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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Final Thoughts About Clyde Baker
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Mastermind Offline
Active in XWF

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-19-2014, 03:17 PM

The camera fades in to Mastermind's mansion, and in particular his gym.

The gym is filled with Mastermind's fans, mostly from old E-Feds that he use to wrestle at. There are a few new ones from the XWF. They are surrounding Mastermind's practice ring. Mastermind is no where to be seen.

They start chanting.

"Mastermind...... Mastermind..... Mastermind."

Suddenly the lights go out, and when they come back on, Mastermind is standing on the top rope in the right hand corner of the ring. He raises his hand and the crowd goes nuts.

"Mastermind...... Mastermind..... Mastermind."

He jumps down and walks over to the other corner and grabs a microphone. He walks over to the other side of the ring where he faces the camera.

"Wrestlers of the XWF take note, I have a great fan base. Because I'm new here in the XWF it'll only get bigger."

The crowd roars.

"It looks like my first match in the XWF will be a miss match, for Clyde Baker has gone to ground, I haven't heard from him all week.""

The crowd boos.

[/color]"No show...... No show..... No show....."

Mastermind smiles at the camera.

"He certainly is a no show, he runs his potty mouth when he first turned up before I did, and now he's all that. Talk. I've wasted my whole entire week on him."

The crowd chants "Waste of time..... Waste of time.... Waste of time....."

Mastermind walks to the other side of the ring and smiles again.

"What am I going to do come Wednesday night peoples?"

The crowd roars with anticipation. "Win.... Win... Win..."

"Dam right I'm going to win, because the fool that is Clyde Baker won't even know what hit him. Because I am that damn good."

"That dam good..... That dam good.... That dam good." roars the crowd

"One week Clyde, one week. You wanted matches, you came and sprouted out your arse, and you don't even show up and challenge me. You're pathetic, you're a weakling, and once my Mind Controller gets snapped on you, you have no chance."

"No chance.... No Chance.... No chance."

Mastermind turns back to the camera, and looks at it. He isn't smiling. He's serious.

"This message goes out to Wednesday Night Warfare General Manager Giovanni Ferrari. Give me a proper match. Give me a challenge, give me something where there are no no hopers. Give me a proper match."

"Proper match...... Proper match... Proper match."

Mastermind still looks at the camera with anticipation, and disgust "Clyde, you no hoper, you have no hope. You haven't turned up all week, do yourself and me a favour. Don't turn up Wednesday Night. Save yourself some embarrassment. I'm done here, you're done here."

With that, Mastermind drops the microphone, acknowledges the crowd with a wave, the lights go out. When they come back on, Mastermind is no where to be seen. The crowd cheers, and then start emptying the gym. The camera fades out.
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