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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
Sacrelidge Thought He Was Safe(Rp 6)
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-18-2014, 10:30 AM

I am not what you would call a nice guy. I would drown a sack full of kittens in lighter fluid, then set the whole thing of fire. While children watched. I would go to the local bar and meet a guy there. That guy would offer me one million dollars to kill my own mother, but I'd do it for free. I'd do it for the sheer pleasure of watching the life leave her eyes. I am not what you would call benevolent. Men like Sacrelidge do not understand that.

Men like Sacrelidge think they're safe because I decide that for one day I do not want the cameras on me. Face time on Tv is great, but it turns out that you do not need it when your legend is told in the bible. When you're a big star like myself, the world's greatest murderer, your reputation precedes you. And as for my career? Federation X Superstar Champion. New England Championship Wrestling Revolutionary Champion. First round number one draft pick. One of the most feared men in the business.

He isn't safe.

But my daughter will be. As I reach out to you, the viewer, the young Seven Eleven clerk kicks and screams in the trunk. She doesn't know what is in store for her, even when I decide she is ready to be released. It's about time as I pull into The Brotherhood HQ located in a secluded part of Phoenix. Not very well hidden with the desert landscape, but it just looks like a regular old house.

Shit. This bitch is getting on my nerves. I stop the car and get out. Walking to the trunk, I rip it open and eye my prize.

"You're making too much damned noise..." grabbing her by the throat, lifting the eighteen year old into the air...high into the air. "...and what did I tell you would happen if you kept annoying me?"

I rip the gag from her pretty mouth. Poor bitch is crying.

"...(sob hic) said you were gonna kill me and...(sobs)...find another..." she looked at me in confusion. "'d have to...find another host?"

I grin. "Exactly. Now be a good girl. Be quiet."

"What...(crying) you mean, host?"

"...pft. You won't have to worry about it when I am through."

She cries harder. Because like all humans, she can sense it. She knows that her time to die is coming. I drag her toward the old two story farmhouse. Light as a feather to me. As we reached the steps, made of stone, I threw her over my shoulder. Didn't want to damage my prize, after all. The door creaked open to the near hundred year old house, and I was greeted by an Acolyte there.

"Brother Cain, good to see you.

She bows before me. This young girl is very beautiful, and very mature for her age. I drop her at the acolyte's feet.

"Here. Take this bitch to the basement, Alynna. No...on second thought..." I grin a bit. "...bathe her. Make her look beautiful. And do something about that stupid blonde hair, I hate blonde hair. It makes women look stupid."

The girl had blonde hair. So did Alynna. But Alynna knew better than to argue with me. She obeyed me, taking the clerk down the hallway and toward the bathroom. I heard the girl screaming the whole way. Music to my eyes. It was then that I heard the footsteps, and felt the precense of someone else. I look to the side, and there stands Jacob.

"You've made a fine choice, Brother Cain."

"I always do, Jacob."

"And that is why he chose you. That is why his brother gas referred to you as the future. Sebastian saw your power when you faced him, and though he defeated you, he decided then that you were his next in line."

I was flattered, honestly. Sure, Duke had beaten me before. Sure, we'd given each other the fight of our lives in that match. But now I knew it...he saw something in me that I'd always seen in myself. From day one, I always knew that great things were in store for me, barring Pest's ramblings. I looked at him, shrugging off the starstruck feelings.

"Where is Davids, Jake?"

Jacob shakes his head at me.

"Not yet, Cain. First, focus on Sacrelidge. Then focus on Davids again. You must show your brutality for the world to see. Understand?"

"Understood..."I felt my lips curl, the darkness inside me becoming visible. "...I will destroy him, in the name of The King."


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