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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
We Gotta Do Something, Quick!
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Danny Scott Offline
Ya can walk home, ya FUCKING pervert!

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

07-20-2014, 10:02 AM

OOC: Scene opens up to Scott jacking off in his bathroom when he notices the camera.

Oh hey Cain. Sorry you got a glimpse of what I do in my spare time. It's what I do, don't judge. I don't judge what you do in your spare time. Well actually, I don't know what you do in your spare time. Probably worship Satan, you sick fuck. Anyway this isn't about that. Let's get back on topic. On how I'm going to destroy you, Cain.

Cain, A.K.A The Demon Prince. Is this who I'm fighting? Cause if it is, I'm not scared at all. If your job is to scare people by the title "The Demon Prince", you're doing a horrible fucking job. It doesn't even slightly terrify me. It's because I'm not a bitch. You are the one who's going to become a bitch by me defeating you. Why do I say that, you ask? It's because I'm going to shove my cock so far up your asshole, you'll need another asshole. Or maybe then can just leave you without an ass. An ass less demon prince. Is that what you want, bitch?

You're going to shove a lamp up my rectum, huh? Well I'll grab the lamp, shove it up your cock, and then knock you out with it. Then, I'll hit you with the Anal Stunner. Do you want that, cock face? If your a gay moron, you do want that. But, I doubt that you're gay. Are you?

I've noticed you are the May 2014 Superstar of the Month. Well good for you, *claps sarcastically*. After I'm done with you, the XWF will have no choice but to award me July 2014 Superstar of the Month. They'll look at you face down on the mat after our match and say, "Man, this guy's dangerous. I think we should award him the Superstar of the Month." That's exactly how it's going to go down.

What finishing move are you going to hit me with? The Final Solution? That's a fucking stupid name. The way you described it sounds dumb as well. I can't believe you would have such a weak move in your move set. Now see, the Anal Stunner, is a great, powerful move. If I do it hard enough, It can make the average man's ball sack stop producing semen. Then, you can't have kids. Is that what you want? A dick that can't produce children. I doubt anyone would want to marry a Demon Prince anyway.

Before I end this promo, I'm going to let you off with a warning. If you ever come up to me again, after I whoop your ass. I'm going to get my baseball bat and some teabags, and I'm going to shove the teabags in your mouth while I shove the baseball bat up your cock. The lamp might still be in your cock though.

The scene fades to black
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