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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "WAR GAMES" PPV RP Board
Lunch Break
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-22-2014, 07:02 AM

Fours Hours After Gein was arrested.

[Image: large_morris%20county%20jail%20populatio...%20404.JPG]

The scene fades in to show an exterior view of the local county jail. Coming out of the front door looking none too pleased is Gein. Standing at the bottom of the steps is Theo Pryce.

"As promised I paid your bail. You better show up for your court date or I'm out 50 grand."

'I'm sure you won't even notice."

"That's not the point. That money could go to a good cause."

"Like starving kids in Uganda?"

"Fuck no. Like booze and bitches. Now, I've done what I said I would, I expect you to do your part come Friday."

"There will be no doubt of that."


Theo turns away from Gein leaving his teammate to do God knows what. Theo enters his vehicle and drives off to destination unknown.

Two Hours Later
Theo Pryce's Mobile Command Center
AKA - a table outside of a sandwich truck in downtown Phoenix.

There is a buzz around the food truck as many businessmen and women have started pouring out of their office buildings for the local ritual known as "lunch break" Being as that it is downtown Phoenix there is a plethora of lunchtime options within a few blocks however "Nero's Food Truck" is where most of the hub bub seems to be taking place as people are lining up by the dozen. It's a good thing Theo got there early so he could grab one of the two small circular tables that are set up just a few feet from the truck. Theo is currently drinking one of Nero's locally famous Horchata's and a Quesadilla. Theo finishes his drink and then snaps his fingers to get the attention of the man presumed to be Nero. Nero sees Theo and does that head nod thing that males do to acknowledge that he is aware of Theo's need for a refill. Theo nods his head back and then turns to face the camera.

"So here we are. Just two days away from War Games. Two days. Which means that almost a week has passed since the card was announced and now finally the mute known as LH Harrison has saw fit to throw some words my way. Thank you L.H. Truly. You have made my job that much easier. You see you could have kept your mouth shut just like that dipshit Captain of your has since the last time he thought entering a war of words was a good idea but no. You decided to swing your dick in the air and show everyone that have what it takes to go toe to toe with Theo Pryce. Verbally that is. Because let's be serious here for a minute. In the ring, one on one you wouldn't stand a chance against me. And you know it. You may not want to admit it but deep down inside, you know."

"You've had what a dozen matches in the XWF? Who have you beaten worth a damn? Don't bother looking it up, I'll tell you. The answer is no one. Not one single person worth shit has fallen at your feet. Now I know what you are thinking. "But Theo, I beat Cain, a member of your team and the number one contender for the Universal Title." And to that I say this. So what? The list of people who have beaten Cain is a longer than a country mile. Besides, number one contender to the Universal Title? You know who else could be considered a number one contender to that title? Peter Gilmour. That's right. Peter, I can't win without the help of John Madison and The Black Circle is also a number one contender for that title. And they are guaranteed a shot at Eli James whenever that fat fuck sees fit to defend the title. Assuming of course that someone doesn't cash in on him in the meantime. You know what? That reminds me. Hence forth Eli shall be known as Eli "Cash In" James for his penchant for being the victim of the all powerful cash in. Who knows, Gilly might try and cash in with his little lunch box. Wouldn't that be something?"

"But back to you LH Harrison. You have yet to beat anyone of significance and the last time you had the chance to do so, Enigma pimp slapped you like a common streetwalker. You could have seized the opportunity to get smacked around by Evertrust in an X-treme title match. Instead you have settled for getting smacked around by me and the rest of my team. I'm telling you right now LH, I don't believe a single second of that little high school drama that you and Morbid have put on for the rest of us in the XWF. Not for one single second. Because if it were true, not only would you be on of the worst wrestlers in the entire federation but you would without a shadow of a doubt be the worst husband and father in the world. Congratulations LH, you are truly the Inspirational One. You are inspiring dozens, no, make that hundreds of people on what kind of person not to be. So at least from that aspect you've accomplished something in your otherwise unremarkable life."

"I saw your last promo LH and I have to tell you, while your team Captain clearly gets the award for the biggest liar in the federation you can claim your own little trophy for being clown on your team. I'm your first target you say? Not the guy that killed part of your family? But me? And why is that? Because you think that by getting your ass kicked by a former King of the XWF will help you finally make your bones? Is that it? Well if that's the case then so be it. I'll gladly jam my boot so far up your ass that you'll be spitting leather for weeks. MVP of Team Morbid? Damn right you will be. Most Valuable Pinata. Because you felt that it was a good idea to try and throw some hurtful words my way I am going to make it my personal mission to put you down. But it won't be quick. No, I'm going to take my time, savor the moment. And when the time is right I'll crack open that dense skull of yours and watch as you bleed. Heck, I might even just toss you off the roof for giggles. I don't know. I guess we will have to see what kind of mood I am in Friday night."

"Now before I go and finish off my wonderful lunch courtesy of Nero's Famous Lunch truck, that's right, product placement for the win. I want to address one last thing that you mentioned in that promo of yours. You asked me where my backup was? The answer is simple. Preparing. This federation is littered with people who think that the more they say the better their chances of winning are. Ignoring the fact that it's skill in the ring that matters most. You think that because your team has been talking all week that you have an advantage over us? Ignoring the fact that your Captain tried to unload one of your team members and has clearly not earned any brownie points with you. Your team is coming apart at the seams faster than Jessica Simpson's skinny jeans when she went through her fat phase. Now LH, do kindly fuck off before you officially take Maverick's place at the head of the table with the next stupid thing you say. If I were you, I'd line up some guardian options for your other daughter because there is a good chance Daddy won't be coming home for dinner."

Theo turns from the camera and looks over at Nero wondering why he hasn't gotten his refill yet. Completely ignoring the fact that there is a line a dozen people long waiting to get served. It is all about Theo afterall.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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