XWF Official Interviewer
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03-12-2013, 12:23 PM
Steve Sayors is standing by and ready to conduct one of his classic interviews.
Sayors: Good afternoon everyone. I'm here to get a few words with one of the XWF's newest sensations; none other than Chris Macbeth. In the short time he has been with the company he has definitely been turning some heads and gaining attention. Please join me in welcoming Chris!
Steve extends his hand to offer a handshake as Chris Macbeth walks onto the interview set...
(what will Chris' first reaction be to Steve and will he shake his hand or insult him?)
XWF Official Interviewer
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03-12-2013, 12:50 PM
Sayors: Thank you for the fine compliment. I actually have had this same pair of glasses for close to 10 years. I keep getting told it's time to get a new prescription but I figure if it's not broken, don't fix it, right?
Sayors giggles.
Sayors: So anyway I was wondering first of all what your take is here in the XWF so far? We'll be conducting this interview as a way to both update people who have been following you but more importantly to educate those who may not yet know about you, so please be as informative as possible and forgive me if I ask questions you've answered before. That said... how do you feel about the XWF and are you happy that you decided to sign with us? What so far as been your favorite moment and what has been something you disliked? Give us all a general feel for how YOU feel about everything you've had happen thus far, please.
XWF Official Interviewer
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03-12-2013, 01:05 PM
Sayors: Yes those other shows are pretty crazy. I'd hate to get caught up in the insanity that happens on those shows again. I've had my taste and let me tell you, it's not fun. So now that Old Wally finally figured out how to book you, it will be smooth sailing for you? How do you think you will fare tomorrow when you step into the ring with the likes of KnightMask, World-1 International, and Mark Flynn? It's been noted by many that Flynn is the obvious, huge favorite to win this battle royal. If you can lay claim to a victory this week by eliminating the others, will you use that as a springboard to challenge Flynn for his coveted United States title? Alternatively, what will you do if you can't get the job done this week? How will you deal with the loss and what will your next move be? This could very well be the fork in your road that plays a huge role in the direction your XWF career goes from here. I'll be honest... I have placed a large cash bet on Mark Flynn to win.
Steve backs up looking like he expects to be struck, very cautiously awaiting Macbeth's response to those points.
XWF Official Interviewer
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03-12-2013, 01:16 PM
Sayors: Thank you for not hitting me like so many others have done. Like I said before, I bought a pocket knife so I'm well protected now.
Steve checks his pockets but can't find it.
Sayors: Oh, well uh, it's here somewhere. Anyway, if you haven't been getting booked against the level of competition you think you should be booked against, why aren't you undefeated? Sounds like you're discrediting the people you have faced before. For those watching who may not know... who have you lost to and how did it happen?
XWF Official Interviewer
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03-12-2013, 04:36 PM
Sayors: Is there anyone in the XWF who you view as the very top competitor, and if so, do you fear stepping into the ring with them if the day should come? Contrary to that... is there anyone who you feel is the absolute lowest level competitor here? In other words who is your personal #1 in the fed and who do you view as the very worst in the fed? Don't hold back... be honest.
XWF Official Interviewer
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03-12-2013, 05:25 PM
Steve Sayors is passed a note that has a question from a fan. He reads the question and seems hesitant to ask it...
Sayors: Wow we have some really weird fans. I guess there's a fan out there who wants to know... Would you ever accept a match against Head Of Gilmour's Mom?
XWF Official Interviewer
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03-13-2013, 11:42 AM
Steve almost throws up but holds it back.
Sayors: I'm almost afraid to ask... which kind of double team action do you mean? Two dudes on one HOGM? Aren't you worried about making Peter angry with such insinuations?
XWF Official Interviewer
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03-14-2013, 11:47 AM
Steve Sayors tries to stop himself from throwing up too.
Sayors: I think we need to call this a wrap in a second here. Any last minute words or threats you'd like to send out to anyone on the roster or anyone watching at home? Give us something to remember this interview by!
Steve Sayors brings out a small microphone that has a tip shaped like Head of Gilmour's Mom and holds it to Chris' mouth so Chris can speak into it. Steve is starting to seem very odd in these interviews...
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03-14-2013, 11:48 AM
Cyren runs in and slaps Sayors with a turkey sandwich.
He quickly returns to pinning Ann Thraxx.