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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Diggin' Graves(Rp 1)
Author Message
Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-07-2014, 11:54 AM

Open up with a shot of a sign that say "Elmwood Cemetary".

It's a windy April day. The trees blow in the wind, but the sun shines brightly against a backdrop of sapphire blue. Beautiful day. But not for three men. For three men, they will watch this promo and see their fate. They will respond to this promo and SEAL their fate. If they have any balls.

Enter Romulus Winters. The Beast of Berlin. EVIL incarnate. He may not be a man who had an advocate but he was a man who was his OWN advocate. Yes, that is a shot at Lesnar. You heard him as he took a shovel, and broke ground, actually dressed down to a pair of boots and jeans. The shovel wounded the Earth, the dirt flew over his shoulders into a big pile. He'd obviously been at this all day. As I said, he spoke...sang...insanely...

"Diggin' up...booooones..."

He snickered a bit, arguing with someone.

"That's a great fucking song! Shut the fuck up! Haha...ha..."

"That's the killer instinct, Cain!"

If you were wondering, yes. He is talking to himself and he IS answering himself. The camera pans around to see three lumps off to the side, in black trash bags, flies swarming around them.

"I tried....I tried so hard to resist...haha...but now...I understand...I knew what I had to do..."

"I knew you'd come are so intelligent..."

The first grave is dug. He'd started early in the day and being the hard worker he was, and covered in blood, he had been working all night and day. He dragged the first bag toward the grave and kicked it in with a cackle.


"Oh my god, that is sexy. I love what you're doing, Cain. I love what you've done."

" i understand!"

"Such a good brother..."

"We will conquer. We are the..."

Another lump kicked into another grave. He was working harder on the graves, faster. The now insane Beast of Berlin looked at the last lump, the smallest one. He stopped his work and sat down on the ground, tilting his head as he looked down at the last lump. You could almost see a sadness in his eyes. But not for a minute. Not for an hour. Maybe just a split second. That was all. Something about that last lump of unknown waste got to him. He sat there for a moment as he finished his own sentence...or at least Abel did.

"...heirs to the Earth. But brother?"

"Yes, Abel?"

"We have a certain feat to accomplish. We have ta battle to win, know? You know what I mean, Cain. We have to prove our dominance over the three that our mortal overseers have pitted us against. We must destroy them, my brother."

As he kicked the last lump into the grave and stood, he exhaled and got a serious look on his face. He suddenly looked toward the camera as if he knew it was there all along. Tilting his head, he smirked.

"You knoooooow...when I first looked at the card for this week, I almost...ALMOST..doubted myself. I mean...Omega? Dusty Wyatt? scary. Sooooooo what? Who the fuck are these people? I mean, one got on his knees like he wanted to suck my dick when we met. Amusing, but I'm not the gay. You know. I don't like guys, Wyatt, so nein. You can't suck my dick. Then there's Omega? Omega...Omegle...Omelette...I don't fucking caaaaare...."

Snicker snicker.

"...what your fucking name is. Is your brother's name Alpha? Or are you the Alpha and the Omega? FUCK that bullshit. Bitch I may not be the beginning but I am most CERTAINLY the end. Let's seeeee....who am I forgetting? I feel like I'm forgetting someone. Honestly, I've killed so many people, I forget about the next victim sometimes. Worthless fucking mortals."

He tapped his chin a bit, and you little saw a lightbulb appear above his head. He suddenly pulled his Iphone from his pocket and dialed a number.

"Yes...Miako...who was my third opponent? Yeah...yes I made the fucking beaners pay for ruining your dress! So...Roman Reigns? Really? Oh my fucking...oh wait...I'm still on the air. Byyyy-eeeeee."

He hung up and shook his head.

"Listen up, Leakee. You came on the scene, screaming about how your name was "ROMAN REIGNS" and "ROMAN WILL REIGN" but bitch, Romulus will rule. Romulus is the German War Machine. Destruction personified. So ja, I GUESS that I have ro dig a THREE more graves. One extra large. FAUCK!!! I VISH I HAD MORE BEANAS! VHERE IST EL TIBURON VHEN YOU NEED HIM?!"

As he covered up the three lumps in the six foot deep holes, he stepped back. He took a look at his work and smiled proudly. Perhaps it wouldn't be so hard after all. Maybe he wouldn't have to hire more help. He turned on his heel and marched toward the camera. You saw his giant paw grab at you.


"Whoa hey! I work for XW-"

The poor camera man whimpered as Romulus grabbed his throat and sent him dropping to his knees. He pointed toward another empty space and handed the shovel to the man.



"Because, I said so. Besides, I don't pay you to ask questions. Dig four more holes. All six foot deep. Get to work."

And so the Beast of Berlin tossed Jimmy the Camera man over towardthe empty space, and threw the shovel at him. The shovel pierced the ground right beside Jimmy's head, a wet spot appearing in the front of Jimmy's trousers. Poor guy. The next thing we see is a shot of Romulus, who smiply looks at the camera and states...

"So hard to find gut help."

Fade to Grey

[Image: Wz4kwdV.jpg]
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