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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
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Elisha Offline
Don't go down to the woods tonight.

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08-19-2014, 01:21 PM

The last time I was seen was in an XWF ring when Eli returned. He make me feel every ounce of pain he had felt over the last several years, and it wasn't good. I enjoy pain. It's rather nice to feel it and deal it. It's my favorite emotion, but this was much different than the physical pain I love. This was heartache.

Eli had abandoned the Congregation because I believe he became blind to see his own goal accomplished. He no longer needed me or anyone else. He started the Congregation for some purpose, and apparently it was accomplished.

I was still around when he left and finally on my own, until he returned. I lost my precious television belt to Theo Pryce, and that strange man Eli James returned to destroy the very last thing that reminded him of the days of old: Me.

I remember the words he spoke to me as he left me in my own blood, but those words are for another time.

What's worse is I had no idea where Lacey ran off to. All I remember about the event was that XWF officials were claiming once Eli started to attack me, she ran off and out of the building. She probably thinks I'm gone or that Eli would take me somewhere for no one to see me again.

I don't think any intentions of ending me crossed Eli's mind. I think the beating was out of frustration, and to almost release me from his grip. I accept.

For the first time I feel like a free man. I am in no one's grip. I belong to no man but myself.

I return to the XWF under my own guidance and leadership.

Imagine what can happen....

Without doing someone else's work.

Without being involved in other peoples lives or feuds.

Now that I'm focused on me.

But first... I need to eat.

Elisha is near a park in the evening watching some Hispanics play soccer, or football to those from other locations. His stomach starts to growl but instead of really looking for something to eat, he just watches the game.

"I-I use to pl-pl-play spa-spa-sports. I miss. Wait. I'm n-no longer s-str-strange. They play w-with me!"

Elisha is full of excitement when he realizes that he no longer has his Lacey doll, Lacey mother-daughter, or Eli with him. He dashes towards the field with a strange howl coming from his mouth. Apparently he's just really excited.

Unfortunately, this freaks everyone out and once they catch a glimpse of the strange creature running towards them, they bail. They leave the ball on the field and head towards their cars. Elisha makes it onto the field but everyone is gone. He looks around to see if anyone is still left, but there's not a soul.

He notices the soccer ball that was left and gives a small smile.

Elisha starts to play soccer by himself, and he's terrible. He keeps tripping on the ball or misses the kick. Still... he's out there having a ball because he's been kept away from normal activities for so long.

Then, all hell broke loose.

Gunfire is heard.

Elisha stops for a moment and freezes, similar to a deer in headlights. He's not sure what he heard really, but stops to listen and hears nothing. He continues. Ten seconds pass by, and another gun shot is heard, except this time it sounds closer. Elisha stops playing with the ball and looks around. Nothing. No one.

A few screams are fading in.

Elisha looks closely and it's a large group of people. Perhaps the same group that was playing soccer, except with guns.

Apparently, they got scared at him interrupting their game and decided to send him back wherever he came from.

Elisha... still frozen.. looking in their direction.

They get closer. And closer. And closer.

They are a few feet away from their feet from touching the field, and then...a girl's voice is heard singing...

"He ran away and came to play, but poor boy was ignored. They came on back to attack, instead their blood was poured."

The crowd stops. Everyone, including Elisha, turn to their right and see a young blonde girl skipping in her pretty white dress.. holding a balloon.

"Never seen her before."
"Where did she come from?"
"What's she doing by herself?"
"I don't like what she's singing. Creepy bitch."

Those were just some of the sentences being talked among the group as she skipped between Elisha and the group. She began to skip back and forth singing the same song...

Her skipping from side to side became a shorter distance...

Each time it became a shorter skip...

Finally she stopped skipping but continued to sing the song.

She was looking directly at the group while singing. She looked like a normal girl.

A lady with the group slowly started walking to her with caution...

"Sweety, um, where are your parents?"

She kept singing.

"Honey, what are you doing here all alone?"

Again.. no response. The singing continued. The lady turned to the group and wasn't sure what to do. After some shoulder shrubs from the group, she once again turned to the little girl.

"You should leave. Go home. This place isn't for you. Get away from that ... man."

The girl finished the song and stopped. She gave a wave to everyone and showed them her big smile. Her smile went away quickly. She turned to Elisha.

"Daddy? I'm scared."

"I-I-It's O-Okay. Are you o-o-okay?"

The girl reached under her dress and pulled out a baby doll. She throws it to Elisha.

"She was scared, son. Not me."

Elisha fell on his butt to the ground clinching to the doll. He yelled in a loud voice, "LACEY!!!!" The young girl gave a smile as Elisha just rocked back and forth while sitting on the field with Lacey doll back in his arms. The group looked confused.

The girl turned to the group and walked up close to the lady who tried to speak to her.

"I'm Lacey. That's my son. You scared him. All he wanted to do was play. I don't like the way you was treating him so I came to teach you a lesson."

"Excuse me, sweetheart?"

Lacey leaped forward and bit the woman's neck. She started to bleed out quickly. This shocked everyone. She stood up and looked at the large group with blood gushing from her mouth.

They ran.

She ran after them.

Elisha rocked back and forth with his doll.

[Image: 2b6d4bc0-f04e-46fe-98b2-4584c5178299_zps1fa4586d.jpg]
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