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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Confusion and a Knock of Reality (collab part 1)
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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06-03-2014, 10:56 AM

(The scene opens to something astonishing being observed. A promo is being watched and as it comes to a close, it ends with a baffling and intensely shocking swerve.

Quote:“Theo I…”

“Is it your father? Did he say something to you? I think both he and I have let this upcoming match get the best of us a little bit. We’ve both said something that in retrospect we probably wish we hadn’t. I know I have, but I don’t want to speak for him.”

“This isn’t about him, or your silly match.”

“Then what is it Lila? Tell me, let me help you.”

“Theo…I’m pregnant.”

“Well we are...”


I don't know what to think about what I saw. Mostly because, my daughter is seated next to me and she's also just as flabbergasted as I am. My mouth is literally hanging open in shock and a slight tilt of my head, confirms Lila is in the same condition. Well this is something, isn't it? I decide then that instead of speaking, I should roll back Theo's promo, just to make sure I saw what I did.

Quote:Now you should probably go back to your office and unwind a little bit. Go with her Isabel; make sure she doesn’t do any work for at least 30 minutes.

Azrael fast forwards a bit.

Quote:Erica and Lila depart Theo’s office leaving Theo to collect his thoughts. Theo’s version of gathering his thoughts is pouring a stiff drink and downing it as if it were just water. A second glass and again, down the hatch without a seconds thought. Just as he starts to pour the third the doors to his office and in steps Lila, her face as radiant as ever, maybe even more so and yet her eyes betray her ever so slightly.

Then fast forwards more to repeat this.

Quote:“Theo I…”

“Is it your father? Did he say something to you? I think both he and I have let this upcoming match get the best of us a little bit. We’ve both said something that in retrospect we probably wish we hadn’t. I know I have, but I don’t want to speak for him.”

“This isn’t about him, or your silly match.”

“Then what is it Lila? Tell me, let me help you.”

“Theo…I’m pregnant.”

“Well we are...”

Well we are....

Lila slowly closes her mouth and turns to Azrael as she begins to laugh.

"Wow! He's some piece of work! How did he make the cameras just as fucked up as he is. Isabel morphs into an impostor of me and then a few seconds later, another impostor of me surprises Theo and drops the bomb that she's pregnant. I don't know what to say about that...except, I wish I could try some of those drugs. Although to be honest, just watching that made me feel like I was on whatever he was. Huh? He really believes that's happening too? That's unfortunate. Isn't that unfortunate father?"

Azrael chuckles and shakes his head.

"It truly is, Lila. Although, there is more if you really want to see something unfortunate?"

"At this point, I'm still numb from what I just seen, so go for it."

Azrael snaps his fingers and then this happens.

Quote: I think I'm going to cry about it like you did when Theo pulled the most basic of all-- I wouldn't even say wrestling promo related but just the fuckin' simplest of all internet troll behavior by making shit up. Wow Azrael, did that fuckin' feminine body come with a quivering vagina too?

Are you on your fucking period or something? Should I watch my mouth before I say something that hurts your feelings and you claim that "we're done" too? Like we were having a lover's quarrel?

Fuck man, did you go soft or what? Seriously, all it takes for you to curl up in a ball and start throwing out ridiculous threats is someone hiring someone else to imitate your daughter? Shit man, now I gotta test this theory!


"Hi. I'm Lila Erebus."

"And I'm Luca Arzegotti. Now Lila, you are Azrael's father, right?"

"Well, yeah! Of course I am, duhhhhh. Who else would I be with the last name Erebus? A deformed raptor with a permanent limp because it only has one good leg?"

"Yeah. Anyway, what do you think of your father?"

"He's a massive who's totally jelly of your team and the fact that Mark Flynn is in what he feels should be his spot. I told him to stop being a little bitch but he just wouldn't listen. It's frustrating when your dad claims to be some kind of super macho alien badass who's so far above humans, he sees them like they were ants but when someone hurts his feelings, he acts like Alexandra Callaway or something."

"Thank you for your time, Lila."

"No, thank you for letting me air my grievances."

Another snap.

Quote:"You're right Azrael you didn't ever say those words. Funny thing though, Lila was simply starting what she felt, what she believed.She never stated it as a fact, and to be honest, I don't believe I took it as such. And yet here you are grasping at straws trying to turn a mole hill into a mountain. Now granted, I've been hitting the sauce and the powder a bit heavily this past week, much more so than someone with my spotted past with those wonderful feeling enhancers should, so my memory could be a little spotty on the subject. And yet, when I go back through the promos all I see are failed attempts by you to twist around the words of your own daughter to try and serve your own purposes. I wonder how Lila would feel about her father using her as a weapon. Because that's exactly what you are doing you know, you are pointing Lila directly at me hoping that it will make me fold. It won't. I won't. Because I can't. That wasn't some hooker that was paid ti impersonate Lila, that was your daughter, your own flesh and blood speaking her mind. I would think you would be pleased with that no?"

"Even Luca knows it was an impostor Theo hired to pretend to be my daughter. However, admitting that and then Theo stating the opposite, really shows how off these gentlemen are in their thoughts. Luca, even had to hire his own impostor I'm not exactly sure what that was supposed to do, other than prove I was right. Maybe he should have called Theo up and relayed that was his plan because Theo sticking to his guns and saying that was my daughter, when it clearly wasn't and hasn't been - ever since, just makes him look like he's flat out crazy or drugged out of his mind. A common trait that the entire team shares. Hiring cheap impostors to portray my daughter, who can't even get their information straight and they have the gull to say I'm the one who's off my game. They're out of their gourds and it shows!"

"It sure does. Luca couldn't even hire one that knew my name. Lila Erebus? Isn't he your close friend, daddy? I know you told me, he was there when I was born. You mean to tell me he's your friend and was there when I was born and he doesn't know my name is - Lila Laroque? Laroque, after my mother...not Erebus, after my father. That's pretty special, but I guess it fits his drug addict, doesn't give a shit about anything personality. Even with that being the case though, another fun blunder was when he asked if that actress was Azrael's father and she agreed. No, I'm Azrael's daughter, I'm not my father's father. Going right back into calling the fake me, Azrael's daughter after that without skipping a beat is pretty funny too. Almost as funny as when my now ex-lover, so poorly stated that his fake version of me was having a chat about her feelings and that my father got the words mixed up, when Theo's clearly the one that's severely mixed up in his head. Stating that the impostor he hired is me and then lying that she never straight out said what Azrael supposedly relayed to her. Of course she didn't because she's not me and they never spoke but she most definitely spoke like she was speaking for him."

Quote:"I talked to him the other day and he mentioned that Eli asked him to be on the team and he said yes, he likes to spice things up. He didn't seem concerned about it."

"What? What's wrong? He seemed to believe that this was your own doing, that you could have had him as a partner and chose not to."

"He said that?"

"He did. He's also not too fond of your partner. Mark something or other."

"Yes, that's confirming what was said is being relayed as such. Not feelings. Not supposing. That right there is saying that Azrael - my father, stated what was mentioned. That never happened. You can't twist that into my dad being wrong when you're the idiot trying to sell the words of a fake."

"To be fair, he said he was on a lot of drugs and he has been drinking an awful lot lately."

"That's no excuse."

"Yeah, you're right. It doesn't change the fact that he's wrong and it's sad that even the most drugged out member on his team, admitted to the truth. Yet, he can't. Well now that fake Lila is pregnant, I wonder if he'll keep going with that? Will fake Lila have a baby and will that be real or will he hire a baby to play the part? Maybe in his next promo, the baby will already be born and have a name? Ooooh maybe it'll be a black baby and instead of being shocked, Theo will claim it's white! Or maybe it'll be Mark Flynn somehow! He'll try and work in a twist that Mark Flynn is really his son and that he was born now but was sent into the past. He had to grow up in the past for some bizarre reason but now they're reunited and one big, happy family again. Wouldn't that be exciting?"

"The whole thing is sick and disturbing to me. I'm not sure who Theo thinks he's fooling but he should really give it up. He needs to put away the booze and drugs too, cause they're not helping. Maybe after he loses this fight it'll be a good thing for him and he can seek the help he needs. I am curious though...if since Luca knows the truth and Theo is playing dumb to it - what is Flynn's take on all this?"

"Oh geez, I don't know, nor do I care. I haven't been paying attention to that idiot at all."

Suddenly a cough is heard and Lila and Azrael, turn their attention to Eli James, rocking slowly in a rocking chair a few feet off. In his hands is what appears to be a bowl of jambalaya. Eli shovels a spoonful into his mouth and lays his bowl onto a table next to him before chasing down the food with a sip of sweet tea.

"It's funny you mentioning all this.. Mark calls me by a different name.. and once called out on it he decides to try and be clever. We know the truth. He's not clever as much as people may think he is. They are in for a truth storm and there's no escaping it once it hits. Ya know Azrael, the world probably would've never thought we would be on the same time and here we are... and not just that.. but a common enemy: stupidity. Heh. "

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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