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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "WAR GAMES" PPV RP Board
Team Victory Forever = 100% Chance of Pure Perfection
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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-16-2014, 02:05 PM

Two Days Ago

I reclined back into the seat, letting the vibrations fill me as the train took off. Raven let out a cute purr as she snuggled in my arm. Our relationship definitely improved since that night where we met at the bar. Though I managed to stay away from Sandra, Charlotte seemed nice enough. I left Leon and Dustin in the oh- so- capable hands of my workforce, which was my butler, my chefs, and my workers. If I didn't have Raven to worry about, I wouldn't have minded staying at home preparing at home for the upcoming War Games match against Team Pryce, where I face a capable roster in Cain, Monolith, Gein, Mr. Proxy, and of course, the man with the plan (B) himself, Theo Pryce. But of course, since I didn't want the Insurance Policy embarrassing myself on my time with my girl, I had to leave them behind. So, deciding a vacation is in order, and since I really didn't want to stay in Detroit, we decided to go to Grand Haven, Michigan, at the BlueWater Inn and Suites.

Raven let out a cute sigh, and said, "So now, Mavvy Wavvy, are you ready for your big match?"

I rolled my eyes sarcastically. Ever since I met up with her after that night at the club, she always called me either by my real name, Joshua, or call me Joshy Washy, or she'd call me Mavvy Wavvy, like in this case. "This will be my hardest match yet, no doubt about that. I'm facing a main eventer in Cain, not to mention I'm facing considerable up- and- comers in Monolith and Gein. But I am confident. I have the rightful, undefeated Universal Champion in Morbid Angel, and I have two strong up- and- comers of my own in LH Harrison and D'ville. Honestly, the only person I'm worried about is Venomless. But, maybe my suspicions about him are wrong and he can come up big time on this. But, I mean, a rooftop? I mean, it's not bad enough I'm in the hardest match of my career so far, but a damned rooftop? Right now, I'm just grateful I was drafted and I beat Samuels and McBride, let alone in the third round and winning by a double count- out, respectively, but really, I need all the confidence I can get right now."

Raven seemed to calm my nerves, and whispered to me, "Don't worry about who you're facing. Just think of them all as jobbers. Really good jobbers, but still jobbers nonetheless."

I cocked my eyebrow at her. "Really good jobbers? Is that even a thing?"

"Uh... ignoring that, you said that they have a main eventer on their side. Good. Go after him. Don't settle for one of the rookies like Gein, go after the top dog, in either Pryce or Cain."

I opened my eyes wide. In fact, they were probably as wide as donuts, if not, more. "Go after Cain? Raven, you're a genius."

Raven blushed a bit, her cheeks turning a twinge of pink. "Well, I tend to have that effect on people. But trust me, Cain or Theo should be your target. If you settle for someone like Gein, you're showing management you're fine for settling for jobbers or mid- carders, since that's where Gein is. But, if you go after Cain or Pryce, then you could finally get you're big break! You could find yourself facing guys like Cain more often, or even better, you could make a run at one of the Big Three titles!"

"Big Three titles? What's that?"

"Well, you know. Television, X-treme, or Universal."

"Huh. Well, I admit, I wouldn't mind going after the Television or X-treme titles first, as I do have some unfinished business with both Gator and Evertrust. Shame though, that I'm not in the same match with either of them."

"See? But, it all starts here. Just go after Cain or Pryce, put on a good showing against either of them, don't get pinned, and if you can, pin one of them. Easiness at it's core."

"I admit, you have a point. There's only one thing though."


"I'm not used to being restricted in the ring at ALL times. Especially if I go outside the ring, I fall to my doom."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I actually managed to contact someone you happen to know very well. They can help you keep doing speed moves that'll keep you inside of the ring."

I actually pondered about that for a few minutes. Who could it be? I doubt it'd be one of my old trainers, they're way to hard to get a hold of. I'd assume some random trainer, but Raven said 'someone I know very well.' Pondering the answer to this cryptic question, I pondered on the question all the way to the train station.

Along the way, Raven asked me what we could do for vacationing ideas, but both my heart and my mind were currently not in it, as I was focused on who would help me for War Games. Mostly, I responded with a grunt for yes. Occasionally, I spoke about something, whether it be dinner plans, or what we could do in the water that day. We were right next to the Great Lakes, after all. When she found out that I wasn't currently interested, she said, "Y'know, they won't be here in about two days time. Might as well enjoy the time you currently have with me, riiight?"

Sighing and admitting defeat, I decided to fully indulge on what we'll be doing. Nothing special, it really was, but since it was Raven, I decided to at least be involved.


I slumped into my bed at the inn, exhausted. I went through a huge day vacationing with Raven, going crabbing, tubing, and all other kinds of stuff. Right behind me, came Raven. She relaxed on the bed next to me, and she whispered in my ear, "I'll be right back." On her face, held a seductive grin. She winked at me, then went to the bathroom, most likely to change. I knew how this was gonna work. Finally, I'd be able to bang that fine body she's rocking. Just as I was about to get ready to do the deed with her, my phone rang.

Strange, I thought as the phone kept ringing off the hook. There should be no signal here. At least I think. Dammit, I can't be sure! As I picked up my phone, I could have sworn to you that for the faintest second before the call expired, I saw three different calls, in Morbid Angel, Leon Cage, and Dustin Cage.

Slightly stunned, I tried to call all of them back, Morbid first, but then at that moment, Raven appeared.

"Nuh- uh. No phone time here." She took the phone away from my hands, and put it on the night stand. She straddled herself onto my shoulders, and tackled the both of us to our bed.

And then, we started our night together.



I sat in the car with a great big grin, as we drove to the train station, where the mystery trainer whom I was supposed to meet would help me train. Beside me, was the angel known as Raven. Unlike me, however, she bore a very worried face, like something was about to blow up in her face.

"Uh, Joshua, there's something I need to tell you," she began.

"Ah, don't worry," I responded without a care in the world. "We'll meet up with them soon, and once we meet up with that mystery trainer you had scheduled to meet me here. Oh, I can't wait!"

"You see, that's kinda what this is about--"

"Oh! Here we are! After you, m'lady." I said, doing the gentlemanly thing, and not letting my girl get out on her own. Such a gem is Raven. Though this is starting to feel like a romance story, I can't help but feel, well, drawn to her. Is this what true love feels like. Finally, I peer out into the ever- growing crowd of people, trying to find someone I've seen before.

....And I keep looking.

......And looking.....

.......... And looking.........

.............. And--

"Miss us, boss?" came a familiar voice.

No! That can't be! Not- oh hell, not the Insurance Policy.


1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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