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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
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Luke Kage Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-21-2014, 11:30 AM

Camera pans in on a log cabin in the poconos, lucifer kage walks into the room and sits down on his couch.

"Was that really necessary Hysteria? did you honestly have to take out the referee, the man who has to keep order i our match this Wednesday? oh that's right you're HYSTERIA, the Rorscach wannabee, the insane, chaotic, monster that EVERYONE should be afraid of. Give me a fucking break, first of all, i now know i'm gonna win this match, how you ask? because i'm inside your head. it wasn't insanity or pure evil that drove you to torture those men. it was me, you were trying to intimidate me, when i already got to you, i wanted to get a reaction out of you. second of all what is it with people like you trying to pick a fight with someone whenyou don't know what they're capable of, you don't know a DAMN thing about me. how do you know any of what i said is true. why would i share anything about me with you. you don't give ammunition to the opposing army, unless you have a deathwish. you sharing that tearjerking story (heavy sarcasm hinted) didn't make me think you were a monster, it made me think you were a sniveling little BITCH, i would have kept that girl safe in the first place, you want some advice you don't fuck in an alley, do it in the back of your truck, you don't have a truck? then do a quick rubb, a squeezy squeezy and get the hell out of there. but anyway, you're nothing but a fake. you just want attention, you don't just flaunt your insanity for everyone to see, you let the enemy find out on their own, so if you think i'm scared, think again.

bring it bitch"

camera goes black.
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