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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Heavey Metal Weight Championship
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Damn It Rick!
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Soupcan O'Malley Offline
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08-26-2014, 07:52 PM


Oi Rick, remember when I sold the title to you? Why didn't you just tell me you wanted another one? I need more booze money damn it, ya baldy headed fuck! I'm about to nip your title reign in the bud then sell the title right back to ya!

[Image: soupcan.jpg]
[Image: SDI5Q92.png]
1x (Pawned for booze money)

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Vincent Lane Offline
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08-26-2014, 07:59 PM

(08-26-2014, 07:52 PM)Soupcan OMalley Said:

Oi Rick, remember when I sold the title to you? Why didn't you just tell me you wanted another one? I need more booze money damn it, ya baldy headed fuck! I'm about to nip your title reign in the bud then sell the title right back to ya!

Get out of here, Soupcan!

I see your little hidden pin in the top right, too, you hobo.

Lemme kick you out of the shop...

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