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10-09-2014, 05:14 AM


In-Ring Name: Anarchy

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Unknown

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Returning

Wrestler Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 225

Hometown: Gotham

Personality: Chaotic. His personality shifts depending on what would benefit him the most. Ultra high sense of self-awareness. Sadistic and very intelligent with a crazy sense of humor. Enjoys inflicting pain and terror onto others.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Does it matter?

Physical Build Description: Not a whole lot of muscle, skinny. Tallish. Is almost always seen wearing white make-up with blackened eyes and red smeared over the already gruesome scars, greasy, green-dyed, unkempt hair

Ring Attire: Custom tailored suit consisting of an elegant, purple coat with matching pin-stripe pants (kept up by suspenders rather than a belt). Underneath it, he wears a light blue jacket, green vest, and a light purple patterned shirt.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Same as in ring attire.

Ethnicity: White...face paint

Pic Base: Heath Ledger - The Dark Knight

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Strengths: Due to his insanity he is able to at times display super human strength but it is always in short bursts.

Weaknesses: Those who are bigger and stronger as well as those who are methodical about their attacks.

Entrance Theme Music: <------ Links to video

Entrance Description: Purple and Green Balloons start to fall from the ceiling as soon as Enter The Circus begins playing. After a few seconds Anarchy will come to the ring accompanied by his manager Harley as well as three henchmen whose faces are painted like clowns. Once to the ring Anarchy will slowly ascend the steps and then casually enter the ring, never taking his eyes off his opponent. If he is the first person to enter then he will climb into the ring and start dancing around the ring with an invisible partner.

Manager (if applicable): Harley
Manager's Pic Base:

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

Over the shoulder belly to belly piledriver
Running Knee Lift
Short arm clothesline
Double Underhook Suplex
Pendulum Lariat
Snap Elbow Drop
Vertical Suplex Powerbomb
Snap DDT
Crossface Chickenwing
Spinning Sideslam
Arm trap Cross-legged STF

Trademark Move(s): The Last Laugh
Description(s): Pulls several playing cards out of his jacket pocket, puts them into his opponents mouth which results in them having a large grin on their face. He will then uppercut his opponent which causes the cards to slice into the sides of his opponents mouth.

Dance With The Devil
Anarchy will slowly dance around his opponent while also making repeated precision strikes to the opponent's face, abdomen, ribs, finally ending with a superkick.

Primary Finisher: Chaos Theory
Description: Headlock Driver

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Laughing Matter
Description: Sleeper hold (while laughing manically as he puts his opponent to sleep)

Favorite Weapon if any: Hand buzzer which he will casually slip on and use to stun his opponent, usually followed up with a DDT.
A playing card, usually a Joker that he will pull out of his jacket pocket and flick into his opponent's eyes.

Additional notes:

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