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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
The Past Gives Way To The Present
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Sacrelidge Offline
From The Shadows

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-16-2014, 06:32 AM

Sacrelidge wandered the backstreets of Las Vegas with a heavy weight bearing down on the small morsel of the heart he had left. Cain took things to a new level by making what Sacrelidge considered pleasure into what he now considered business. Despite the early morning sunlight that was shining down, dark clouds began to fill the sky and thunder was heard in the distance.

Sacrelidge looked up to the sky with intense anger in his eyes.

Sacrelidge: Does this make you happy?!!! You sick son of a bitch!!!

The thunder began getting closer and a single bolt of lightning struck a tree that was no more than 5 feet away from the angered Sacrelidge. He once again looked to the sky with the lok of extreme hatred, the look of the devil.

Off in the distance Sacrelidge catches a glimpse of Cain standing with a younger girl. His look of hatred turns to a look of pure demonic evil with the grin of a monster. He approaches the two making sure to remain unseen. He can hear the two talking as he gets closer.

Girl: I have to admit da… Cain that was kind of hot, you setting fire to that skeleton.

Sacrelidge can hear his heartbeat in his head getting louder and louder. He cups his hands over his ears trying to drown out the sounds but cannot take it any longer, he knows why he has these reactions around Cain and his daughter.. He looks back at the girl who now appears to be separated from her father. Sacrelidge steps out into the open and approaches the girl who now notices him.

Girl: H… hi.

Sacrelidge: Hello little girl

Somehow Sacrelidge can hear the girl’s thoughts.

Sacrelidge: So… you want to know what a cock is?

Girl: Daddy said it is what men pee out of.

Sacrelidge: We can do other things with them too. Want to see?

Girl: Not really…

Sacrelidge: Too bad!

Before the girl can run Sacrelidge has her in his grasp. He drags her off and out of sight.

Moments later Cain comes back and looks for his daughter. He starts to sense that Sacrelidge is in the area and that he had something to do with this. He follows the feeling in his mind behind an old garage where he finds his daughter with her panties around her ankles, vagina split wide open, and her stomach ripped completely down the middle and fully open. Upon further examination he notices a message written in blood on the building’s wall.


[Image: SACRELIDGE_zps973489d7.jpg]
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