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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Celebrity(Rp 1)
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

10-02-2014, 06:47 PM

He came. He saw. He talked shit with the best of them. The Last Son of Eden, in what some would call an upset, pinned a legend. He conquered.

Eat. Sleep. SUCCEED. Repeat. So on and so forth.

So our hero uses every trick he has up his sleeve to procure something he has always wanted. That is the Universal Championship number one contendership. But that's just the foundation of this mountain that we call Sports Entertainment. To Cain, this is just the beginning. He has always been this way though. When he began hiw "wrestling career" he never came into any company demanding title shots. He didn't believe in not earning his way, having worked his ASS off in the Garden. He may not have won GOD's favor, but he did win the number one contendership. This victory has brought him both joy and pride.

It's a warm, sunny fall day. A gentle breeze causes leaves to fall from the trees above the heads of the people who walk through the park. The leaves have turned red, blood red. Perhaps a very fitting color, considering the fact that Cain is present amongst the vacationers. The sun is just overhead, and shines off the gently rippling pond as Cain sits on a nearby picnic table, watching the waters. He is dressed in business casual attire. Blue jeans, black button down shirt. Aviator shades. Cowboy boots, with a big shiny belt buckle. He ain't no southerner though. No, Cain Arkham technically has no nationality. This makes the man in almost black extremely mysterious. And by now? He's been hearing alot of things whispered among the XWF Faithful.

"Hey, hey...isn't that the guy who dominated Aidan Collins?"

"I guess ol' Blizz underestimated the wrong one this time."

"If it weren't for that demon chick, he mighta not-a won."

"Blizzard put his hands on the referee! Cain did what any smart man would do."

"Talk about an opportunist!"

Cain smirks. He's heard all this before. The doubt in their voices. He's seen the jealousy in the eyes of the non-believers. A lesser man would let their hatred and doubt drag him down. A lesser man would cry, but not Cain Arkham. Because despite their words, they couldn't take their eyes off of him as he stepped into that ring. They couldn't deny their shock and awe as he destroyed his opponents one by one. He KNOWS he is worth all the endorsement deals. He KNOWS he has it in him and so do they. Ya'll can't deny it. Cain is a fucking rider. Ya'll don't wanna fuck with this Beast when he's on a mission.

He sighs, relieved. On Warfare, many of his own doubts were laid to rest. He closed those dark eyes and listened to the peaceful songs of the birds as they went about their day. Everything was perfect with the world right now. Just as it was when he was draft pick number one. As it was when he was number one so many times in the power rankings. It's an amazing feeling to know that you've found your true calling and that you have followed it. That path you followed? You're halfway there. The mountain top is in plain sight, and at it's summit? Sweet, beautiful gold. He chuckled softly to himself and leaned back on the table, making a statement quietly at the sky. "You thought you had me, didn't you?"

He's talking to GOD. Another legend who underestimated him. As a narrator, I call him a legend because that is what Cain calls him. He thinks GOD is a legend, created by man. Although he has met the man himself, his fear of him has diminished as his power has increased. A man who doesn't fear God. A man who doesn't fear Satan. A man who doesn't fear death. He pushes off the table and begins to walk down the walking path. Suddenly, he hears a child's voice. "Look mommy! It's Cain!"

He snaps his head in the direction of the voice to see a little boy, eight years old. Brown hair, and brown eyes. Wearing a kid sized XWF t-shirt and blue jeans. The mom? She was the definition of a "MILF". Well, in the opinion of Cain, anyway. She was just under five feet. Curvy, brown skin, black hair, brown eyes. Big tits and ass. Hot. The woman looks concerned. "Oh no, honey! I thought I told you not to watch Warfare! That's the bad show for the bad people!" She admonished her son, practically smacking his hand. Though, she thought he was extremely handsome. Sexy, if you will.

The young boy frowns. "But mommy, Cain's good! He beat Blizzard!"

"Ugh. That guy. I guess you're right, honey. I think he might be a homosexual, because he certainly has to be compensating for something with claiming to sleep with all those women."

Cain slid his hands into his pockets and just whistled, as the little boy just looked at his mom in a confused manner. "Mommy, what's a hom...homo...err...homosexual?"

"Err...uh..." way to go, mom. She stumbled over her words. "...nothing honey, forget I said anything."

The little boy just nods. He then tilts his head as Cain ignores he and his mother. "Mommy, why isn't he looking our way?"

"He's probably jaded, honey. Remember, he's a big megastar. He probably has people like you bugging him all the time."

The little boy whined. "But I wanna go say hi to hiiiiiiiiimmmmm!"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT! Don't you know what that guy does in his spare time?!"

"He beats up bad guys like Peter Gilmour and Blizzard!"

"No son..." She knelt in front of her son and whispered. "...he murders people. He is the legendary murderer Pastor Dan talks about in church on Sundays. If we bother him, he might kill us like he did Sacrelidge."

"But Sacrelidge was a bad guy!"

Cain was both proud and impressed. Why? Because now people believed in his legend. The legend of a killer passed down from the beginning of time. If your wondering if he enjoyed killing Sacrelidge, just watch the tape again. That would have been a good match, had the man he was facing been worth a shit. But Cain carried that match all the way to the end where he literally DESTROYED the competition. So now his legend is growing, and his intentions for his next opponents? Same thing. Eat. Sleep. Murder. Repeat. Another low chuckle escaped his lips. His pride grew ever more.

"Okay...maybe so...but murder is wrong, honey. You know what the preacher said, right?"

"Well...yeah....but...Cain makes it look cool. He like..." making hand motions as children often do. "...slashed him up and him to pieces! He's awesome!"

Children are always impressionable and this child was a child after Cain's own heart. Sure there was that kid he talked into murdering his sister. Then there was the child he talked into murdering his parents. Why wouldn't he use his reputation to make others kill? Hell, he was good at it. However, he could not focus on fun and games right now. He stared out at the pond, a stoic expression etched across his face. Meanwhile, the mother and son continued to argue.

"Timmy...what would your father say?"

"Huff..." the spoiled child stomped his foot. "'s never around since you guys got that di....diverse.."

"Divorce honey..." she frowned and hugged him. "...please don't hate your father. He just met someone he loved more."

"More than us?" his eyes started to well up with tears.

Cain just rolled his eyes under the shades. He'd had his share of the absentee father thing. After all, God had been the father and he'd forsaken him.

The mother flashed a brilliant smile at the little boy..."Hey...hey honey, don't cry." She kissed his cheek.

Cain gagged. Kid made him sick now. Get over it, you whiny little pussy.


"Mommy's gonna take you out to Cici's pizza!"

The boy's face lit up and he hugged his mother. "Yaaaaaay!!!!"

And as the two took their attention away from Cain, The Last Son of Eden let out a relieved sigh. Had that turned into an all out love fest, he would have vomited all over the Gator skin boots he'd gotten off a murdered sher- bought in New Mexico. The were brand new. He'd gotten the belt buckle there as well, but that is a story for a different time. Speaking of time, our anti hero checked his rolex. A smirk spread across his face as he continued walking down the trail. He had yet another huge match to prepare for. He was determined not to let that be a fluke.

-End of Story One-

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