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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Green, Green Grass & Eyes Tired
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Game Girl Offline

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

10-03-2014, 04:51 PM


Game Boy sits with his legs crossed looking at a cauldron over a small fire, the flames twinkle in his large wide eyes as a small creature masked by robes and a large hat swirls the contents with long wooden rod, the contents oozes and bubbles over the side of the large black cauldron, as Game Boy seems to stare endlessly at it, deep in thought, perhaps under some strange and ancient spell.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]

Or perhaps not, it seems Game Boy sleeps with his eyes open. A smart tactic in a world full of enemies but it can be quite confusing.The small wizards figure scowls at him.

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]
"Game Boy!"

The wizard or witch or mage, warlock even depending on your preference shouts at Game Boy hitting him with the large wooden rod that was used to stir the pot.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"GAH! Jeez Gretchin, was that really necessary?"

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]
"Yes! It was entirely necessary! How dare you fall asleep when I am trying to help you."

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"You need to relax Gretchin, maybe you should get out of this shack. Spend some time with your husband."

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]

This shout must be some kind of black magic as a ringing of the ears is heard. Game Boy sticks a pinkie in his ear with a pained expression trying to soothe the alarm bell in his head.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Holy!! Sorry, no need to use a Power Shout.... Why am I here again?"

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]
"Ar - Are you serious?"

Game Boy stares at Gretchin blankly and quickly nods his head. This signaled that he was in fact, being serious.

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]
"You really can't remember why you came here."

Game Boy shakes his head from side to side, his pupils still fixed in Gretchin. This movement of his bulbous head signified he did not remember why he came here.

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]
"You came here 15 minutes ago and you can't remember why you visited me?"

Game Boy stares blankly and slowly blinks. For a hero of the ages, he isn't that bright.

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]
"Wow . So, you don't remember asking for my help, you barged in here and screamed 'Gretchin I need your help.' It was 15 minutes ago, tops."

The wheels in Game Boy's head start to turn.

What Game Boy Thinks He Said: Game Boy kicks down the door to Gretchin's shack. He is shirtless and buff holding a greatsword in one hand and a hot babe in the other

"Gretchin! I acquire you assistance!"

"Anything for you Game Boy! You're so hot and coooooooool!!!!"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"... Was I shirtless?"

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]
"No, you came in wearing the same dumb t-shirt you are wearing now."

Game Boy looks downs pulling out his bright yellow t-shirt to get a better look at it.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"My t-shirt's dumb?

He releases his t-shirt and looks back up to Gretchin with sad eyes.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"But this one gives me plus 2 endurance! And it helps with cooldown!"

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]
(sigh) "Game Boy can we please get back on track. You came to me to help you see the world of the XWF, specifically the one called Ghost Tank. You wanted to speak with him."

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Oooooooooohh . So I came here to borrow a phone."

Gretchin face palms and massages her shadowed brow. I would do the same if I wasn't a disembodied voice that describes the scene. Or am I a narrator? Huh, life is quite the quandary. Either way, I'm sure I don't have arms, these lucky devils with flexible limbs, it must be a dream to scratch an itch . Oh . Sorry, I just need to vent from time to time. Back to the story.

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]
"Just shut the heck up please."

Gretchin sways her arms above the bubbling cauldron and a dark green light fills the room . Spooky . She mumble ancient tomes and grabs at the long wooden rod and slams it against the ground, a shock wave emits from the rod and the room's color goes back to normal. An oval of light appears above the cauldron and through it we see a room.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Woah, trippy."

The oval focuses on a figure and the figure begins to speak.

Quote:the first time I saw Guppy Parsh I thought we had a Make-A-Wish kid there to meet Mark Flynn or Gator. The cat is about five foot nothing and can’t weigh more than the last Taco Bell dump I took, right?

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Wait, what? Guppy? Taco bell? Flynn Gators? What is this cool guy talking about?"

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]
"Oops sorry, wrong channel . Cool guy?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"I liked his clothes. He must of been a barbarian with all those animal pelts on his clothes. Pretty skinny barbarian though."

The portal goes to static for a moment as Gretchin waves her hands again, this time we see Ghost Tank. Game Boy raises an eyebrow and points at the crazed lunatic.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Who that?"

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]
"That, is Ghost Tank."

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
" :/ he's just a normal guy . Boring."

Quote:You're.... entertaining, Game Boy. Fun to watch. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever felt pain?

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Why thank you Ghost Tank, you're name is very entertaining! And yeah I've felt pain. You ever jumped on spikes by mistake? It sucks, like it's the worst."

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]
"He can't hear you. This is just a ripple from the past."

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]

Game Boy sits in silence watching the rest of Ghost Tank's promo as Gretchin murmurs and waves her hands over the cauldron to hold the spell.

Quote:Peeeee kaaaaa boooooo... I'm waaa-tchiiing youuuuuu....

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Lol silly, I'm not in the camera, I'm sat right here! . That was pretty good, wish I brought some popcorn or something."

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]
"Well, that is your enemy. You must put a stop to him GB."

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Still not loving that nickname."

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]
"You must end him, for all of us. This one appears crazed, who knows who he could hurt. Abide by the rules of this XWF and fight this beast in combat. And finish him."

Game Boy looks serious as he steps off his tree trunk seat, his fists clenched.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Okay Gretchin. I'll beat this guy, for all of us. To keep in line with the rules though I need to do this thing called trash talk. Can you help in anyway?"

[Image: U07lHjJ.png?2]
"Mmm . I can help you . Go to a cave hidden under the shade of a cherry tree north of here, you will find what you need there. Nirva speed Game Boy, and good luck."

Game Boy and Gretchin nod to each other, a sign of respect and thankfulness. GB opens the shack door to blinding white light and the chirps of birds. The green, green grass in front of him. He steps out onto the grass and breathes in the clean air. He smiles.


[Image: mAmAfiJ.png]

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