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#NOW, pt.3: (Sweet Surrender //incoming)
Author Message
Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

07-17-2014, 10:12 PM

OOC\\ I created these tables, not for me, but so the threads would be easier for you to load.
After this, I'll no longer talk OOC, or use colors, tables, etc., till I've proven myself...
I have found One character. I'm gonna stick w/em' 4 a while. Perhaps 4LiFE.
Please, watch the first 007Vids then read. Thank you. //OOC



From RayneBond, Pt.1 -- Starring Her, Me, a buncha other people, here's the link.

$HB: That's the difference between you and me... I've had all these ideas that I just keep pushing off...
When you want something? You make it happen. Right then and there.

HJQ: Yep, lol... So let's make this happen.

\/- - - - - - - - - - - - - \/

--the following message was sent, via 'telegraph', to one, Mister Jacob Woods, on the date of july 13th, 2014--

--reeve appears--

[Image: aly-cat_zps1d7081b6.png]

"Dear Mister Woods. If you thought that first promo was 'trippy'? You ain't seen nothin' yet. You ask how I'm gonna respond to you, Jakoby? Afraid, much? Follow the rabbit hole and find out for yourself, Red."

--reeve ree-appears--

[Image: jimmy2_zpsb29d8292.png]

"Get ready, bitch. Cuz The Age Of Gordon's just gettin' started. And you're headed for The Fall. Princess OUT!!
End transmission."



#NOW -- Pt.3
(Dear Mister Woods / The Hell Fyr Rises)
when the rabbit hole touches ground ^ keep Free-Fallin' \/

Music plays. Roll camera. Lights... Reeve appears. Action.

[Image: tumblr_lh058bXwHW1qecbnjo1_500_zps9c752b5d.png]

"Gator... I'm gonna call you Mister Woods, or Jacob... actually, cut. Let's ree-do this, this doesn't feel right, let's take it from the top..."

--the following was ree-corded sunday the 13th, july 2014. the footage has undergone an extensive editing/rewriting/post-production phase. it is now presented to you, in all of its glory. do not kick the chair in front of you, and please put away all cell phones till the end of the film, AND NO SINGING!! >:^O .........nachos will be served in the concession stand. we're all outta parm. thank you, and enjoy the show--

--reeve ree-appears--

[Image: jimmy-jacobs.jpg]
when you reach the end of part one ^ continue \/

"THERE... Perfect. Now, Jacob, can I call ya Jake? Maybe Jakoby Dakota Shaddix, or maybe Just John Doe? Heheh, I'm joKin' with you, I'll call ya Gator. Or Gay-Turd, it really doesn't matter does it, you're gonna lose, everybody knows that, right?! I mean, me, in my return, facing you? ...Really? Some punk rookie, really, they just shove me into some random four-way with a bunch of no-name losers, never had a marquee in their lives, DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? I'm Reeve.FUCKING.Gordon, the SHOWMAN YA MEAT HEADS!!

"Gator... you're new, so I'll fill you in. September, 2013, ARE YOU LISTENING?! I hope you are, LAST YEAR... I faced some floozie named Christina Nashville, or whatever, it doesn't matter, I took her on, I had the match in the BAG. I mean it was cut and dry, the chick was done, and the match hadn't even begun, but TRUST ME. I had her beat, then what happens?

"I'll tell you what happens, whether ya like it or not, THE ENTIRE FUCKING COMPANY poured into the ring. They electrocuted me, they RAPED ME, I mean literally you fuckwit, this big, nasty, hairy fat bastard named Barney Green and some schmuck named Crimson DONG rode me like a fucking horse, and they CUT OFF MY FUCKING HEAD.

[Image: Oprah-deal-with-it.gif]

"You want the proof, here's the footage-- "

"TELL ME, what do I need to do to get some gawd damned RESPECT AROUND HERE?! Cuz it's FUCKING EMBARRASING to go through the torture, LITERALLY DIE, and come back from the DEAD... what do I get, I'LL TELL YOU...what I got, I got my head shoved in a toilet, I got my face SMACKED WITH A GAWD DAMNED PLUNGER... then? Then, oh and get this, this is the BEST FUCKING PART, I get broken down by a buncha GAWD DAMNED POLICE BATONS... that's how I make my return.

"It's a living NIGHTMARE, a living hell, it's a SHAME, is what it is...

"...And I can't catch a break....

[Image: giphy.gif]

"Gay-turd, from GREAT FUCKIN' BRITAIN, ch'yeah, right. How great can you be, when you KNOW, you'll always remain second to the Good Ol' U-S-of-A, huh? The Walking Disaster? Lemme tell you, I was The Storm, a NATURAL DISASTER....... and you're damned right I was. I was an embarrasment, that's what I was. That's what I'd become,that's what I LET MYSELF BE... And I'm sick and tired of it, dammit, I used to be a big,damned,deal, I clipped The Dragon's Wings, I BLED THE DHAMPIR DRY, I did that. ME. Reeve,Fucking,Gordon, not some fucking 'Storm', not some biTch named Rayne...

"...That's who I WAS. In the midst of all that glitter, and SPARRRKKLEE... they were the darkest days of my life.

"I gave into that weaker side of me..."

Reeve paused for a moment... before looking down... \/

The camera cut, once again...

[Image: tumblr_lh058bXwHW1qecbnjo1_500_zps9c752b5d.png]

...before ree-Opening. Gazing down at the wooden paneling, She spoke...

"...I cut that weak part away like any Doctor would, leaving the Valid part behind. Mr. XWF taught me that. I looked into the Mirror, and I realized... they were right. They were RIGHT, and I'll tell ya somethin' else. You come from Great Britain, you plied your craft in Japan, and you already have my respect. You wanna know why, I'll tell ya why. It's cuz you're focused. You're confident. You're driven, I feel that desire, I feel that fire, that spark, that passion. You're determined, and you're right.

"The time for gaMes has come and gone. The big wheel's began tah turn...
And now? This Fyr's Burnin' once again.

"There's a reason you've never heard of me, there's a REASON...all these people refer to me as 'Raynebow'...and that's cuz I let 'em. And I brought it all upon myself. I never showed them the real me. I have so many memories, moments, 'scenes', in my mind, moments I MADE happen, instad ah talkin' about 'em, hopin', dreamin', 'believing' but never doing a damned thing to make them a reality...All those moments, all from the past. None from the here and #NOW.

"...So I had to steal one. I upstaged The Cat, and I felt the claws. It was her party, it was her MOMENT. One moment with a man named Myst, and I had tah make it about me, like always, well lemme tell ya. She didn't cry. She got even. One drop. The blade fell. And she took her place atop the throne of this kingdom. The Queen of The Realm of Xtreme. I wanted that spotlight on me, I wanted to take, to benefit. If people couldn't benefit me? I didn't want anything to do with them. And I didn't care how she felt about it... so she made it her mission, to make me care.

"Mission. Accomplished.

"And I learned. I learned a lot... Some things, ya can't change. But ya learn from them, you take the mistakes and ya make a lesson out of 'em. I let that past hover over me like a cloud, well I'm tellin' you, I'm tellin' the world, that storm has passed, and it's no longer 'game time'. It's go time. It's time to prove them wrong, stop talkin' about it, and start contributing to the company I call home, Sweet Home. Where the skies are so blue. And I'm glad you feel you have this match in the bag, cuz to paraphrase somethin' I once said, once 'rapped' you might say.....

i kinda Said:[Image: mioWo.jpg]

"Not a damn soul better than the R-DoubleE-V-E. Without a doubt in my head? I got it locked through history. I'm The Whole Damn Show, comin' at'cha tah say $ay, The RayneStorm'll take your Breath away. Take ya through Time, back when the Kids knew how tah Play. Like 'Other Maddy', this Light gun is lockin' its Ray. Lose yourself in the 'Music', Get down On Your Knees and Pray, Just Like A Virgin, I got the Swagger N' You're Gonna Pay......

i really Said:[Image: Picture47.jpg]

"....But the best damned thing about my style is? I Wake Up every day without a droplet of fear. And at the end of it all, and when the chips are all set? I took every last step without a hint of regret. Cuz when the Dust has all settled, and the Smoke is all clear? The only person you can change is the Man In The Mirror. So I never back down, and I Never Give Up, try not tah doubt, to never fall in that rut... Cuz there's enough Doubt in this World already. Just Trust yaself or you'll be chopped up like Spaghetti, I start Believin' in me, I got my guns at the ready, and 'I Won't Back Down'...... Tom Petty.

"But, to put it quite simply, as my mama used tah put it, and it's a motto I carried with me through life, and I'm sure a few of you've heard me say this before, but it's the straight Truth..........

"If you don't believe you're the best? You never will be.

"That's why I always say, just like Y2J-- 'I AM, the Best in The World, At EVERYTHING I Do'....cuz that's motivation. That's inspiration to take potential, a handful of words, and make it a reality. Make it so, MAKE IT HAPPEN GAWD DAMMIT, as a certain gal once told me... I see the potential, Mr. Woods. I see the drive to take a 'rookie'...and make a Star. I KNOW who I Am.... Guys like me? We don't have it made, not even in this day and age. CLEARLY...I'm not your 'typical guy'. I try to start a 'parade'? The only 'hit' goin' down is a baton-beating to rival my 'departure' from Madness. But...I am who I am. Raynebow the Sailor He-ManWoman. And in the words of my 'Caller from Nebraska', @HTC, ya don't like it? Deal.With.It. Cuz just like my redneck, brawlin' Alabama lezzie cuzzin, Sarah "SnowStorm" Gordon....I'm proud ah who I am. And that's all that matters.

[Image: sarahxwf_zps863776e5.png]
--image courtesy, R.Gordon Photography L.L.C.,©August 2014

"I know it can be difficult to tell with me. I realize this, I understand this, and I own up to it. But there's always more to the story, two sides to every coin, and believe me or not, at my core? I remain a being, an entity... of pure, unbridled emotion. Cut through the lies, find The Truth. When I'm not 'acting'?....pure, sweet emotion, is all i got left. The flaYme. ...that part of me remains, for even through the darkest days? Jessica, Ally, Petey, Minxy...they taught me something. There can be no light without the dark, no dark without the light. It rests Within Us all. No matter how twisted we may be to the shadow, or how much we cling to the sun... a darkness rested within him. Just as that sliver of light remains Within Me.

"It's not who I Am that's the problem. It's what I do, it's what I did. You can be gay, straight, a guy or a gal, any part of the world, any religion. But it's what you do that defines you. I'm sick of living in the past, and not pulling my weight. Those were the days, but this is the here, and the now. Ree-Birth. Bring it. Step up, bring it to the ring, and show it to me, Show it to The World. Prove your potential. Leave the boats behind, hop on a cycle. Rev that engine till you hear that kitten purr, kick that mutherfukker into gear, and ride. Cuz I'll tell ya, Jake....I miss it too. And I'm telling you Now, I'm cutting the bullcrap...Gator? Good luck.

"Not cuz you're gonna need it. But because I want you, to just, BRING IT, mudderfukker. Right here, Right now. Every moment, make 'em count..... cuz trust me, kid. Ya never know which one will be your last....and, after these past few days, if you read that little 'telegraph' I sent ya? You KNOW, that's The Truth. Nothin' but..... Meet me in the WarZone, 'Eddie'. Bring the Heat, essa. And watch your back. Cuz it's Showtime, Dubbya-Dee.

"Let's get dangerous."


--who ya gonna call?--

Suddenly, a knock came at the door...

R. turned her gaze, before rising, and heading to answer...

R: Who is it...


R: ...Larry, is that you?

--she opened the door. her next door neighbor larry appeared--

[Image: larry-king1.jpg]

LATJWJHCMPRG: ...I needed work. The unemployment is KILLIN' me, &I'm DEAD tired ah waitin' around 4thingzz tah #Change. It's been FOUR DAYS and Steve Jordan STILL hasn't sent in any of those video tapes he promised me, first he told me he was sick, then he told me he needed to eat, then he told me he'd have it in just a few moments, THEN he told me he had to clean his room, then he said he wanted 12 PEPPERONI PIZZA PIES AT CHUCK-E-CHEEZ AN' A GAT DAM HAM SAMMICH, then he said he wanted some curly fries, then he said OHMIGAWD, GOOD LUCK AND RAWK ON BRUTHA, then he got hit by a Run-Away Train. He was fine, but his Mirth Mobile got totally TOT-ALLLLED, and I told the poor dear, he better get him some insurance and take care of everything or he'll be on The Bohemiam Highway To A Rhapsody from legal Hell-- ALSO.........

"I was wonderin' if I could use the phone?"

[Image: facebook2.jpg]

LHG: Not tryin' tah hog it or anything. Not like that new wrestler, 'The Fire Storm', @Kyle$mith, who's been buggin' me with phone calls WHILE I'M TRYIN' TAH PUT A STINKIN' SHOW ON OVER HERE!! I need tah find some way to ban him from contactin' me, or I think I might lose my frickin' mind, I might have to get EXXXXXXTREEEEMMMMEEE on the poor schmuck, I'm sayin' Bodies are gonna HIT THE FLOOR, I mean EXCUUUUUSE MEEEEE, but it's MADNESS I tell ya!!.....

LGK: BTW, my kid brother, Cammy LangStern King, Ruler And Dimalliser of All Xtreme Social Media... he told me to tell ya he says 'SUCK MY DICK!!', "SHOW ME UR TITTAYZ!!", "BABAH-BOOEY!!", and 'hi ;) '

Gordon face palmed, shaking her head, giggling lightly to him/herself.

#CueLaughTrack / #Fade2Black / #CueTheComedy / #AndTheSoundTrack_

#FlipTheSwitch / #Fade2Grey / #IWasPlayingInTheBeginning / #TheMoodsAbout2Change keep going. \/

--message received, loud&clear--

|you can be anything you set'cha mind to, man|

--reference material. Frodo, "Rayne's A "

--the following was recorded, saturday the 21st, september 2013--

--the sound of a kiss is heard....short, but sweet. brief. but passionate--

"Tony.....I have a question for you. I brought you here to the ice rink, that place we had one of our most...magical, memorable moments. Long ago, when we took that trip to Paris... We're here again, same spot, same Sweet Emotion, and I wanna be honest. I didn't just want you here so we could spend the day skating....Whenever I go out on the ice, surrounded by a Winter Wonderland, I can't help but think of my cousin, Sarah.

"She's been in this HUGE feud w/a gal named Makayla Cooper, aka Violet, a split-personality just like minute, Mack&Snow are bestiez, the next? Vi wants tah drop a BLADE on SnowFlake's throat. If ya ask me, they could totez use couples counseling.... People think I'M loud and annoying? They think I'm brash and disruptive, and I pester people, but if they ever had the 'privilege' of having her on the roster? Trust me...they'd know I was a CAKE WALK compared to that Storm. I know when to back off, I'm not even half as bad as her...

"...I'm sorry. I ramble, cuz I'm nervous, it's just....

"...We've been fighting SO much lately, I haven't been myself, I know I've upset you, everyone in XWF....I wanted, SO, badly, for Ally-Cat to like me, to be friends....maybe even join Legion. But, she kept telling me her 'schedule was off', she was ill, she couldn't meet up......then....things just got worse and worse, and now, after I wrecked Ally's party....I wanted to make ammends, but I'm starting to feel like, all I did was steal her spotlight.... I have a really bad feeling things are gonna take a turn for the absolute worst. *the sound of a deep sigh is heard* I know we may never see eachother again. I'm afraid, Tony. I'm afraid of everything, what's coming, what's goin' on. The future, the present. I have so much Fear building up, but......."

"......Reeviekinz.....No Fear, just Hope. No Talk. Just Walk. You know what I told'ja. Ya gotta let go of the past, have the courage tah face ya future. Ya just gotta make it happen, no regrets, live every last moment like it was the one ya wanted tah go out on. Not like a contendah...Like a Champion. Eye ah The Dragon. Cuz yer the only one that can make it so. An' as far as ya proposal? You already know the answer, pisano. I've loved ya fah years, an'......I may ah been a bit tubby, not the best lookin' meatball in the dish, if ya catch my drift. And I know you can get a lil kitschy sometimes, ya like 2B all theatrical, an' LOUD, and obnoxious...ya like tah put on a show. Not everybody likes tah buy a ticket...

"But once I saw you that night? My lil Raynebow Dash, standin' there und-ah the Arch De Triumph....or Arc Day Triomph, however ya pronounce it, but alls I know izz, I couldn't keep my eyes off'ah ya, dancin' like a lil ditzy schoolgirl, big an' bright, runnin' in the night, spinnin' so free... That little fireball ah excitement & energy.... so full ah life....everyone hated on ya singin', but, when ya sang tah me? ...Ya voice. It was like an angel. Like how yuz feel about enya, that's how I ya waz sent from heaven, tah sing fah me, cuz I was the only one that would listen...and i loved every,single,note....

"I'm tired ah playin' hide an' seek, babe. I'm tired ah playin' 'make believe'. ...I know, you're gonna get there. You're gonna be the man I remember, Reevie, the one I miss, how ya used tah be.....The real yooz, capice? I miss everything about that man...I feel like I've gone from ya love-ah, to ya moth'ah. You depend on me fah everythin', Reevie. And that ain't you. That's why we gotta be friends for a while. Till ya ready. You do that? I tell you this. Short, sweet, to the point, the way I always keep it.

"You promise me that, and there'll be no more Waitin'. It'll be Time... and I'll have no choice but tah say, one simple word...."

"Tony.... if you ever get this message.... I know this'll sound weird, but don't have a <# attack.....

"This is Reeve. The real me...... I'm back. And you know that proposal I made? And that offer you said I 'couldn't refuse'?....well....."

--reeve's voice echoes through the shadows....recorded, July 3rd. #TheDayB4--

"The teaser trailers, commercials, and 'pree-Views' have passed. The opening title has appeared. But the 'credits' for this Show haven't truly begun. That's still to come.... And when they do? Oh ho, ho, boy...the fireworks, MY STARS!! Spank me and call me a Yankee Doodle Dandee, it's gonna be BRILLIANT, hun.

"....Quoth the wallabYANDTheImbruglia...

"That Day, That Day? ...Is gonna be, a VERY, dangerous day....."

--reeve emerges, once more. with feeling--



[Image: jesseferguson-modernfamily_zpsa8f75cff.png]

JTF: "Welcome to MY, Modern Life. End tranzzmission"

Quote:The show's charm can be attributed to a number of factors. First, the show is exceptionally well written and acted. Second, they don't pull punches. The characters make fun of each other and openly discuss complicated issues of family dynamics. They make fun of themselves as well. Mitch and Cam constantly make fun of gay stereotypes and Jay and Gloria will comment on their age disparity and cultural differences. At the same time, like any good sitcom...

The characters ultimately show compassion and forgiveness.
Their love for each other ultimately carries the day.

"Goodnight, nurse, she's marryin' a Jew... and that ain't even deHalf of it."
--'Other Arch'. Modified.

|when guys were gals, and broads were men|


--the preceding announcement has been paid for by Rachel & Porsche: theRe ossi no substitute-- -- Zoey Fuckin' Ryback, "Hope Over Fear"

||The preceding feature film, Copyright 2014, Z.F.R. Fan-Gurl Productionz, courtesy of The XWF Uni-planet-galaxa-tarium Vintage Vault.||

{....try sayin' all that 666x fast, yeesh....} Zo-Zo? You could be a STAR, darling, Believe it hun...Call me, babe. We'll do lunch. <3



||whiter than snow... this fyr burns. w.4.i.?...... {N}egatory.\\
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