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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Future of Wrestling !
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Sterling Steal

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05-19-2014, 11:33 AM

The camera fades to show Stearling Steal

Behind him is a white background

He is only dressed in a black t shirt and jeans

"My name is Sterling Steal of course your XWF fans already know that but for the few fans that dont know I was raised in Northern England I did have a rough childhood but I wont complain anyway I was trained in the old school way of wrestling it was harsh and brutal but it toghened me up and made me a man at a young age.

Steal seems calam almost and puts his hands together

"And every since I walked out of the training center in South London I have traveled around the world, given many beatings and I have taken many more."

"I have learned and have trained in many wrestling styles Brawling, Jr heavyweight in my younger years"

He laughs

"Even Lucha LibraI guess the point I am trying to get to is I am simply better then everyman in the XWF not because I train the hardest, not because I am 6"5 and can outfight and out wrestle any man I step in the ring with but simpley because I am the only real modern day man"

He raises his voice but still keeps his body language relaxed

"I am the only real modern day pro wrestler"

He stiffens his chin

"I dont use fancy gimmicks in my promos, I dont go around and whine about my harsh past like half the boys and gals Im talking about you Arryn"

He winks

"In the back no I do my talking on this mike in front of you the XWF fan base and all of the many people in the world that look at me and know what a real man looks like !"

"Simple fact is I dont need all the cry baby attention and I dont need to tell everyone I am a tough guy just watch one of my matches or if you have real balls get in the ring and find out for yourself."

"Dont worry this promo it is for my two unlucky foes Brommer and Mancini but I got to get alittle steam off boys just sitback and suck on your moms tits for a little while longer."

Steal is turning red in the face slightly

"Every since I got here a few weeks ago I have been looking around for all the quote unquote real wrestlers. I have been wondering if the XWF is a wrestling promotion becuase when it comes to in ring talent its a crock of crap because I havent seen one guy that can wrestle without getting blown up past ten minutes. And when I comes to mike work its a even bigger joke. All of you "wrestlers" get on here and say the same thing I am the toughest bad ass in the world. I came from a broken home. I have been in a bar fight blah blah blah and whats up with all the crazy settings in your promos do you really need all of that just to waste these peoplse time and come out and say at the end that your going to kick some dudes ass its all the same thing !"

He shouts

"I will keep this short and sweet I the best damn talker not only in this promotion but in the world."

He points at the camera

"I am the best wrestler out in that ring and I am here to win titles and change not only the XWF but wrestling itself."

"Now sit back watch how a real promo is cut boys and girls."

"Brommer you think because you know MMA you got something on me you think you got a hold up your sleeve that I cant get out of well let me bring you back to earth for a moment this is not MMA this is Wrestling and as far as our match goes try not to hump my leg to much and watch the leg kicks you might break a toe nail."

He scoffs and smirks for a moment but, he goes right back into being serious with his cold stare

"But you shouldnt worry about your painted toe nails you should worry about what your going to look like after I am done with you because after I am done uppercutting and tossing you around the ring even that broken home you came from wont take you back."

"They will take one look at you and say what the hell happened and you will say I stepped in the ring with the greatest wrestler in the world a future world champion Sterling Steal !"

"Same thing goes to you Mancini everyone knows about Italians they cant fight worth a damn look at the last 100 years in history and dont try to pull out they had a large empire card on me that was 500 years ago when your great great great great great grandmother was banging her sister and we seen them fall apart because they got to greedy they got selfish."

He smiles briefly

"And hey I do dress well I like nice things and you can bet your pepperoni ass I love myself but, I never ask for too much and what you have to worry about Mancini I am only ask to kick your ass boot to boot back to Italy with your stinky ass."

"I want you two to bring everything you got because I dont want you to have any excuses when I beat your asses in the center of the ring and show you and all the boys in the back what the future of the XWF looks like !"

The camera fades out to black as Steal walks off

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