Outsider Joel
XWF FanBase: Mixed (loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)
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05-31-2014, 04:26 PM
Joel is replaying the Promo that Mastermind just posted a few days ago on his TV. He has a tri pod like camera he shoot his promo with to show how un rich he is. We see Joel replaying some few key words Mastermind has said that caught Joel's attention.
Hey fans, I'm just here in my home replaying some old Promo's... on a cheap DVD.
He paused the promo with his remote and looks in the camera.
Yep, I'm going to get some pieces of what my first opponent..Mastermin.. has said, hope this will be an interesting promo.
He plays this part of Mastermind's promo...
Quote:That's right Outsider Joel, I called you Minor Talent. You have to start at the beginning like I did, but for some unknown reason, I have to face you. I don't mind, because it's just another notch in my career here in the EMF.
Joel pauses this part and laughs at what he just said.
Ahaha... what is this you call minor talent?...let me guess just because you bet BEATEN Avery doesn't mean EMF XWF is going to give you a Universal Championship match against Duke in 3 weeks, hell I could even wish to fight MacAlister for the X-Terme belt after I beat you down... But that dream will have to wait...lets continue this.
He continues Mastermind's promo... then this part sparked Joel.. to the point he paused to comment on it.
Quote:"So come on Joel, don't be an outsider all your life, step inside the ring, deal with me, because at the end of the day you're 5 minutes of fame, will be my victory.
What does this whole "5 minutes of fame" mean?... look who is the one who expect every in XWF bow down to you.. Oh yeah, you live in a mansion like you richer than I. Maybe I'll get that smug off your face once I'm done with you, who knows? I can become richer in knowing that just had my first win over a Bet boy like you. For the record, just don't say the word bet if you can't say beat.. for your info.
Joel keeps on skipping to this part of Mastermind's promo...
Ah thats cute that you masterd-betted Avery in a match. Why don't you have that as a Sexual catchphrase each time you be molesting the minds of your competitors. Surly guys like Frodo would LOVE to be "mastered" in the ring with you, but I'm not.. cuz i mastered the PUSSY OF MARIA BRINK!. Maybe that saying can be on some t shirt... thanks for that idea Mastermind!
Joel just turns off Mastermind's promo from his TV and looks into the camera for finial sayings...
So let me sum all this up for you fans watching... basically Mastermind tells me i'm a minor talent and he just butchered saying XWF on the tape... claims that my 5 minutes are going to be up... and he somehow made Avery Kain's mind be violated by this man who turned that saying into a t shirt. Mastermind, all I can tell you is this...
Joel turns of his tri-pod and started to play some Sanits Row on his XBOX..
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Wallace Witasick (05-31-2014)