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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
All the King's Horses... RP 7
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-25-2014, 10:26 PM

Year 2514 – Late Morning – Connecticut County – American Empire

I know I said I was going to stay in my native time thread until after my match with MacAlister, but everything that happens here is too intriguing to me. As soon as I left my native time thread, I knew I just had to get back here to this one. Back to Thaddeus. Back to Zachariah and his men. Back to King George and his band of misfits on horseback.

I emerge from deep within the forest back into the community, or village, or whatever it is you want to call it. It looks like Zachariah and his men are arguing. It seems natural to me to interject and calm them all.

ZACHARIAH: “Nice to see you return, Sebastian!”


ZACHARIAH: “I don't care! Spare me your excuses. We're in crisis here, and you disappear without so much as even telling your son.”

Okay, this is not what I expected.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I was scouting George's Kingdom.”

ZACHARIAH: “Scouting? For what?”

Think damn it! THINK!

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Scouting for what to do next. What our next step is going to be.”

ZACHARIAH: “So you've not forgotten that I'm supposed to be delivering your heads in a crate to the King by sundown?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Of course not!”

Yeah, I did forget. Otherwise, I never would have left my son here.

ZACHARIAH: “And what is your plan?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “There's only one thing to do. You allow my son and I to go to the castle, to confront the King on our own.”

ZACHARIAH: “For what purpose?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “To send a message to the King that we're not backing down. Not now, not ever.”

ZACHARIAH: “You even go near that castle, you're both dead men.”

I respect his opinion, but obviously, he has not realized that from what I've seen, there isn't a man in this Kingdom that can match me. No one here has what it takes to go toe to toe with the King of Darkness.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Trust me. We'll be just fine.”

ZACHARIAH: “So, you and your son will go to the castle, make your point, then what? Then what, Mr. King of Darkness? What does the King do in response?”


I think I just frustrated him.

ZACHARIAH: “You listen to me! The King is a moron, but not an idiot. If you confront him and make him out to be the fool that we already know he is, Sebastian, I promise you, he'll respond. And we're not going to like it.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What do you think he's going to do?”

ZACHARIAH: “I don't know, Sebastian, but it'll be nothing we'll like! Maybe raise our taxes! Maybe come in the night and burn our village!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Then what is it, Zachariah, that you'd like me to do? You're the leader here! You tell me!”

ZACHARIAH: “I don't know, damn it!”

It's only now I realize that Zachariah isn't frustrated with me. He's frustrated over the situation in general.

ZACHARIAH: “When you disappeared, I briefly considered giving in. I considered taking your sons head off and delivering it to the King.”

Deep breath, deep breath, deep breath.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Zachariah, I'm going to be extremely blunt here. If you or anyone here so much as touches one hair on that kids head, I promise you, I'll take my time and I will bury each and every last one of you.

“I warn you now, Zachariah, do not cross me. It'd be the biggest mistake of your life.”

Zachariah stares at me as I speak, then looks at the ground.

ZACHARIAH: “You know, I believe that to be true. I saw what you did to George. It took barely any effort at all. That's why I chose not to behead your boy while you were gone.”


ZACHARIAH: “I suppose I have no choice but to trust you. Although, I fear the consequences of defying the King.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What other choice do you have? If you bow down to him and give him what he wants, then what? He'll come back, he'll keep asking for things until there is something you can't give him.

“Then what happens?”

ZACHARIAH: “When you put it that way, we really don't have any choice in the matter.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “It's unfortunate, but true.”

Zachariah lets out an exasperated sigh as his arms fall to his sides.

ZACHARIAH: “I want you to send a message. Send a message that strikes King George in his tiny little heart.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Consider it done.”

After this conversation concluded, we had gone about our own business. Zachariah traveled a great distance to trade horses in at a horse dealer in Olde Hartford. Yes, I know. In 500 years, we have no car dealers but we do have horse dealers. He was starting to fulfill my requirements. Black horses.

Meanwhile, I was training his men to make better quality weaponry. I showed them the art of melting down scrap steel to create a better, stronger, upgraded version of the terrible tools and weaponry that they had at their disposal.

Many hours had passed before Zachariah had returned to the community. When he did arrive, I was pleasantly surprised that he's returned with ten all black horses. This morning when he left, he brought with him just two brown horses and three white and black ones.

He dismounts his horse and comes to me as I'm just putting the finishing touches on my personal sword.

ZACHARIAH: “That sword is amazing. A thing of beauty.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I call it Exodus.”

ZACHARIAH: “You named your sword?”

I didn't answer.

ZACHARIAH: “Well, I went to the Ford dealer and...”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Ford dealer?”


SEBASTIAN DUKE: “There's still a Ford dealer?”

ZACHARIAH: “Everyone knows that.”


ZACHARIAH: “After the collapse of the world economy in 2015, the auto industry collapsed, too. Ford is the only one that remains. They've sold horses for the last five centuries.”

Isn't that just a kick in the nuts.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You left with five. How did you come back with ten?”

ZACHARIAH: “Interestingly enough, they perceive all black horses to be defective.”

Odd. Yet strangely interesting. I'm starting to wonder if maybe Nathaniel's descendants own Ford now.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Well, then it's good I know something they don't.”

ZACHARIAH: “What's that?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Not only are black horses beautiful and majestic, they're also the fastest, the strongest, and most durable.”

ZACHARIAH: “Time is wearing thin, Sebastian. If you're going to meet the King and do whatever it is you're going to do, I'd suggest you head out soon. It's about an hours ride into Saybrook.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Now that you're back, Thaddeus and I will be leaving momentarily.”

ZACHARIAH: “Shall I fetch him for you?”


Zachariah heads off in search for Thaddeus. Though, I know right where he is. He and Lilly, Zachariahs daughter, have been inseparable since they met. My only fear, is that if he falls too hard for the girl, it may be impossible to convince him to leave.

Minutes later, Thaddeus meets me, already suited up. The boy looks good in his armor. Almost natural to him. Earlier today, he and I practiced some sword fighting and he seems a natural at that, too. He's much too intelligent for this time. He'll use his environment and his surroundings to his advantage and the people here just aren't used to that. He'll annihilate them.

Like father, like son.

We ride fast and hard through the forest, back toward Saybrook. The same town just a few days earlier we'd escaped with our lives from. We slow to a stop at the edge of the tree line. The town is alive, even as the darkness rises and the sun begins to fade.

THADDEUS: “So, what are we doing?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Just follow my lead. Let me do the talking.”

THADDEUS: “Yes, sir.”

Thaddeus and I ride slow through the town. Careful not to accidentally run over the citizens. We come to the drawbridge that leads to Duke Castle. Two guards flank the bridge on either side. The two guards come forth with their hands out, halting us.

GUARD 1: “Halt! Who goes there!?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “We're... guests of the King. He's expecting us.”

GUARD 1: “Who should I say is calling upon him?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Tell him it's his fugitives. He'll be happy to allow us in.”

GUARD 1: “Stay here!”

Both guards disappear across the bridge, and the bridge is quickly drawn shut.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Follow me. Be quick, but don't draw attention.”

Thaddeus does as I request. We travel along the right wall to the King's stables. Not surprisingly, his stables are unguarded.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Do you remember the King's horse?”


SEBASTIAN DUKE: “There was a logo on his horses head armor. What was it?”

Thaddeus looks down in thought.

THADDEUS: “It was a stylish looking M, I think.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You think? Or you're sure?”

THADDEUS: “I'm sure.”

I spot the horse right away.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Back your horse up right in front of the stable. Then open the crate.”

He follows orders well.

Just as he opens the crate, I'm busy soothing the King's animal. Petting him gently along his nose. With one mighty swing of Exodus, the horses head is lopped off and falls directly into the crate. Poor Thaddeus gets a little blood spatter on him. He shuts the crate and we return to the drawbridge that is already in the process of opening.

GUARD 1: “The King will see you. Follow me.”

The guard leads us into the King's court and through the large double doors in the front of the castle. Once inside, the King sits upon his throne down the long corridor. As Thaddeus and I enter, we realize we're flanked by dozens of guards. All of them are armored. Very few of them hold any weaponry.

We come to a stop about twenty feet from the King.

KING GEORGE: “This is not exactly what I had in mind.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I'm aware.”

KING GEORGE: “I see you have the crate, but oddly enough, your heads are still attached to your bodies. Did you come here to allow me to make an example of you?”


KING GEORGE: “Come now. Tell me why you've come here, purposely defying me.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “To send you a message.”

KING GEORGE: “This should be interesting. What's the message?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I want you to see it for yourself.”

I jump down off my horse. I untie the ropes that have secured the crate to Thaddeus' horse and begin to advance toward the King. That's when Thaddeus' sword cuts me off, passing right by my head.

THADDEUS: “I wouldn't do that if I were you.”

I was confused. It took me longer than it should have to realize I was not Thaddeus' target. To my right, one of the King's guards had the tip of Thaddeus sword stuck to his neck. Blood trickled from the slight puncture. The guard was wielding a sword and had come close to taking me out.

THADDEUS: “Drop your sword and back up, sir.”

The guard hesitated, then did as ordered. I proceeded toward the King and placed the crate about ten feet from him. Once that was complete, I back up toward my horse and remount.

KING GEORGE: “Don't just stand there. Open the damn box!”

One of the guards flanking the King jumped to action. He quickly opened the crate then jumped back a few feet.

KING GEORGE: “Well? What the hell is it?”

GUARD 2: “Your horse, sire.”

KING GEORGE: “What about my horse!?”

GUARD 2: “That's what's inside the box. Your horses head.”

The King jumps from his throne and peers inside the box. He lifts the head slightly and notices the logo on the horses armor and drops the head back inside.


King George falls to his knees.

KING GEORGE: “I'll most definitely have your head for this!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Maybe you will, but it won't be today.”

KING GEORGE: “No, no. You're exactly right. Not today. I want to take my time and I want to tear that little village a part! Piece by god damn piece!”

I nod toward the King as our horses begin to back out of the castle.

KING GEORGE: “You tell Zachariah, that this is an official decree! We're at war!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “We'll be ready.”

After we exit the castle, Thaddeus and I charge hard back to the village. Once we get close, I come to a stop. Thaddeus stops beside me.

THADDEUS: “What is it?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Your instincts back there. That was good.”

THADDEUS: “He could have killed you.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “He very well could have. Yet, you showed that you won't back down no matter the odds. I like that.”

THADDEUS: “I don't know if its bravery, or what it is exactly. There's something about that King that just pisses me off.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Tell me about Lilly.”

Thaddeus smiles.

THADDEUS: “Oh I like her. She's pretty, and she's quite interesting. I enjoy her company.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I suppose you do. However, I'd warn you against getting too close.”

His smile fades.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “We don't know how long we'll be here, Thaddeus. It could be months, years even. Or we could be gone tomorrow.”

THADDEUS: “I know this. But, I care a great deal for her.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I know you do, son. I see it in your eyes when you're with her.”

He says nothing.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “She'd be a lucky girl, to have a guy like you.”

THADDEUS: “That's nice of you to say, but I think I'm the lucky one, to have a girl like her.”

We head into the community and fade to Darkness.

To Be Continued...
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