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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
99 Problems But A Bitch Ain't One.(Rp 4)
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-16-2014, 09:18 AM

Cain strutted into the parking lot of the seven eleven at about seven o'clock, soaking wet from head to toe. Thunder rumbled amd the rain came down harder and harder by the second. His hands are covered in dirt, which is caked with blood. However, most of said blood had washed off of him by now, leaving behind the faint traces on his face. As he walked toward the entrance, a car stopped quickly...



Cain just smiled and held up his middle finger at the man behind the wheel. A large black man who very much resembled a young Biggie Smalls. He just kept on walking, pushing the door open...eyeing the two thousand fourteen black Benz through the corner of his eye. The rims caught his eye the most, however. They were still spinning. He shook his head and opened the front door...


And headed in.

"Hi sir, how are you?"

Said the young woman behind the counter. She was half Cain's size. She was very pretty, no more than eighteen. Blonde hair, blue eyes...nice rack. Cain just walked up to the counter.

"Hey some extra large rubbers?"

She blushed and pointed at the aisle, which Cain walked over to. He looked around a bit, then back at the girl.

"None of these is gonna fit. They're too small..." Said Cain, a maniacal chuckle escaping his lips. "...I'm not doing that without a condom."

She didn't want to know. She really didn't. But she smiled and made conversation.

"Oh, got a big date tonight?"

"Naaaaah...well, not really. It's just this fucker is disrespecting me, so...well...he's stealing my shtick. Disrespectful, right? Right. Plus he killed my baby's momma's stupid ass daughter and I am going to make him my bitch and rape him to death."

At that, she thought about calling the cops. But within a split second, he was in her face, waggling his finger

"You call the cops and I'll kill you before they get to you. Understand? I don't want to kill anyone right now either. I have to save my energy, know?

She was frozen in place, lost in the solid black pools seperated by his nose.

"O...kayyy...hey, why is that guy with the camera following you around?"

"Because...hey.. I thought I killed you, Manuel?"

" sir...that was my brother. I'm Jose."

Cain eyed the younger mexican...excuse me...Cuban, behind the camera. He then turned back to the girl behind the counter.

"Excuse me."


Impromptu Promo Time. Cain turned toward the camera and motioned for it zoom in. Who was Jose to argue? The camera slowly zoomed in on the face of the War Machine. Very timidly, even. Cain's demeanor changed and the entire store went dark...door locks clicking. Cain looked into the camera, his face straight...dead serious.

"You can't help it. Your mother was a protitute, so she probably smoked crack with you. That's fine. Sacrelidge is a crack baby. We get it. You're small. You're emo. You're not even in my league, mother fucker. Did you think killing that girl would throw me off? Did you think that I would suddenly explode into a fit of rage? Yeah...I am pissed. Not over the bitch, but because you actually disrepected me. By disrespected, I mean, you ripped me off. I was gonna kill her anyway. She was annoying."

His eyes flashed like doorways into hell.

"But you emo children are annoying all around. Either your daddy didn't hug you enough, or he hurt your butt too much. But that's fine. You see, I've killed my own blood before. And to call me brother? You aren't even close. Motherfucker, win or lose, I have ALWAYS been a main eventer. Sebastian Duke. Eli James. Morbid Angel."

"They....are in my league. You...are just a fanboy. You...are hanging off my dick, and unlike those main eventers, you will lose. That is a foregone conclusion. So please....come up with your own shit and stop making murder look like an everyday act, like shitting or pissing."

He grinned evilly. " an art form. And me? I'm Leonardo fuckin' Davinci. So prepare to die."

Cain reached out toward the camera and...


[Image: Wz4kwdV.jpg]
The awesome banner was brought to you by Morbid Fuckin Angel.
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