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The Last Son of Eden
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

06-14-2014, 09:35 AM

The Last Son of Eden


In Ring Name: "The Last Son of Eden" Cain

Wrestler's Real Name: Cain

Returning or New: Returning

Wrestler Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: 6'8"

Weight: 288lbs.

Hometown: Born in Eden. Resides in Berlin, Germany

Personality: Cain is a purely evil being who is known to be cruel. He kills and does whoever and whatever he wants, being entitled by the fact that he is one of God's prototypes. Never afraid to die due to immortality.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Physical Build Description: Huge. Built like a wall. Long legs. Big arms.

In Ring Attire: Black leather pants with studs up the outer seam, black boots, black elbow pads. Fingerless gloves. Wears a black vest with spikes on it to the ring.

Casual Attire: Dresses very professionally.

Ethnicity: Proto Human.

Pic Base: Live Shrieber

Wrestling Style: Powerful and methodical. Durable like tank. When he gains momentum, his moves become crisp and clean, and seemingly quicker. Can also do brawling and UFC style submission school.

Strengths: Durability. Strength. Great agility for his size and willing to go to any length to destroy his opponent..

Weaknesses: His temper often makes him make mistakes.

Entrance Theme: "Catch Your Breath" by CFO$

Entrance Description:

The crowd goes silent following the entrance of Guest, and await the arrival of he who was once gone. He who is known as "The Master of Pain". He who has been called "The Last Son of Eden". Suddenly, the lights die down throughout the entire arena... strobe lights pulsate along with the sound of the heartbeat, static appearing on the jumbotron. The lights in the gorilla position begin flashing white and the huge silhouette of an inhuman looking being stands there, with spikes jutting out of it's shoulders. The camera changes focus to the gorilla position, and as the ambient noise comes to a halt with get a fast zoom in followed by a set of red eyes flashing in the darkness as the lights die again.

"Cain Is Here." Flashes across the screen, and the lights come up to a dim red hue as the guitars of the music drive the crowd into a frenzy. Cain stands at the top of the ramp, the original Cain, dressed in black from head to toe with a black leather duster hanging from his huge body, spike jutting forth from his shoulders.

As he slowly makes his way down to the ring, he stops from time to time, making Guest wait. He continues down to ringside, staring at the crowd a moment before lifting the bottom of his duster and ascending the steel stairs.

Never taking his eyes off of Guest, locked onto Guest with a cold death stare. He slowly removes his duster and the lights come up. Just when Guest think he's done, he nods his head and his eyes flash, flames erupting from the ringoosts...making you jump.

Cain smirks and the fans chant "Son-of-Ed-en" with rhythm.

Fifteen Common Moves

Tongan Death Grip
Corner knee strikes
Various boxing punches
Sidewalk Slam
Foot on Chest pin
Top Rope Superplex
Side Russian Legsweep
Running Powerslam
Steps on opponent and walks over them
Giant chest slap
Overhead belly to belly suplex
Running Legsweep
Triangle Choke
Multiple Rib Breaker
Multiple German Suplex(Up To Twelve)
Half Nelson Suplex

Trademark Moves

Snake Eyes followed by Das Boot(Running Big Boot)

Chokeslam to Hell

New School - Twists the arm, climbs ropes, walks ropes, drops opponent with a modified DDT.

Primary Finisher

The Devastation of Man -

[Image: nSyETjG.jpg]

Secondary Finisher

End of the Line - This is exactly the same as a Tazzmission, however, Cain ragdolls his opponents, slams them back first into the mat, then wraps his huge legs around their midsection. One of two things then happens. Either the opponent passes out or taps out.

Favorite Weapon: Self and chains.

[Image: Wz4kwdV.jpg]
The awesome banner was brought to you by Morbid Fuckin Angel.
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Alexis Riot (01-08-2016), Doctor Louis D'Ville (05-23-2015), Ozymandias (06-14-2014), Rain (06-14-2014), Vincent Lane (05-23-2015)

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