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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Jerry Cans and Metal Chairs
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Outsider Joel Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-02-2014, 05:31 PM

The Scene opens up to a gymnasium where a local indy fed called "GZW" was hosting at. Then we see the fans booing this guy who was coming from the back, he enters the ring with a smirk with a mic on his hands.

Hello GZW... I'm THE mastermind.. here to master you ALL

Fans start chanting "Can't you leave now?" .. as this man continues to speak.

I mastered all the legends in this business...I'm better than anyone in this company!.. I challenge anyone to try to OUTSMART me!...

THE Mastermind is standing in the ring... fans booing him... and he looks impatient..

Alright i'm getting annoyed with no one coming out here... I'm a leaving this ring---

Joel comes out from the back and fans start to cheer on this guy... but Mastermind..looks at him and laughs[/color][/font].

I have to spar with you?... ahaha, go home little boy.. I bet I can demolish you within a second.

Joel pulls the mic on his mouth to speak..

....Say what you wanna say, I am in XWF.. what are you?.. some guy who stuck on his physic. I am afraid to out smart you in front this crowd... what chu think I should do fans?

Joel runs to the ring and gets stomped on by this big guy. Joel manages to get to get to his feet low blows him to the ground. He climbs to the top of the corner and hits his Double Foot Stomp on to this guy guy. Then he get a mic to speak on the downed man.

You remind me a lot about this guy I'm facing on the 4th, this one for him.

Joel lifts this guy to his feet and kicks him in the gut and holds his head to hit the Super Drop from the Corner. Mastermind is down on the mat with the fans roaring for what Joel just did in the ring...Joel speaks once more.

Fans in this ring... I want you to get out your seats...and throw all your metal chairs that this son of a prick...Bury this bastard.

All the fans start throwing . Then Joel poses to the crowd and gets crazy with a Jerry can and pours the oil on the chairs and trash that buried Mastermind and lights it up to flames. Joel shows no remorse as he speaks to the blood thirsty fans.

You see what I can do?... I'm a ruthless motherfucker in this business. Don't think that me fucking Peter's wife has changed me since I joined XWF. Maybe, I had some self conscious moments in that shit... ah fuck it. Listen up Mastermind, I have another question for you... you wanna be my next victim of burning corpse in that mat? I bet your wondering how I even gone this far to this poor guy. This Wednesday will be a day of pain and no gain... and guess what my T shirt says....






Joel leaves the ring as we see a bunch of firefighters are trying to water down the fire in the ring as the scene turns Static to end the promo.
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