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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Warfare - 7/24 (PART 1)
Author Message
Archie Lawson Offline
Britain's Finest Export

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

07-24-2014, 04:53 PM

Mercedes-Benz Superdome
New Orleans, Louisiana

Rudolph of The Mafia Men
- vs -
Marcus Johnson
Standard, One Fall

Alexander Aries
- vs -
"The Showcase" Brian Jones
- vs -
Phoenix Death
Standard Triple Threat

Zoey Ryback
- vs -
Parking Lot Brawl

- vs -
- vs -
Standard Triple Threat

Kennedy Nikomedes
- vs -
Michael 'King' Reece
Tables, Ladders and Chairs!

- vs -
Griffin MacAlister
X-treme Rules

Danny Scott
- vs -
Special Guest Referee - Frodo Smackins
First Blood

Clean Lucena
- vs -
Warrior Prime
Electrified Cage Match

Warfare opens backstage where Archie Lawson is wandering the corridors. He opens his office door to see a huge black panther with a pink bow wrapped around it.

"Holy mother of lord, what the fuck was that!?"

Archie slams the door to see a note attached to his door.

Archie reads the note...

Dear Arch,

I hope you liked your gift, I really felt like treating you today because I know you're having such a hard time and I knew how much you liked kitties.

I think you should love this giant kitty with all of your heart... if you cherish the panther, the panther will cherish you.

Yours truly,

P.S. His name's Bernard.

Archie turns to the camera angrily and pushes the camera man to the ground. Gio can be seen scurrying in the background with a grin on his face.

Rudolph of The Mafia Men
- vs -
Marcus Johnson
Standard, One Fall

The Mafia Men - Rudolph, Gregor and Vincent, all file down to the ring single file and accompanied by The Don, but only Rudolph enters. Marcus Johnson is already inside the ring and he roars at Rudolph like a wild beast ready to attack. Spit flies out of his mouth and splatters onto Rudolph's face as the savage lunatic continues to growl. The saliva frothing through his gleaming white teeth as his whole body glistens with sweat. His eyes wide and bulged out from his skull like he snorted his body weight in cocaine. Marcus' whole body trembles as he stares down at Rudolph while taking in shaky breaths. This man looks seriously fucking crazed but Rudolph doesn't flinch. In fact he smiles at Marcus and looks to be in one of the best moods we've seen Rudolph in, since being introduced to him. A mood that doesn't change even when the bell rings and Marcus comes charging at him.

Marcus is actually down on all fours when he lunges forward. Snarling and spitting, more like a rabid animal than a man. Marcus then grabs Rudolph by his both of his shoulders and with hands that look like they could crush boulders, Marcus pulls Rudolph up close to him. Bringing Rudolph up to his face as screams like a banshee. Literally howling right into Rudolph's face! Rudolph is getting sprayed with a hailstorm of saliva now as an ear piercing yell continues to pour from Marcus' mouth. But Rudolph does not falter. He just reaches into his jacket, pulls out a pistol and puts a bullet into Marcus' head.

Marcus falls. Dead in the ring and Rudolph puts away his gun.

With a shrug, Rudolph pins Marcus' corpse.




Winner: Rudolph of The Mafia Men

Warfare returns from commercial but instead of showing the ring we see three people hung upside down by their feet. As the camera zones in we see that the three people are Leteri, Kraven and POD. The people who were supposed to take part in the next match. Nailed to each of their chests is a note, each note is one word, the camera zooms in further so that each note can be read:





The camera suddenly spins around revealing the face of Anarchy.


Alexander Aries
- vs -
"The Showcase" Brian Jones
- vs -
Phoenix Death
Standard Triple Threat

Bad Company by Five Finger Death Punch hits the ring. Phoenix Death emerges through the smoke. Alexander Aries and “The Showcase” Brian Jones are awaiting for Phoenix Death in the ring.

They both stare up at Phoenix when suddenly...


Aries was struck hard in the back of the head! On the attack is DOCA HVP as he pistol whips Aries while verbally berating him in Polish. DOCA HVP plants Aries head first into the turnbuckle before planting him with a spike DDT in the centre of the ring!

He delivers a thumbs up with a huge grin and then pulls a pair of Nunchaku from his belt?! Bam bam bam pow crackakow wow! Shot after shot with those lightning fast strikes, you can tell DOCA has used The Nunchaku before. Very impressive. Jones is down now as DOCA HVP scurries away, high fiving Phoenix as he does so.

Phoenix enters the ring.

The referee calls for the bell!

Phoenix Death grabs Brian Jones and flings him into Alexander Aries who hits Jones with a forearm! Jones then plants Aries with a lariat.

Phoenix grabs Jones and flings him into the corner. He hits him with some forearms and closed fists. Then Phoenix proceeds to pick up Aries and whip him into the opposite corner! Hitting him with a splash in the corner.

He cackles before slinging Aries across the ring straight into Jones!

Phoenix runs and grabs Alexander Aries from behind and throws him across the ring with a german suplex! He then grabs Jones, grasping his hands together behind Jones’ back and then throwing him over him, arching his back, executing a high impact belly to belly suplex.

He picks up Aries and lifts him up to the top turn buckle!!


Then he grabs Jones and hits him in the gut with a boot. Then…

The Kiss of Death (Sister Abigail)

He puts them next to each other and then covers them both!!




Just like that, it’s over!

Winner: Phoenix Death

Zoey Ryback
- vs -
Parking Lot Brawl

This can only be decided by Knock Out or until the referee sees fit to end it!

Our attention is turned to the X-Tron where a referee stands in the middle of a car park. Various weapons have been scattered throughout the car park and anything goes in this parking lot brawl!

On the left stands Zoey Ryback and on the right stands Mastermind who has been in good form as of late.

The referee signals for the match to get underway and the two of them lock up. Mastermind gets control early and kicks Zoey in the gut and then uppercuts her in the face. She responds with a few jabs to chest of Mastermind. She then takes a step back and leaps up into Mastermind with an Enziguri that sends him staggering against a shitty Ford Escort that is parked behind him.

She runs at him but Mastermind intercepts it with a lariat which knocks her to the ground. She is fast to her feet but he hits yet another lariat, and then another. He grabs her by the head and flings her towards the car but she uses her fast reactions to leap up onto the front of the car. Mastermind is dazzled as Ryback turns around and leaps onto him with a crossbody!

BUT NO! Mastermind has caught her, he spins her around and goes for a tilt-a-whirl-side-slam but she lands on her feet and grabs him from behind in the sleeper hold! That’s Mastermind’s very own signature move! He grabs her by the arm and overpowers her. He spins out of it and then twists her right arm around and superkicks her in the jaw!

She is sent down to the mat and Mastermind begins to stomp away at her. He gets her in a headlock and pulls her to her feet, he grabs her by the left leg and lifts her into the air, he’s going for a Fisherman’s suplex!

But Ryback kicks her feet and manages to drop down behind him, she grabs him by the shoulders from behind and lifts her knees up onto his back… Back cracker!


Both of them are down for a moment, Zoey is first to her feet and she looks back to see a spanner. Mastermind struggles to his feet. She grabs the spanner and goes to plant him with it!


Forearm from Mastermind! He grabs her and sends her head first into the screen of a car! It smashes and glass flies everywhere. She begins to ooze blood from her skull. He opens the car door and grabs her head and attempts to smash the door on her head but she backwards rolls out of it and then flies through the window taking Mastermind down on the outside of the car!

She unloads a flurry of fists and forearms to Mastermind.

She takes a step back and takes him down with a spinning heel kick. He flies back and is against a lorry. She then runs at him but he lifts her up by the knee and sends her head first into the side of the lorry!

Mastermind is really aiming for that wounded head now. He grabs a steel chair that is lying on the floor and puts it under her head. He then proceeds to go for a leg drop! HITS IT!

The referee checks on Zoey Ryback who is demanding that the match continues. Mastermind pulls her to her feet. She blocks a forearm and hits a stinging cross body chop to the chest. She lifts him up high and then hits a deadly firemans carry powerbomb onto the chair!

The referee checks on Mastermind who clings onto his arm and demands that the match continues!

Mastermind uses the lorry to climb to his feet. Zoey Ryback sprints at him, he drops down with a toe hold and sends her flying into the concrete! She’s back to her feet first but Mastermind…

He’s got the spanner!


She drops to the mat, blood oozing from her skull.

She’s up almost immediately though, it seems as though the blood has sent her into a state of craziness.


She unleashes slap after slap to Mastermind who tries to scramble away.

Eventually he does so, he grabs her from behind and attempts to lift her into the air for an atomic drop but she does a backwards flip and lands behind him. She grabs him by the head and sends him flying head first into a side of a car.

Following this up she sends him head first into the wing mirror!

Mastermind roars in pain, the referee checks on him and allows the match to continue. She pulls him to his feet, and looks behind her. She then proceeds to suplex him onto the front of the car!

Then she grabs the hosepipe that is attached to the wall and wraps it around Mastermind’s throat. In the nick of time though he manages to scurry away much to Zoey’s frustration.

Ryback picks him up to his feet once again, she looks for the HDP (Contra Code) but Mastermind spins away from it and then hits her with a clothesline in desperation.

Both of them drop to the mat.

She begins to climb the huge lorry in the car park and urges Mastermind to follow her. He reluctantly does and the two of them begin to slug it out on the top of the lorry!

Mastermind gets the upperhand and he gets Zoey in the Mind Sleeper (Sleeper Hold)...

He holds her in it, on the top of the lorry. She manages to twist his arm around though and he falls backwards for a moment.


Out of no where!!

Blaster Jacker!!! (Savage Spinning Kick)

Oh my god!!!

Mastermind falls from the lorry to the concrete floor and the referee has got no choice but to end the match!

This one’s over!!!!

Winner: Zoey Ryback

Zoey manages to climb down from the lorry and she looks down on a battered Mastermind who is slowly struggling to his feet.

Frodo steps out of his 1973 Nova SS in the parking lot, he sees it's not been damaged then looks at the pair of Brawlers. He throws his can of Fancy Feast on the ground.

"What the fuck are you two doing? I've been sitting here watching you guys fight like enemies. We're not supposed to do that. Surprise, Jasmine, here blew the secret, we're a fucking tag team! We're not enemies! Jesus fuck. Get inside now. I want you each to write me an essay on why you deserve to be a member Lords of The Ring! That's what we're called, by the way. I expected better of you two. Go on, Jasmine. You first. Zoey can hang back, she's cuter."

Mastermind walks in with his head down. Frodo looks Zoey up and down before pointing to the building, and she walks in. Frodo's tempted to slap her on the ass, but decides not to.

The shot closes in on the X-Tron where a new competitor seems to be introducing himself.

"My name is Kyle Star... And I am your savior... I am the light that will guide you along in life... I am the way of truth... I am your Straight Edge Messiah... After traveling around the indies all these years I've found my way to the XWF... It is time to change the face of this company! It's time for the dawn of STRAIGHT EDGE! Put your hands onto your television screens and feel me flow through every inch of your body! Feel yourself being cleansed from all the toxins you people put into yourself. All the liquor and cigarettes and the drugs you people put in yourself... You people sicken me! If you want to walk down the path of truth, you sure as hell wont be "Following the Buzzards" you will be Following the Classic! It is now the dawn of the Straight Edge Era in the XWF!"


My god! That's a 24/7 briefcase and it's just cracked our newest competitor straight on the back of the head!!

It's Steve Davids! What the fuck is he doing here!? He doesn't even compete on Warfare.

Steve emerges in the shot, holding the Television Championship over one shoulder, and the briefcase in the opposite hand.

"So what? We're supposed to care that there is yet another wrestler here to preach to us about being straight edge? We've had Hunter Payne, we've had CM Punk, where are they now? This man, just like the rest of them will fade into nothingness... Whilst some of us...

Steve looks at the championship on his shoulder, and then down at the briefcase, with a smirk on his face.

"Rise, to greatness."

Steve looks down at Kyle Star simply shaking his head as he walks away.

Why the hell is Steve Davids on Warfare and why has he just attacked Kyle Star in the back?

Kyle grabs his head, but as he looks up at the camera, he is clearly furious.

Danny Scott
- vs -
Special Guest Referee - Frodo Smackins
First Blood

APM by STC hits, and Frodo walks down the ring in his official XWF Ref stripped hoodie. On his way down he's eyeballing the crowd as he enjoys a can of Fancy Feast. When he finishes he sees a fat man sitting by himself, so Frodo throws the empty can at him and continues his gait.

The lights go completely back as the intro to. "O Fortuna" by Therion blasts on the PA. After the intro plays, the lights come up to a dark red, almost fire-like hue and mist pours from the entrance way. There are druids standing on either side of the ramp with torches crossed, and Cain steps through the curtain, wearing a long black leather robe with spikes on the shoulders, no sleeves, and his hood pulled up. He slowly makes his way down the ramp under the makeshift arch, his head bowed, the mist following him. He slowly ascends the stairs and stands there with his head bowed. Close up of his face reveals glowing red eyes, and as he raises his head the lights come up. Entering the ring he whips the hood back and stares his opponent down with a sadistic grin, disrobing.

Red Flag by Billy Talent hits as Danny walks in with an annoyed smirk on his face, once in ring he climbs on the turnbuckle and examines the crowd.

Frodo calls for the bell, and Danny Scott hits Cain with a poke to the eye followed by and jab to the throat. Cain just laughs, and picks Scott up for a Sidewalk Slam. Scott gets up and goes to hit Cain with a suplex, but he's not strong enough for that. Frodo gets bored and begings looking around the audience. He spots a busty woman eating nachos, and leaves the ring to go take some of her nachos and honk her boobs. Her husband looks less than pleased and steps over the barricade to go after Frodo. He runs back to the ring and hides behidn Cain which is the distraction Danny Scott needed. He takes this chance to pull baseballs out of his pockets, and begins throwing them at Cain's face.

"Wait, why did you have baseballs in your shorts?"

Scott just shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll allow it. Whatever. Cain's not bleeding, match continues."

Cain grabs Scott by the throat and picks him up in the air before delivering a massive choke slam. Danny Scott begins to feel his neck for blood, and when he feels something he calls Frodo over.

"I'm bleeding! He made me bleed."[/b]

Frodo looks at it and sees where the skin was irritated by Cain's claw, but not bleeding. He grabs Scott and gets him in the Cher Lloyd is a Fuck Ugly Gypsy Bitch, and hold him there until Danny taps out. Cain looks confused.

"Tap outs do nothing. You need to apologize for that pussy move just then. Apologize and I'll let you go."

Danny apologizes and Frodo lets him go, before going to sit on the turnbuckle. Danny gets to his feet and runs at Cain hitting him with a powerful spear. Both men go to the ground and Scott begins to punch Cain in the face repeatedly. The Beast just laughs as Danny deliver's blow after blow after blow. He even gets in an eye poke on Cain! Scott then gets up and begins to kick Cain in the ribs. The Beast finally grabs Danny's ankle, throws him to the floor and gets up. With the Brit on the down, Romulus decides to go on the offensive.

He picks up his foe and delivers a life changing Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. Frodo sees this and again gets bored so he goes for popcorn in the back. When he came back a few minutes later Cain had Danny sprawled out in the corner and he was going for a Das Boot on the foe. But at the last second Scott got out of the way, and Cain jammed his leg on the turnbuckle. Frodo calls Scott over, whispers something to him as he makes the hump gesture. Whatever he said to Scott seemed to be enough for the smaller man to get a burst of energy. He rushes over to Winters and hits him with The Ass Stunner, which is a punch to the balls followed by an F5. Cain is on his back when Scott leans over and runs his finger nail across Winters' face.

Frodo walks over, sees it's a little red, so he spits on his thumb and rubs it on Cain's face.

"Not bleeding, get up. Go fight some more. I don't get paid if you don't fight."

Cain picks Scott up and while in the air begins to punch him in the ribs repeatedly. The airborne asshole begins to couch and wheeze trying to get free. Finally he manages to his captor in the eye, causing him to be dropped on the mat. Scott gets to his feet and rushes over and kicks out the beast's legs before throwing a right hook to his stomach, followed by a jab to his testicles. He begins to beat the sack like it was a punching bag, working it faster and faster. Until Cain thows a solid left hook to Scott's face, sending him back. He gets to his feet and delivers the most powerful Das Boot he has ever delivered to anyone. Danny goes back in the ropes and topples out of the ring. He begins to rummange under the mat for something and finds it. He slides into the ring and comes back swinging a double sided dildo like it was a club.

The Beast takes a hit or two before backing away and trying to take the dildo from his foe. Frodo just sits back and watches as the pair of grown adult males, involved in a rape match fight over a dildo. Finally Cain gets the pleasure stick free from his attacker and begins to beat Danny with it until Danny curls up into a ball. At this point Frodo walks over, breaks it up, and takes the dildo from Cain. He beats Cain a few times with it before putting it in his back pocket. Scott gets and tries to look tough as he begins to slap Cain's chest. Cain unleashes a powerful slap back to Scott's chest which causes him to stagger.

Cain runs off the ropes... Danny ducks it then turns...


He hits Danny with the Das Boot and blood begins to ooze down his skull and this one's over!!!

Frodo calls for the bell and raises Cain's arm up high... but what's this...

With Cain’s hand raised in Victory, Frodo throws a Shayouken! at Danny Scott which causes him to slink over the ropes. Cain walks over and viciously rips Danny’s shorts down, revealing his bare ass to the world. Frodo hands Cain a light pole, not a huge one, probably about a foot around, and 10 feet long. Cain looks it up and down and begins to smile. He begins to spit on it to get it ready for Danny. Frodo stops him.

”Now, I have allowed a lot to happen, but I will not allow this. I told you fuckers before, there will be lube. We’re not that horrible. Use the lube I provided.”

Frodo tossed Cain the tube of KY Warming Gel, which Cain used to lube up pole before ramming it up Danny’s ass, with one thrust it went in. Cain began to move it up and down inside of Danny, to imitate being fucked. After a few minutes of this happening and Danny laughing, Cain let go.

”Is that all you’ve got lad? I’ve been fucked harder by my sister.”

Cain climbs back into the ring... and out of no where!!

THE DEVASTATOR (Discus Clothesline)

Cain just planted Frodo with The Devastator!!

Danny heads to the back.

Cain begins to laugh as he drops to the mat and slides out of the ring, still staring at Frodo.

Frodo is now coming too but what's this!!

An unknown man is jumping the barrier, what the hell is going on here!!

The unknown man rolls Frodo into the ring before grabbing another steel chair from ringside. As the man climbs the apron he looks back at the crowd and they cheer in support.



The unknown superstar lays the chair down before grabbing Smackins and lifting him to his feet before slapping the taste outta his mouth and laying him out with a delayed screwdriver type maneuver. The unknown man signals for a mic then looks up at the X-Tron before facing the hard camera.

"That's what happens when you run your mouth.. I'd say lesson learned but it's obvious this simpleton can't learn anything... For those of you that don't know who I am, you do now. I'm Ricky Fuckin' Maine, the man of the masses! Frodo Smackins got what was coming to him, nothing personal. While I've got me some airtime let me serve a notice to every one of the XWF superstars, you're all on my list, and I'm going to start running through all of you. It doesn't matter who you are, how big your ego is, or how small your manhood is.. I'm the best damn technical wrestler in the world and I plan to prove it. La revolucion is here.. and it will be televised."

The man revealed to be Ricky Maine lays a couple more boots into Frodo Smackins before rolling out of the ring and leaving through the crowd with a woman that was stood next to him before!

How things have turned on Frodo Smackins!

We head backstage, where Archie Lawson is furiously marching down the corridor.


Archie grabs a camera man and slings him against the wall.

"Where is he!? Where is Ricky Maine!?"

Eventually, Archie finds Ricky wondering down the corridor with the random woman.


Archie grabs Ricky by the throat, but Ricky simply smirks back.

"Is there a problem, sir?"

"You're damn straight there's a problem! I haven't signed you on yet, how dare you attack my talent."

"Oh Archie... Archie... Archie.... You're not the only one who can sign talent you know..."

Giovanni Ferrari emerges from behind him and he separates Archie from Ricky and grabs Archie's tie and looks at him smugly.

"I signed him earlier today."

"Did you now? Well I hope he's ready for action. Next week he can go one on one with Frodo Smackins, and I tell you what... Ricky... you're in for a treat. Since you felt the need to attack MY special guest referee today, I'll be special guest refereeing your match next week. As for you Gio, I'll be seeing you at the pay per view."

Archie walks off angrily as the camera turns to a smirking Giovanni Ferrari who is shaking Ricky Maine's hand.

Kennedy Nikomedes
- vs -
Michael "King" Reece
Tables, Ladders, and Chairs!

Michael Reece is already in the ring, wherein the neutral corners, rest two of the implements named in the stipulation of the match; in one a ladder, and the other a table.

A large American flag waves on the Xtron as Born in the USA strikes up. As the Boss starts to sing, Kennedy emerges from backstage. He stands with a British Bulldog style cape with his arms out, revealing his American flag cape. Two Marines flank him as security, holding American flags. As he stands there, a series of three pyro explosions, simulating rocket fire escape from the stage and fire out above the ring. The first explosion is red, then white, then blue.

After the pyro, he makes his way to the ring, slapping hands with ringside fans and even posing for pictures. He enters the ring as the Marines place the flags on opposite ring posts.

Ding ding ding!

Kennedy cracks his neck before stepping forward and offering his hand out to Reece. Reece, eyes wide with surprise but gleaming with some semblance of genre savviness, slaps Kennedy's hand out of the way before shoving him back a bit. Kennedy looks down at the mat and shakes his head in disappointment before rearing back and almost knocking Reece's head off his shoulders with a huge haymaker! Reece falls backwards and to the mat, trying to shake out the cobwebs but Kennedy doesn't seem to be willing to let up. Leaning over Reece's fallen body, he pulls the man back up to his feet before hooking him in and delivering a swinging neckbreaker!

From there, Kennedy's eyes meet the table in the corner and he walks on over to it. At first looking like he's planning on pushing it out of the ring over the ropes but upon closer inspection, it's revealed he's just tapping the wrist of his left hand, which is presses against the table, almost as if mimicking the ticking of the second hand of an analog clock. This all happening while Reece is getting back to his feet. Reece shakes enough of the cobwebs out to realize the opportunity he has and goes for it, charging right at Kennedy and the table.

Kennedy stops tapping and sidesteps, just a second before Reece runs head and shoulders first into the set of table, which breaks from the impact!

Dazed, Reece stumbles backwards, about ready to fall when he's caught by Kennedy, who delivers an American (German) Suplex and holds for the pin!


Kickout! Kennedy stomps Reece once on the back of the head and rolls him over onto his back before making his way to the debris littered corner once more, climbing up the turnbuckles.

Crowd: "O'er the la-hand of the free~"

Kennedy leaps!

O'er the Land of the Free (Diving Elbow Drop)!

He pushes himself off Reece's body and pulls Reece back up to his feet before backing away. Reece begins to stumble around, barely able to stand on his own accord.

Crowd: "And the home..."

Kennedy gets himself into position.

Crowd: "Of the..."

He shuffles over to Reece...

Crowd: "BRAVE~"


And the Home of the Brave (Superkick)!

The cover!




Winner: Kennedy Nikomedes

- vs -
Griffin MacAlister
X-Treme Rules

Gardenia by Kyuss plays as Gator walks out, he drops to one knee, with his head down and beats his chest 3 times,on the 3rd chest beat Gator quickly stands raising his arm as his stage pyro goes off. Gator then walks slowly down the ramp to the ring looking generally pissed off, he slides into ring and climbs one of the corners and mouths off to the crowd. He steps off the turnbuckle and relaxes in the corner, patiently waiting for the ref to start the match.

Rancid - Avenues and Alleyways plays as Griffin marches down to the ring, eyes locked on the masked face of his opponent.

Ding ding ding!

Both men were itching to get this match started and nothing proved that more than the fact that upon the first ring of the bell, they both leap at each other!

A flurry of lefts and rights from both men hit their mark as they stand in the middle of the ring, neither willing to give an inch, to back down in the opening moments. Griffin blocks a punch and hits a headbutt that connects where Gator's nose should be! Gator pulls his head back, before slamming it forward and smashing Griffin right inbetween the eyes! Griffin backs away, hoping to shake out the cobwebs but Gator doesn't relent on his attack, instead he goes for a clothesline! A clothesline that knocks Griffin off his feet for a moment before he scrambles back up. Gator goes for another but Grif ducks under and grabs onto Gator's arm. He gets into position and drops Gator to the mat with a side Russian legsweep. Transitioning that move into a cross armbreaker, or at least attempting to. Gator struggles, and slips out before the hold can be cinched in.

Getting back to his feet, Griffin lays a stomp onto the right shoulder of Gator but the grounded man rolls out of the way just before the second can land. Gator pushes himself to his feet and pulls Griffin in, whipping him into the ropes and waiting. He waits for a second or two as Grif hits the ropes and rebounds off, right into him. Gator lifts him off the mat and drops him with a huge flapjack that sends Griffin's upper body jerking upwards into the air before smashing back down against the canvas of the mat. Gator sits up, then stands up, walking over to the side of the ring and sliding under the ropes. Fishing around underneath the ring, he pulls out a Kendo stick! He looks down at the weapon and shrugs; it obviously wasn't his first choice but scavengers can't always be choosers. He slides under the ropes and over to where Griffin's busy trying to get up to his feet. Gator lifts the stick up over his hand and brings it down hard across Griffin's back! The sound of wood colliding with T-Shirt covered flesh echoes throughout the arena!

Griffin collapses back onto the mat as Gator raises the weapon up again! He brings it down, nope! Griffin rolls over onto his back and gets his foot up high enough to kick Gator in the face! Gator stumbles backwards a bit, dropping the stick to the mat in the process. Griffin gets back to his feet and grabs the stick, pulling back like a baseball player ready to swing when Gator charges in! No! Gator charges in to get a gut full of wood! He grabs at his stomach and drops down to his knees, giving Griffin the perfect opportunity to drop the hammer, err Kendo stick right down on the head of Gator! Gator falls to the side, one hand on his head and the other on his stomach as Griffin rolls him over and goes for the pin.



Kickout! Gator kicks out with authority! The stick, which hand been in Griffin's hand up until this point is forced out of his hand and out of the ring as a result of the kickout, leaving both men to just their hands once more. Griffin pulls Gator up to his feet and nails him with a kick to the gut! Gator's doubled over and Griffin goes for a powerbomb! No! As Griffin goes for the lift, Gator blocks it and forces Griffin over his head! Back body drop! Out of the ring! Griffin lands ass first on the apron and falls forward onto the concrete and Gator follows suit, pulling him up by his hair and throwing a huge right hand to Griffin's jaw! Griffin stumbles back before lurching forward with a left straight to Gator's nose! Gator grabs for his nose before stomping on Griffin's foot and hitting him with an elbow to the face! Then Gator slams Griffin's head off the top of the metal guard railing. He tries it again but Griffin hits a sharp elbow onto Gator's stomach and shoves him face first into the steel! Griffin then releases his grip, and Gator stumbles aback before Griffin turns his attention to him once more and whips him into the side of the ring!

With his back up against the apron, Gator takes a few deep breaths before ducking Griffin's attempt at a big boot, resulting in MacAlister getting a foot full of nothing but ropes which he gets tangled up in.

Well, tangled up in before Gator helps with a massive donkey punch that knocks Griffin down but also frees him! Pulling Griffin up, he slides him under the ropes and follows him into the ring. He pulls Griffin up to his feet but Griffin shoves him off and towards the center of the ring.

Gator and Griffin are locked up in the middle of the ring, but Gator knees Griffin in the stomach and lifts him up for a Fisherman Suplex a bridge and the ref has started the count.



Kickout by Griffin MacAlister at 2 and a half, and Gator is pissed! A boot to the head of MacAlister. Gator is leaving the ring and is back under the mat while Griff is on the the floor trying to force himself back up, Gator's dragged out a table! He's setting it up at ring ringside, but what else as he got? It's lighter fluid! Gator is going to set the table on fire! He pour the contents onto the table and lights it, the table ignites into flames. Gator turns around to get Griff but NO! Griff flies through the ropes and delivers a spear sending both men through the table! Both men must be badly burnt! And the officials at ringside have put them out with a conveniently placed fire extinguisher, thank God.

As both men lay, laid out on the concrete floor, whose cold temperature must feel like a relief after the inferno they just crashed through, Gator's the first to stir. Rolling over from his back onto his stomach, he pushes himself up off the floor and tries to shake out the cobwebs. Finally looking back into it, he pulls Griffin up to his feet and whips him into the barricade! Griffin collides sternum first into the steel, and falls to the ground, turning around so his back is up against the makeshift wall. Gator smiles and silently vows to make the most of the situation, charging in with a ducking elbow that ends up with him sliding on his knees before smashing the back of Griffin's head up against the barricade with his forearm! Content, he pulls Griffin back up to his feet, drags him over to the ring and slides him into it, stopping to pull two steel chairs out from under the ring. He tosses both in before sliding under the ropes.

He sets both chairs up, facing one another with seats touching. Then, he walks over to Griffin and pulls him up to his feet, then lifting him up onto his shoulders. Oh no! He's going to put him through the set up chairs!

But wait! Griffin's fighting out of it! He struggles and falls out of Gator's grasps, on the other side of the chair contraption! Griffin grabs one of the chairs and jabs Gator in the stomach with the top of it before kicking the other one out of the way, across the ring. Placing the chair back onto the mat, he grabs Gator by the head and hits the Reality Check (Twist of Fate) on him through the chair! The chair's busted! Griffin goes for the pin!




Winner: Griffin MacAlister

A few moments go by and the camera's still situated on the ring with Griffin still inside, but Gator's nowhere to be seen until...

Look out Griffin!

Gator's got a steel chair and delivers a skull crushing blow to MacAlister! Griff's out cold. Gator has set up the chair and he's picked up Griff's head placed his mouth onto the edge of the seat! Gator's behind Griff, he lifts up his leg and OH GOD! A viscous kick to the back of the head! Gator has curb stomped Griffin MacAlister! Is he alive!? Yes he's moving, but he's gonna be eating through a straw for a while!

Griffin may have won the battle, but it looks like the war could be far from over!

If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
Margaret Thatcher

[Image: 97166.jpg]
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[-] The following 8 users Like Archie Lawson's post:
Clean Lucena (07-25-2014), DOCA_HVP2014 (07-24-2014), Frodo mother fucking Smackins (07-24-2014), Gator (07-24-2014), Mastermind (07-24-2014), Morbid Angel (07-24-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-24-2014), Scott Charlotte (07-24-2014)
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
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07-24-2014, 06:42 PM

"Well, looks I've got two asses to kick now. Cain, I'm coming for you when I get back, rape match."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Leteri Offline
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07-25-2014, 01:45 AM

ooc: Nice, to see my character was fucked over thanks guys.
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Leteri's post!
Frodo mother fucking Smackins (07-25-2014)
Archie Lawson Offline
Britain's Finest Export

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Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

07-25-2014, 02:31 AM

OOC: post a RP then he won't get fucked over.

If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
Margaret Thatcher

[Image: 97166.jpg]
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