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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL, KILLLLL
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RoboWrestler1 Offline
Kill, you, dead

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09-15-2014, 04:26 AM

Rod West was the name he would have gone by in his younger years. Long, flowing blonde locks and a face chiseled from granite. Rod West would have been that guy all the young ladies were checking out when their boyfriends looked the other way, and Rod would have been just the type to give them a heart melting wink as he rode by on his blood red and chrome Harley Davidson.

He sounds like he would have done well in today's XWF.

Agreed, but we'll never truly know. When Rod West grew older in age and finally accepted his full, much less appealing name, he also accepted true love.

Rod West had become Mr. Rodan Westchesterson, husband to Edith Westchesterson and parent of their beloved daughter, Ethel.

A name that has been heard in the halls of the XWF before. Christmas day, 2013 to be exact.

How old was he by then? What did he do?

Well, that's the tricky part. He didn't really |do| anything in the XWF that day. Christmas day was the day the XWF received the rights to release the disturbing details of Rodan Westchesterson's final day on this day as a living, breathing human being, that is.

Oh? And what were the details of his death, if that's what you're alluding to?

Apparently he had a dream; a glorious dream on that day in which he was turned into a robot killing machine. A much more desirable position than what he had decayed to in his many decades of aging. Time had not been good to Rodan, nor to his wife, Edith. Let's take you back now to see what the XWF had been introduced to on that fateful Christmas day.

Please do.

(12-25-2013, 01:54 PM)RoboWrestler1 Said:
Rodan Westchesterson awakes from his nap in his favorite recliner. His wife Edith heard his startled sounding cry and comes rushing into the room to check on him. It takes her some time due to having to maneuver the walker around; she's nowhere near as quick as she was when she was a spring chicken. She can hear Rodan panting as she calls out to him with "are you ok" and tells him she'll be right there when his response is to call out her name in fear.

Mrs. Westchesterson walks into the den to find her husband face down on the floor. She tries to reach down with one hand while maintaining balance with her walker but her husband's weight is too much and it brings her down with him. The 90+ year old couple lay in each others arms, both unable to get up in their fragile states. "Call Ethel" are the only words Rodan can muster the strength to force out as his wife crushes his hopes by informing him that Ethel took the dog to the park which is a good distance away and won't be back anytime soon.

Rodan tries to speak but his words have to be forced out in a whisper as he has more and more trouble breathing. His oxygen tank has fallen over and the hoses are out of reach. He starts to try and tell his wife about the most riveting dream he had. She smiles and listens, trying to concentrate on his story instead of on their pain. He goes ahead and tells her an entire story about becoming a superior, robotic life form and slaughtering men and women alike. He didn't know why he was in the setting of a wrestling company in his dream but he knew he felt more alive in that dream than he's felt in 50 years.

Ethel, their daughter, is mugged at the park and their dog stolen. Ethel is rushed to a hospital but dies on the ride there from loss of blood after being stabbed when she tried to fight back against the attackers. Nobody ever makes it home to check on the Westchestersons.

The last living memory of Rodan Westchesterson was the realization that his wife, still smiling and listening to his story, had already passed away and grown cold in his arms. That sudden, heart stopping revelation was all it took to end his pain. He never knew that her dying wish was for her husband to be happy again. As a robotic killing machine.

A truly heart breaking story indeed.

Indeed. So what happened next? And how did this affect the XWF?

Well, peculiarly enough Peter Gilmour had taken exception to a part of Rodan Westchesterson's dream and decided to pretend to attack Rodan Westchesterson's not yet existent robotic form.

I'm not sure I follow. Peter Gilmour was offended by an old man dreaming of becoming a robot? And what do you mean he pretended to attack Rodan?

Perhaps this footage will explain better than I can. Or perhaps it will complicate things further. You tell me. First let's get a better idea of just what Rodan had been dreaming. This visual was extracted from his memory by an advanced piece of equipment after his untimely death and depicts the very act that Peter Gilmour somehow sensed. This is his dream already in progress and cut off before it finishes, but we'll get to see why Gilmour got his jimmies so log jammed up.

(12-25-2013, 01:54 PM)RoboWrestler1 Said:
RoboWrestler1 pulls a weapon from his own back and approaches Sebastian Duke with it. It's a modified 9999 round fully automatic FN Mag Logjammer x95 Special with custom flame thrower and grenade launcher built in. RoboWrestler1 walks up to Sebastian Duke and stabs him in the heart with a stake, knowing his firepower would have been useless against the dark lord. Duke withers away and turns into a puddle of bubbling sewage.

RoboWrestler1: Who, is, next.

His voice is completely flat, very overly robotic, and has a tin can echo to it. He does a 45 degree turn and begins walking directly to a doorway that voices are coming from. RoboWrestler1 marches right in on Peter Gilmour.

RoboWrestler1: You, are, not, allowed.

RoboWrestler1 fires his modified 9999 round fully automatic FN Mag Logjammer x95 Special with custom flame thrower and grenade launcher built in. Bullets enter Peter Gilmour's head, his entire body is engulfed in flame and a grenade implodes his chest before exploding him into 500,000 pieces!

RoboWrestler1: Banned, from, locker, room.

RoboWrestler1 does a 90 degree turn and starts heading over to a set of stand alone lockers to look behind them

So now you can see exactly why Peter Gilmour took such exception.

And poor Sebastian Duke. He didn't deserve that either.

It was just a dream; it didn't really happen to either of them or to the others who later were depicted.

Oh yeah, right. Ok so why was Peter so upset? What did he do when he saw this?

He unleashed hell like only Peter can.

(12-26-2013, 12:43 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: peter's fat regenerates like Majin Buu and goes back into his body. He walks up to RoboCrap and taps him on the shoulder. RoboWrestler turns around and BAM.. DEATHSTRIKE! RoboWrestler's neck comes down at a very bad angle and we hear it snap into a million pieces. Peter then does his best GOKU impression and does a DRAGON FIST punch into Robowrestler's gut and pulls out his heart or power supply in this case. He then stomps on it. Peter looks down on the fallen robot..


Peter flashes a wicked smile before walking off

It's frightening, isn't it?

My goodness. That Peter chap may be the most delusional twat on the roster.

Might be? Or is.

Ok, is.

It gets better.

(12-26-2013, 09:07 PM)RoboWrestler1 Said: Since RoboWrestler1 hasn't been completed yet, he cannot comment on Peter Gilmour's delusion.

Arrangements are being made for Mr. and Mrs. Westchesterson's funeral as well as their daughter, Ethel. Any reports of a maniacal robotic killing machine being sighted on XWF property are to be taken as a hoax at this time. Please do not interact with anyone who appears to have metal body parts.

Some time passes, and then...

(12-26-2013, 10:59 PM)RoboWrestler1 Said: RoboWrestler1 is finally completed and had a file uploaded into his RoboBrain of all XWF news and rumors. RoboWrestler1 was said to be short circuited by seeing what Peter Gilmour did to a powerless dummy. Scientists worked tirelessly on RoboWrestler1 and were able to repair the glitch in his RoboSanity that was allowing Peter Gilmour's existence to bring harm to the merciless killing robot. After much testing, RoboWrestler1 was able to view Peter Gilmour footage without so much as a single spark or hint of smoke emitting from him.

RoboWrestler1 turned his head slowly toward the camera, flipped up the bird and said,

RoboWrestler1: Fuck, you, Peter, Gilmour. I, am, now, immune, to, your, idiocy.

Ha ha, good one, RoboWrestler1.

Yes, but it only ticked Peter off even further. Take a gander at this.

(12-26-2013, 11:40 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: upon hearing RoboWrestler's comments towards him, Peter laughed and held up some contraption.

Peter: You're immune? I think not. YOU ARE NOW MINE!

Peter hits a switch on the contraption and RoboWrestler starts to act funny. He then does the actual Robot dance and then jumps off a bridge into a river. Sparks begin to fly as RoboWrestler begins to rust and eventually die.

So wait, Peter basically said RoboWrestler1 is *not* immune to his idiocy?

That's correct. Followed by a demonstration of just how powerful that idiocy really is.

So RoboWrestler1 really *did* die as a result of what Peter did?

That depends on a few things.

Such as?

Well, was RoboWrestler1 even quote-unquote alive at that point?

And was the RoboWrestler in Peter's demonstration the same robot as RoboWrestler1? Many have argued that the one Peter destroyed was a prototype, thus the missing "1" from the name.

Ah, I get it now. Yeah, so Peter destroyed the one before the 1.

Possibly, but we must also ponder the almighty question of is Peter Gilmour's idiocy really potent enough to destroy a robotic being? Even if it was only the prototype?

I feel like hundreds of my brain cells died just from seeing the footage you just showed me of Peter, but I don't think those brain cells were robots, so it's hard to say for sure.

Precisely, my dear friend. We have no real scale to measure this by. All we have is the letter that arrived earlier this morning.

Oh? What letter?

This letter.

the letter Said:Dear X-treme Wrestling Federation,

___ I have never been paid for the use of my name and likeness toward the end of last year and I would like to formally request payment in full. I, my wife, and my daughter would very much appreciate it if you can transfer $10,000 into our family bank account in a timely manner so that we may move on with our lives. We believe that your brief usage of our likenesses has painted an untrue image about us and we believe we were deceived by your company when you promised to turn us into huge stars. We also believe the person known as Peter Gilmour has benefited unfairly as a result of our names being tainted and we feel he should be shot in the face.

Thank you for your consideration,

The Westchestersons


What's weirder is the XWF's official response. Check it out.

the XWF Said:Dear Westchesterson Family,

___ Aren't you losers all dead? If you want to be paid, you have to be alive. If you have a problem with that, come show yourselves in Russia and enter the $10,000 gauntlet. Win it and the money is yours. Suck our dicks.

How reprehensible. What's wrong with the XWF?

That's a fair question, but an even better question is what's going to happen Wednesday night?

Weren't they right though? The XWF I mean? In their reply? I mean, didn't Rodan and his wife Edith both die in each other's arms? And didn't their daughter Ethel die after the mugging?

That's the thing. Yes, they did. There are actual reports verifying their deaths last year.

Sooo, dead people sent the letter?

I guess that depends on your definition of dead.

Wait a second, did you hear that? What was that sound?

What sound?


That sound. It's getting closer.

I'm not sure. Is somebody coming this way?

clomp clomp clomp

It almost sounds like...

It can't be.

Like heavy, metal foot steps.

What's that other sound now? Do you hear it?

"Must, kill, all."

"Must, kill, all."

"Must, kill, all."

What was that???

I... I think it was a voice???

"Kill, you, dead."

Whatever it is, it's coming closer.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill."


"Must, kill, every, body. Die, die, die."

Oh my god! Billy are you ok?

"Billy, is, killt, dead. Your, turn, bitch."


[Image: robocableshoot.gif]

"X, Double, You, F, Gaunt, let, here, I, come. Time, to, get, paid."
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