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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Turn Up RIght?
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Zoey Ryback Offline
--The Original Daughter of Destruction--

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

07-23-2014, 11:56 PM

[Image: ZR_zpsdbe6e263.gif]

June - 26th - 2014-

She hits the mat, hard, the wind is drawn from her breath. As Nick stands over her, he grabs her hair and pulls her to her feet. Whipping her into the ropes, she ducks, bouncing back, going in for a flying clothesline but he catches her, whipping her around and slamming her into the mat. She screams, rolling over, trying to catch her breath. All the while he stands above her, looking down, like a predator. He waits for her to get to her feet, before swooping in, lifting her up again, kicking her feet out from under her and slamming her violently into the canvas. She cries out, rolling onto her side, trying to catch her breath.

"Remember Zoey, Keep thinking, stay calm, be aware. These are your only chances, if he thinks he's got it up on you, he will capitolize. Never let a man think he's better, never let him believe he's got you.[/i[

She jumps up again, delivering a straight punch to his chin, she throws again, its caught, Nick twists her over, kicking her in the stomach one, two, three, four times before throwing her onto the mat again.

[i]"Your losing again, keep your head Zoey! Think!"

Hes Right, I need to slow it down, what Im doing isn't working, charging in, like the hero. Im not the hero, Im nothing to these people. I need to play it that way.

Zoey gets to her feet, taking a few breathes before charging at him again, but he sweeps, she jumps, meeting him on his return and throwing him down onto the mat. Holding his arm up against her chest, she kicks him in the side, forcing him over onto his chest, she pulls backwards, resting her foot against the side of his face, stretching the arm out as far as it will go. Nick squirms, trying to get to the ropes, but she yanks him backwards, pushing all her weight against his arm. After a few moments he finally taps, she releases, letting him stand to his feet, he shakes his arm a few times, nodding his head.

"Damn, Nice.

"Sorry Nick.

"No, Dont be sorry, never be sorry, you got me. Never be Sorry"

"Your right Nick, I missed it, Im still getting used to it. My Bad."

"Its okay, but your first match isn't going to be easy. You have to understand, that they dont care about you, they wont back down when you want to quit, Zoey, the secret, is sudden... overwhelming... force. They aren't ready for what you are capable of, I've seen it, these kids in this wrestling world. Are stuck, in their own style, because they are ready for You, To Give a Fuck.... Dont."


-The Shoot-

Mastermind, its obvious that you might not be taking me seriously, you think my television isn't on? I Hear what you have to say, and the only thing I can reply is that Yes, We are walking into the trios tag tournament together. But in my eyes, the way I have learned, is the best way to get to know somene, is to fight them, and here we are. At that exact situation. You and I have it better than anyone, because I will show you this week, my resolve. And so to, will I learn yours, because right now, I am just a newbie, I learned from one of the best, but how will it pan out this week. How will we go into this match, knowing the two of us will have to work together? Will you take it personally if I do beat you? And take it out on me? Ultimately leading us to a loss in the trios tournament? Believe me I've seen enough of how this works to know that people get fucked up over the simplest of things. And its really saddening, you use the term "Turn Up" which to me is a bit adolescent. Lets think up another term. Its used by Gangsters and fuckboys, people who really aren't about the life you and I Find ourselves in. Trust and Believe that You and I, are going to have one hell of a match. And whatever the outcome is, I will be just fine with it. How many times has that been said to you? No Retaliation... no upcomance.

Its because I see the type of person you are, really. You have done quite the job putting your name up. And when the two us finally do meet for the same objective, I truly hope you up to the challenge. Even though you did such a good job, crocheting your accomplishments, just like I said any cookie cutter wrestler would have. But Believe this, I am not out there for your personal agenda. I will walk to that ring, with all intentions of making the person who stands in front of me, a fool. You doubt me... You think yourself better. We are all people, we are all a part of the same line. You and I, us and them, its all about who wants it more, whether its you or me, the better person will win. So Who Are you Mastermind? Who do you think yourself to be? You've been around long enough to understand that at the heart of all of this, all the shit talking, all the bullshit, that its about how badly you want it. How Badly do you want it? If its a doubt in your mind that I wont have your back in that Tournament, I want you to shake it off. You and I are meeting this week, because of the die of fate. The best choice for the best people. You Understand?

Whatever goes on this week, you beat me, I beat you, wont matter. All that will happen between the two of us, is that it will make us question ourselves. Maybe even a little less, because really, this match, is just a stepping stone. And no matter the outcome, you will know who I am, and the XWF Will know just what I can do. The best introduction I can give these people, is what I will walk out there, and deliver. You and Everyone behind you, will understand that I am here to play, and it doesnt matter how many men you've beaten, how many mountains you've climbed, because none of those people, were me. I came to the XWF to build a new life, to make a new beginning, and if you are just the first in a thousand men to stand in my way, then I plan to make quite the example. You might look at me and see a girl, with a big mouth, with too much aspiration. But I am so much more and I promise you, I promise you that I am worth everything that the XWF saw in me. Do Not Be Mistaken.

This week, on Thursday, You Will understand that its not about the size of a person, its not about how strong, or how fast they are. Its about a person's resolve. And To Me, I know that I cannot walk away from this match a loser. I cannot put all of this on the line for nothing. You and I, are enemies tonight, but we are... so that one day we can be partners. You will know me, and I will know you. And what else can someone hope for? What else can someone ask of their partner? Its not often that two people can look each other in the face and understand all that the other is willing to give. But after this, the two of us will. And there is truly no better feeling in the world. Can you say the same? Or are you blinded by the stereotypes... we are supposed to hate each other, no matter what anyone else says. Can you say you are any different from them? Judging the Book by its proverbial color? I hope your smarter than that Mastermind... I truly Hope You Are.

This week, I walk into that ring, to prove to you, to prove to myself, to prove to the entirety of XWF that I am ready, against you, against anyone. Doesnt matter. Would it matter to you? We are enemies today Mastermind, so we can be Partners Tomorrow. Be Well, and if you plan to come at me, with your 50%, than think again. I am here, and I am not going anywhere. Take a deep breathe, and prepare yourself. You think Im not about it, I wont "Turn Up" but best believe that I will.

Ratchet As Fuck.

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[Image: nickxwf_zps4da01d73.png]
[Image: mckayla_zpsf517aade.png]


Copyright 2014 Suicide Note Productions
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