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Maverick [Edited as of August 13th, 2015]
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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-17-2014, 04:11 AM


In-Ring Name: Maverick

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Joshua Solomon

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New to XWF

Wrestler Date of Birth: December 5th, 1987.

Height: 6'1

Weight: 220 lb.

Hometown: Battle Creek, Michigan

Personality: Maverick has moments of brilliance, and moments of stupidity. He is known for doing anything and everything possible to get his way in matches, and as such, there are people in the audience who don't have the highest regard for him. However, what saves Maverick's chances with the fans is that he occasionally does fight figures that the fans despise.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Tweener.

Physical Build Description: Somewhat muscular, has a tanned skin.

Ring Attire: Long, gold tights that stretch down Mav's legs. On the side of the tights, the words 'Perfection' and 'Incarnate' can be clearly visible on the sides; Perfection on the left, and Incarnate on the right. The words are a slightly different shade of gold, a different enough shade that makes the words notable.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Pale green hoodie with a white tee, and black sweatpants.

Ethnicity: All over Europe (Swiss, Irish, Russian, etc.)

Pic Base: Randy Orton

Wrestling Style: Maverick can be described as a technical prodigy. He knows how to reverse moves and where to do said reversal. Mav knows how to perform moves to his fullest. Very rarely, if ever, will he make a mistake. His wrestling style is literally the epitome of perfection.

Strengths: Intelligence, technical and submission skill.

Weaknesses: Maverick has next to NO weaknesses, whatsoever, except that at times, the crowd may get too much for Maverick when they boo him. In which cases, he will frequently mouth off to them.

Entrance Theme Music:

Cymbals Eat Guitars - "Warning"


Standard (Also use for title challenges)

The opening riff of Warning by Cymbals Eat Guitars beings playing throughout the stadium, as the fans begin to litter the stadium with both cheers and boos. About twenty- five seconds in, Maverick can be seen bursting through the curtains, a cocky smile seen on his face. He stretches his arms out to the side, hands open- palmed, before raising his head to the heavens. All of a sudden, he turns around, leaving his back facing the ring, before slowly walking backwards to the ring.

About halfway down the ramp, Maverick faces back towards the ring, and lets his arms down, locking eyes with everybody inside the ring. Bouncing on his feet before giving off a heavy, deep breath, Maverick saunters towards the ring, bouncing his feet off of the steel steps as he gets there. He slowly steps in between the ropes, and paces back and forth, waiting for the match to begin.

Title Defenses

The opening guitar riff of Warning by Cymbals Eat Guitars can be heard throughout the arena as the fans get hyped for the upcoming title match. About twenty- five seconds into the song, Maverick can be seen literally rising out of the stage grates, lines of smoke pouring out of the other grates. Maverick eventually comes into full view, his title gleaming on his waist. The fans applaud Maverick's stylish entrance as he launches a cocky smirk. He shines his belt up at the top of the ramp before slowly walking down, bouncing his feet and taking a deep breath occasionally. Right at the end of the ramp, Maverick taps his title a few times, before taking it off his waist. He looks down at his title, before taking a deep breath and sliding under the lower rope, and into the ring.

The fans give off a pop as Maverick poses with the title in the ring, before locking eyes with everybody in the ring. Finally, after yet another deep breath, Mav begins pacing around the ring, waiting for the match to start.

PPV Matches

The opening guitar riff of Warning by Cymbals Eat Guitars can barely be registered throughout the arena as the fans are hyped for the next Pay- Per- View match. About twenty- five seconds into the match, a spotlight can be seen running through the crowd, before training on a lone figure, slowly sauntering his way down to the ring- he is Perfection Incarnate, Maverick.

Upon realizing he's in the crowd, the fans give a small pop for the Avatar of Perfection. Occasionally, he'll get a high- five from one of the fans, cheering him on for his upcoming match.

Maverick can be seen as lost in thought, almost bickering with himself until he realizes he's at the barricade. He gives a deep breath, before locking eyes with everyone in the ring. He knows this is his time, the grand stage is here, and he has the opportunity to make an impact.

Maverick hops over the barricade, before bouncing up the steel steps and walking into the ring. After doing some pacing as Warning begins to come to it's end, Maverick sits at the turnbuckle, getting lost back in thought, waiting for the match to begin.

Manager (if applicable):
Manager's Pic Base:

5 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
1. Punches and kicks
2. All variants of suplexes
3. Low blow
4. Eye rake
5. Dropkick

Signature Moves(s): Age of Perfection, Overloading Perfection
Description(s): Falcon Arrow, Dragon Sleeper
Note: Both of the moves can work as finishes to a match, though they are hardly ever used in that regard.

Primary Finisher: Pure Perfection
Description: Liontamer

Secondary Finisher: Perfect Wrath
Description: Typically used as a counter, Maverick will literally catapult an opponent up into the air by their hips before blasting them with a superkick.

Tertiary Finisher: Kickstarting Perfection
Description: Maverick will remove the top turnbuckle pad, before hoisting an opponent up onto the top rope. Maverick will also go to the top rope after them, before blasting them with a brainbuster onto the turnbuckle that has had it's pad removed. Also, a thing to note is that there is no coming back from this move. Once done, it is an automatic K.O.

Favorite Weapon if any: Tables

Additional notes:

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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