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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Home is the hardest word
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PaladinChrisHartt Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

03-04-2013, 09:54 PM

[In a quiet suburb of Minneapolis, somewhere on North James Avenue, the cold weather has forced people indoors and made those who do tread out, do so bundled up very heavily.

At one sweet and stylish two-story home, a young boy plays outside, while an older man watches. It's 'The Paladin' Chris Hartt.]

Hartt: Kevin! Are you ready to go inside? I think your mom is making us some cocoa.

Kevin: Almost, Uncle Chris. I just need to finish this wrestling ring for my snowmen.

Hartt: Oh yeah? They gonna duke it out in the drifts?

Kevin: Yeah! It's gonna be electric!

Hartt: Well, that'll be awesome to watch. I hope you don't overbook the show.

Kevin: Of course not, Uncle Chris. Everyone gets a match and it's all gonna be awesome.

Hartt: Good for you. Hey, c'mon, buddy. We gotta get inside and get ready. I have to leave soon.

Kevin: Where are you going this time?

Hartt: Indianapolis, Indiana. I have a triple threat match against World-1 International and Martin O'Connor.

Kevin: World-1 what? Are you fighting a company?

Hartt: [laughs] No, that's just the name he goes by.

Kevin: Are you scared? Facing two others guys sounds pretty scary.

Hartt: Well, I won't lie to you. I'm nervous. I don't know either of these guys and there's always a risk in this kind of match. But I'm pretty sure I can handle myself just fine.

Kevin: Are you gonna win?

Hartt: Who knows? That really is up to fate. Each of us has skills to put us in strong contention to win. The one who can be just that much better than everyone else is gonna win it all.

Kevin: I want you to win, Uncle Chris.

Hartt: I know, buddy. Thanks. I'm gonna do my best. I always do. But if I don't, that's not the end of everything, you know.

Kevin: I know. I just think it's cool when you win.

Hartt: It is. I know. But there may be times when I won't win. All I can do is prepare myself to win next time.

Kevin: Wish Mom felt that way when I don't pass a test.

Hartt: Well, she just wants you to do your best, no matter what. Do as well as you can and what happens will be all that much more glorious. You study hard, you prepare yourself and be ready to go when you have to. That's what means the most. Never rest on your laurels. You are only gonna go as far as you let yourself go. Life can be limitless as long as you're willing to to face it like it is.

When I get to Indianapolis, I'm gonna make sure I'm ready to go. I'm gonna be sure that this triple threat match will be spectacular and I'm gonna do my best to walk away with that win. Being in the XWF is a great thrill and succeeding is all I can hope for. I know it's a lot of work and I know I'm ready. No matter who gets put in front of me, I hope to let them all know that they're up against a strong fighter and won't go down easily.

Kevin: I got faith in you, Uncle Chris.

[Hartt hugs his young nephew.]

Hartt: Thanks, buddy.

[The door to the house opens and a young mother steps out of the doorway.]

Lady: Come on, you two. We've gotta get a move on before Chris has to leave.

Both boys: Yes, mom.

[Kevin runs inside as Chris walks up the porch steps.]

Hartt: Linda, thanks for letting me stay over. It's been great to see you all these last few days.

[Linda shows a small smile, but holds a concerned look.]

Linda: You're welcome, but please don't fill Kevin's head with too much of this wrestling nonsense. You know how I feel about it.

Hartt: I know. I'm just trying to keep his esteem up. I know he's been having trouble lately.

Linda: Well, he wouldn;t be so bad if he wasn't trying so hard to follow in your footsteps.

Hartt: I'm trying to be a positive influence for him. He's gonna go his own way. I doubt he'll follow my path too far.

[Hartt walks into the house.]

Linda: I certainly hope so. For his sake.

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