. And remember, the man this arena is named for wasn’t even 200 pounds…and some of his victims, like Buddy Baer, Primo Carnera and Abe Simon were well over 260!

Liz Weinberg: What’s that got to do with you, Sayors? You don’t have a piston for a right-hand like Louis, or a one-inch punch like Lee. You don’t even have a backbone.

Steve Sayors: I’ve got a pocket knife! And Chris MacBeth has some very educated feet…his background in the mixed martial arts has been well-documented…and he did eliminate Mark Flynn from the battle royal last week…the same man Peter Gilmour has been unable to defeat for their last three contests! There’s the bell…and their off to the races…MacBeth flickering out the jab in Gilmour’s face…the bigger man’s swings and misses…more jabbing by MacBeth, Gilmour swings again and nearly falls off his feet…MacBeth continues to pepper the big man’s face…Gilmour grabs at MacBeth, trying to impose his size…MacBeth slips out of his grasp, Gilmour turns to face him…and finds himself eating another jab!

Liz Weinberg: Well, this is all very pretty on MacBeth’s part…but you’re not going to bring the tag-champion down this way…let’s be honest. This is a great show of skill by MacBeth, but he’s going to have to parlay this into some serious offense at some point.

Steve Sayors: Gilmour throws his weight into a clothesline, but again, he’s too slow…MacBeth slips beneath the lariat, Gilmour catches his balance…MacBeth back-flips into a kick to the top of Gilmour’s head! The big man is staggered! He falls back…only the ropes are holding him up…MacBeth’s sailing through the air now, with a flying knee…Gilmour catches him mid-air…walks him into the middle of the ring…power-slam! That’s near 300-pounds that just came down on top of the 155’er MacBeth! He’s nearly motionless on the canvas…Gilmour forgoes the cover…comes off the ropes with a leg-drop…still no cover…and he’s back off the ropes…this time with a falling elbow!

Steve Sayors: Gilmour with the cover, finally…there’s 2, Gilmour didn’t really put all of his weight behind that…he wants to punish MacBeth, it seems…he lifts the punk-rock singer up…Samoan Drops him back down…now he applies a front face-lock…and embarks on a series of snap suplexes…literally using MacBeth like a ragdoll…! There’s three, four, five consecutive snap suplexes…now he brings him up…holds him in the air…MacBeth floats out! He’s up on Gilmour’s back now, his legs wrapped about the bigger man’s torso, his arms fighting to establish a rear naked choke! I can’t believe it…MacBeth has got all the stubbornness of his Shakespearean namesake…just like MacBeth wouldn’t yield to MacDuff even though he was preordained to defeat, Chris MacBeth is not going to give in to Gilmour!

Liz Weinberg: Ah…but Gilmour cuts this Rocky comeback short…ripping MacBeth off of his back and slamming him down onto the canvas like an abusive older brother…

Steve Sayors: Gilmour raises his hands aloft, as if he’s already got this one in the bag. MacBeth kips to his feet and goes right into another Pele!

Liz Weinberg: Ahem, attempted Pele, Steve. Gilmour’s got him scouted now…Gilmour side-steps and levels MacBeth with a whirling clothesline! Body-splash by Gilmour…and in this instance, it’s a veritable human avalanche! This would be bad enough on somebody Gilmour’s size…but for a lightweight like MacBeth…I think I heard something implode inside that little guy…MacBeth is practically lifeless right now…Gilmour sets up on the top rope…backwards! Now he comes up with him…is he going for…a back-suplex off the top…?

Sayors: Whatever he was going for, he’s not going to get the chance to do it…MacBeth’s fighting back with some well-placed elbows…Gilmour loses his balance and takes a tumble…Gilmour back up…and…MacBeth back-flips off the top into a flying kick to the top of Gilmour’s skull…PELE OFF THE TOP ROPE! FOR MAYBE THE FIRST TIME IN WRESTLING HISTORY! MacBeth isn’t wasting any time after that absolutely amazing maneuver…he’s already scaling the ropes again…back-flip off the top…into a Frog Splash! It’s his specialty….the Resting Bird! Gilmour gets his knees up…but somehow, MacBeth twists mid-air into a forward roll, avoiding the nasty landing…absolutely uncanny agility from the British-Chicagoan! Hurricanrana from MacBeth…countered into a power-bomb by Gilmour…but MacBeth…the submission expert, through the impact…has kept his legs locked around Gilmour’s massive neck…he’s got a scissors choke going….Gilmour is turning purple…the tag-champ, grunting with effort…grabs MacBeth’s legs and brings him aloft in an airplane spin…releasing him to sail like a missile into the turnbuckle…but again, MacBeth’s preternatural agility saves him…he braces his legs against the turnbuckle and presses off into a moonsault into Gilmour…but the big man catches him….he’s going to slam him again…no, MacBeth floats out…well-placed, lightning fast kicks from MacBeth, punctuated by a roundhouse to the head…Gilmour staggers back…then surges forward with a super-kick! MacBeth ducks the kick, takes Gilmour to the mat with a single leg...scrambles around for an armbar...he's fighting to finish it...Gilmour manages to get on top...but MacBeth is extending the arm...Gilmour lifts MacBeth....power-bombs him! But MacBeth holds onto the arm like a pitbull! Gilmour lifts him again...another power-bomb! Still MacBeth holds on! He's going to break Gilmour's arm...Gilmour gets his foot to the ropes!

Liz: Wow...what an exchange...Gilmour is shaking his arm out...while MacBeth...MacBeth just got squashed like a bug...he's practically broken in half.... Gilmour assists him by helping Macbeth to his feet. He then whips him into the turnbuckle and chases after him before...

He is met with a boot to the face by MacBETH!!!

Macbeth lifts up the foot and now Gilmour is a bit staggered which gives Chris enough time to climb the top rope... He's setting up here for...


MacBeth hits his finisher on Gilmour just like he said he would! Gilmour is down on the mat and Macbeth goes for the cover....




Winner: Chris Macbeth

The much anticipated rookie finally scores his first big victory in the XWF as he put down veteran Peter Gilmour in one hell of match here on Warfare tonight.

- vs -
Big Bad Leroy
Standard Rules

Steve Sayors: Wagner's Flight of the Valkyries is playing as Jade and Vixen strut down the entrance ramp to the ring...Big Bad Leroy is nowhere in sight, however!

Liz Weinberg: Ah, I hear awful 80's heavy metal I know that means KnightMask, that wannabe on his way...sadly...

Steve Sayors: Here he comes! 3-1 in the XWF, with wins over Agony--which he shared with Neil Capra--Arnaud Chevailler and ironically enough, his good friend World 1-International! And of course, he fell to Mark Flynn in that controversial battle royal last week...

Liz Weinberg: Looks like he too more than a loss at that battle royal...look at the way he's limping to the ring...does he need a wheel-chair?

Steve Sayors: Looks like he's still nursing an injury from that big spill he took courtesy of Mark Flynn...hey, what's going on there? KnightMask hadn't even made it to the ring yet, and Jade and Vixen just knocked him over with a double plancha to the outside! KnightMask goes Jade is holding him up in a full-nelson...Vixen with the super-kick...and Jade, still holding KnightMask, bridges over into a dragon-suplex, bringing KnightMask head first onto the concrete! Why isn't the referee doing anything about--oh, that is ridiculous...! Of all the unprofessional....

A woman dressed similarly to Jade and Vixen, apparently a new recruit to Big Bad Leroy's Iron Valkyries, is in the ring flirting with the referee. Whenever he begins to look over towards the beating that is being imparted on KnightMask, the woman turns his head backwards herself.

Liz Weinberg: Well, what are you gonna do? This is the big leagues...if KnightMask can't fend for himself...then, I guess that's on him, isn't it? Oh, look at that teamwork....Jade and Vixen bring KnightMask aloft in a double-suplex...and now they take turns elbow-dropping the masked man...ohhh, nice technique...Jade gets up on Vixen's shoulders, she's standing...and leaps off for a body splash to the masked man!

Steve Sayors: Now Jade's got KnightMask in a sleeper-hold, while Vixen knees him in the stomach...driving the air out of him...that...that's brutal! That could kill a man! And where is Big Bad Leroy in all of this? Is he just going to let the Iron Valkyries do his dirty work....? Now...a double-DDT....they're going to---wait, what's that from over the barrier...!

Liz Weinberg: Ohhh, not that guy again...get off my desk, you pest!

World 1-International scrambles from the crowd, perches on the announce table and leaps from their onto the apron...and then to the top of the turnbuckle...the Iron Valkyries look up at him in shock and drop the beaten down KnightMask to the floor...World 1-International flies from the top, taking out Vixen with a flying over-castle even as he simultaneously lands a kick to the face of Jade. Then he slides into the ring and chases off the third, new member of the Iron Valkyries.

Steve Sayors: I guess the rumors are true! World 1-International and KnightMask have joined forces! Not merely friends and training partners, but, brothers in arms on Wednesday Warfare as well!

Liz Weinberg: Awww, isn't that just so sweet it makes you want to puke...World 1-International is helping KnightMask into the ring...whoah, what's that, is it an Earthquake or something?

Steve Sayors: What are you talking about? I don't feel anything...!

Liz Weinberg: The ring! The ring is shaking....! Big Bad Leroy just came out from beneath the ring...and now he's holding an entire side of it aloft...and shaking it like a kid that wants to steal a Coke!

Steve Sayors: What power! Leroy shakes the ring so hard, the referee, World 1-International and KnightMask all go tumbling around inside...and now the big man finally sets it down...and enters the ring to finish what the Iron Valkyries left of KnightMask! He's a powerful man but he's also got about as much honor as a sewer rat...and I don't mean Splinter! Or Bob, for that matter!

Liz Weinberg: Leroy, using his brain, goes right to work on KnightMask's injured leg...he's stomping on KnightMask's leg...he's about to take a bite out of it, but the referee holds him back...

Steve Sayors: Leroy grabs KnightMask by the leg...he's slamming him up and down on the mat like he was Bam Bam of Flintstones' fame! World 1-International is freaking out on the outside...he saved KnightMask from a vicious double team only to be forced to watch as Leroy destroys him! Leroy's got KnightMask in a bearhug now...looking to snap his spine like a twig! KnightMask fights to establish a Kimura, but Leroy is resisting it on brute force alone! KnightMask is putting everything he's got into finishing the move...or at least prying Leroy's vice-like grip a flash, KnightMask releases the Kimura and rolls for a leg-lock...he's got Leroy in the Gordian Leg-Knot! Even Leroy's massive legs are nothing but hostages to KnightMask's leglock wizardry at this point...the masked man's applying the KnightLock to Leroy...

Liz Weinberg: Leroy grabs the ropes...the referee breaks them up...Leroy lifts KnightMask up by the throat...KnightMask counters with a Fujiwara arm-bar...scrambles over to a toe-hold...

Steve Sayors: Shades of a vintage Ken Shamrock! Leroy kicks like a mule...and gets free...he clocks KnightMask with a he's got him up in a torture rack...KnightMask slips free...and slithers across the canvas right at Leroy's ankle...its a low, low, Kazushi Sakruaba-style single leg...isolating Leroy's ankle for the takedown...Leroy goes down like a great oak tree....KnightMask wastes no time in securing the Gordian he going to finish it this time....?

Leroy is reaching for the ropes...



He can't make it...

Tap out!

Winner: KnightMask

The masked warrior continues to make noise here in the XWF as a great turn around after last weeks near win in the battle royal he sends a message here tonight!


'The Paladin' Chris Hartt
- vs -
Mark Flynn
Benjamin Crane
Standard Rules Tag Match

“The following match is our main event tag team match!”

“Introducing first, from Minneapolis, Minnesota…”

'Unbreakable' by Fireflight yells out over the speakers, as 'The Paladin' Chris Hartt makes his way out from the back, while video images of Hartt's past matches and victories play in time with the music. Hartt greets fans on is way down to the ring, climbs inside and mounts a turnbuckle, holding his arms out straight in a cross gesture.

“He weighs 245 pounds, “Paladin” Chris Hartt!”

“And his partner, from Boston, Massachusetts…”

The opening guitar wail of "This Fire" by Killswitch Engage plays as Angelus' logo (A taped bloody fist) appears on the X-Tron. There's a sudden chill that sweeps through the crowd as Angelus takes one good, long, look around the arena. He starts to walk backward towards the ring with his arms extended wide as he looks toward the ceiling. Angelus slides in on the apron and pops up. He then turns around and runs to the turnbuckle, jumping up to the top rope and extending his arms wide again as he yells to the crowd as they cheer back with him. He points around the arena, then back to himself.

“He weighs 218 pounds and is the XWF X-Treme Champion: ANGELUS!”

“And their opponents. First, from Louisville, Kentucky…”

Benjamin Crane comes out and looks the crowd over all the way to the ring, walks up the steps, climbs in, throws off his hood and raises both arms in the air.

“He weighs 215 pounds, “The Monolith” Benjamin Crane!”

“And his partner, from Battle Creek, Michigan…”

‘Eleanor Rigby’ plays as Mark Flynn comes out in an overblown robe. No expression, no eye contact with opponent, eyes open when the bell rings.

“He weighs 210 pounds, he is ‘The Most Hated Man in the XWF,” and the reigning XWF United States Champion: Mark FLYNN!”

Flynn takes his position on the apron as Crane looks to start things off. Angelus will be stepping in first for his team.

The bell sounds, and the main event is on!

Angelus and Crane start things off with a sequence of chain wrestling maneuvers. This is neither man’s forte, but they both move at lightening quick speeds as they counter each other’s holds. After about 40 seconds, the series comes to an end as Angelus carries Crane and smashes him head-first into the turnbuckle. Crane is seeing stars after that one.

Angelus follows up with a bulldog, turns Crane over, and pins him.



Crane powers out. And Angelus goes right back to work with a headlock. He might be able to put Crane out early if he continues to bash his head around.

Crane is a competitive fighter though. There’s no quit in this kid. He breaks out of the headlock by executing a back suplex on Angelus. He maintains the waist lock and bridges for a pin attempt.



Angelus kicks out. Angelus got caught off guard there and almost got pinned by Crane.

Crane works over Angelus with some kicks. He sets Angelus into the ropes, and delivers a back body drop followed by a standing moonsault. Excellent combination there by Crane as he goes for the pin.



Another kick out by Anj. Crane will need to inflict more pain if he’s going to put down the X-Treme Champion. Crane twists the arm of Angelus as Mark Flynn tags himself in. Of course the King of the Midcarders is eager to get in the ring with Angelus who’s at a disadvantage. Flynn jumps off the top rope and drives his elbow into the back of Angelus’ arm. Flynn continues to work on the back of Angelus’ arm with some brutal stomps. Flynn then bounces off the ropes and delivers a knee drop to that same spot on the back of Angelus’ arm. He holds his knee in place on Angelus’ arm and forces all of his weight down to inflict more pain. There’s nothing fancy about that move, Mark just wants to cause pain as quick as possible.

Mark continues on the arm as he twists Angelus’ arm and smashes it over his own shoulder.

He looks down at Angelus who’s rolling around in pain. He laughs as he taunts Angelus with some half-effort kicks. He’s just playing with Angelus at this point. With Angelus still down, Flynn slowly makes his way to the top rope. He’s wasting a lot of time setting this next move up. He jumps off the top rope for a knee drop aimed at the hurt arm, but Angelus moves out of the way! Flynn hits his knee badly on the mat. Angelus recovers and takes Flynn down with a leg lariat. Flynn is right back to his feet following that move, but Angelus surprises him with a series of elbow strikes to his chest. After the last elbow strike, he gives Flynn a tilt-a-whirl back breaker.

Angelus has his momentum back now as he sizes up Flynn from the corner. He goes for the WHOLE DAMN SHOW!—but Flynn slides out of the ring just as Angelus’ foot came inches from striking him. Excellent situational awareness displayed by Flynn. That kick would have surely ended the match.

But Flynn takes his eyes off the game, and Angelus catches him by surprise with a suicide dive! Beautiful move by Angelus as he projected himself right into Flynn on the outside. Flynn should have seen that coming; Angelus always utilizes the suicide dive.

Angelus works on Flynn with some punches, and throws Flynn into the ring steps. The steps topple over as Flynn’s knees collide with the steel. Angelus throws Flynn back in the ring to avoid being counted out.

With Flynn now laying back-first on the ring mat, Angelus vaults into the ring and onto the ribs of Flynn with a slingshot somersault senton. Angelus simply lays back on Flynn, and hooks the leg.



Crane interrupts the count! Big round of boos for Crane after saving Flynn’s ass.

Angelus walks up to Crane and grabs him by the throat.

But wait—low blow by Flynn! D*** it. Mark was in the referee’s blind spot when he hit Angelus below the belt. Crane is released from Angelus as he goes back to his corner. Flynn drags Angelus to his teams corner, and tags Benjamin Crane. The Monolith is the legal man now. Crane is already on the top rope, and jumps off with a flying elbow drop to the back of Angelus’ shoulder. Crane smartly targeted the hurt arm of Angelus.

Crane locks in an armbar on Angelus. Crane isn’t a submission specialist, but his hold is effective. Angelus is in a lot of pain. He’ll need to catch a rope break in order to get out of this one.

Angelus crawls forward with one hand…

Crane pulls back on the arm some more…

Angelus has his hand motioning for a tap out. It might be too much for him…

Angelus drops his hand down and pulls himself forward again. He’s getting closer.

Crane is trying to root himself to the mat the best he can while Flynn yells at him.


Angelus is only a couple of inches away, but Crane has all of his weight forced down on Angelus.

Angelus tap—no he lunges forward and grabs the bottom rope! He’s free from the armbar.

The referee makes his count. 1…2…3…4… Crane releases Angelus at the last second.

Flynn is livid as he takes his frustration out on the ropes.

Crane drops some more elbow drops into Angelus. He does this non-stop about five times before he lets up on Angelus.

Chris Hartt is reaching out for the tag. Angelus needs to get to his corner.

But Crane prevents that from happening with a jumping knee drop.

Crane lifts Angelus to his feet, backs him into a corner, and delivers a set of chops to his chest. He takes a few steps back and charges at Angelus for a Stinger Splash, but Angelus moves out of the way just in time. Crane ate the turnbuckle on that one.

Angelus takes Crane down with a short-arm clothesline, and then dives at Hartt for the tag.

Hartt hops over the top rope. He’s the only man who’s fresh in this match. He knocks Crane back with some punches. Crane retaliates with a haymaker, but Hartt ducks it, goes behind Crane and takes him down with a German suplex. Hartt yells at Crane to get back up, and throws him right back down with a snap suplex. Hartt is looking strong in his first XWF main event.

Hartt delivers a stomp to Crane’s abdomen. He stands Crane up, applies a wrist lock, and sends him into the ropes with an irish whip. He goes for an inverted atomic drop on Crane, but Crane pushes himself up onto Hartt’s shoulders and takes him down with a hurricanrana. Excellent reversal by Crane. Crane is able to tag in Flynn.

Flynn throws Hartt into the ropes. He ducks for a back body drop, but Hartt counters with a DDT! Hartt floats over for the pin.



Flynn barely kicks out.

Hartt gives Flynn a snapmare, and then tags in Angelus. With Flynn in a seated position, Angelus throws some kicks into his spine. Angelus throws Flynn into the ropes, and catches him on his shoulders. Could this be the Sudden Death (GTS) coming up?! But Flynn escapes following an eye rake. He tags Crane back in.

Crane slingshots himself back into the ring for an attack, but Angelus hits him with WHOLE DAMN SHOW! (Super Kick) Angelus covers Crane.



Flynn breaks the count.

Hartt runs in as Flynn continues to stomp Angelus. Hartt knocks Flynn back into the ropes with some punches, and then sends him over the top with a clothesline!

Hartt goes to work on Flynn outside the ring with some punches and kicks.

Angelus and Crane recover simultaneously. They trade punches in the center of the ring.

Meanwhile on the outside: Flynn just knocked out Chris Hartt with brass knuckles! Where did those come from?

Back in the ring: Crane goes for a clothesline, Angelus ducks it, and throws Crane on his shoulders! This could be the Sudden Death (GTS) coming up. But Flynn runs back in the ring, and pulls Crane down from Angelus’ shoulders. Flynn tries to ram Angelus into the corner, but the referee gets caught up in the middle of it and gets sandwiched between Angelus and the turnbuckle. The referee has been inadvertently taken out!

Flynn examines the situation at hand. What does he have in mind? Flynn puts the brass knuckles back on. D*** it, don’t tell me he’s gonna hit Angelus with those!

WAIT! Tyrone is on his way down the ramp. The bodyguard/enforcer of Wallace Witasick is on his way to the ring. Please tell me he's going to rectify this situation. He steps up to the apron and has Mark Flynn's attention. Flynn and Tyrone get into it as they are both yelling at each other. Hartt makes it back to his feet and climbs around the ring on the outside approaching Crane and Angelus, looking for revenge on Flynn. The referee is still laid out cold next to Crane. Crane begins squirming to his feet as now Angelus readies himself for an attack from Flynn and his brass knuckles, standing in his kung fu stance ready to strike with those powerful kicks! Tyrone approaches Flynn...

Tyrone: Put down the weapon!

Mark: Get away from my ring!

Tyrone has nt time to respond as Flynn connects with a devastating punch with the brass knuckles knocking him out! Angelus sees an opening and connects


on Mark Flynn that is so devastating it sends him over the ropes. Angelus wastes no time, he's out to do some damage to his rival outside the ring.

Hartt was still attempting to attack Flynn, but was too slow coming all the way across the ring. He watches Flynn go sailing outside the ring and Angelus following. The one question is...

Is anyone paying attention to Benjamin Crane?

Must not, because when Chris Hartt turns around to find him he's met with....

THE BLACKEST NIGHT!!! (Lifting press into a codebreaker)

Crane lands his finisher, the ref is up. He has no idea who the legal man is but sees the cover of Crane on top of Hartt...

Flynn and Angelus on the outside...

The cover..




WINNER: Mark Flynn and Benjamin Crane

Benjamin Crane hid in the back but is able to sneak in and get the pin over Chris Hartt while the rest of the teammates seem to have little care of this outcome as they continue pummeling one another outside the ring. Crane and Flynn have won!

Flynn has taken the upper hand on Angelus now as he lands a German suplex on the outside of the ropes...

when suddenly.....

"Harvester of Sorrow" by Metallica blares on the X-tron and now Sebastian Duke is coming out again to get his hands on Flynn! Flynn is prepared this time as he grabs his US title and makes his way through the crowd, avoiding Duke... Flynn is now standing three rows back as the two scream at one another as Flynn continues to slowly back away... Duke looks down at Angelus and laughs. He then proceeds to walk back out of the ring as Warfare comes to a close.

A new champion could be crowned at Gauntlet City in just under two weeks! The feuds between the Angelus/Duke/Flynn are heating up as we move on to next week..

Same Time...

Same Administrator Network!!!
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[-] The following 4 users Like Wallace Witasick's post:
(03-21-2013), (03-21-2013), Chris MacBeth (03-24-2013), KnightMask (03-22-2013)
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the man with the SUPER DICK

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(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

03-21-2013, 07:47 PM

Losing to a piece of shit rookie?! Come on now!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
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