Sebastian Duke
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XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Tue Jan 01 2013
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03-22-2014, 07:20 PM
I've left Thaddeus in the year 2514. It's been a tiring week and my beard had started to gray, so I thought coming back home for a day or so was a smart choice. It gives me a chance to recuperate a little bit from my adventure in time travel.
You might not think it, but time travel can be very fatiguing.
I'm in a quiet field on a cold New England night. The Darkness engulfs everything and everyone. One of my men light the torches in order to provide the light necessary for me to do what I'm about to do. In case you haven't noticed yet, in the glow of the flames, you see your resident King of Darkness deep within a hole in the ground, digging.
The camera moves back just a little and what you soon realize is that your King of Darkness is not in just any old empty field.
No, not any field. I stand within a cemetery. I stand within a cemetery, and I dig a hole. I mean, what could that possibly mean?
I stop digging for the moment and stare deep into the camera.
So, it's come to this.
The once great and powerful friendship between two unlikely allies has disintegrated to dust. Finer than dust, actually. Ground down to a dust so fine, it hardly even exists at all. A once great friendship that saw us start out as bitter enemies, intent on killing each other.
A once great friendship, that saw us form a seemingly unbreakable bond. A friendship that saw us come together for a variety of reasons. A friendship that saw Griffin MacAlister aid me in retrieving my captive father from that Jonathan guy I killed last year.
I dig a little deeper.
A friendship that was witness to yours truly, hiding him from 'Them.' Whoever the hell 'they' are.
A friendship, that saw your King of Darkness save Griffin MacAlister from an assassin's bullet. A friendship, people, a friendship that saw your King of Darkness band together with Griffin MacAlister to outrun the law.
Deeper still.
A once great and powerful friendship that saw us win the tag team titles without so much as breaking a fucking sweat!
I dig some more. Each time I thrust the shovel into the cold, hard dirt, I feel just a little more rejuvenated.
How does Griffin MacAlister repay me for my kindness? How does Griffin MacAlister repay my Illuminatus for hiding him within my Compound in order to escape the prying eyes of 'them?'
By waiting until I've kidnapped Alexandra Callaway and brought her to my home. The sniveling little snake in the grass waited until I found my Queen of Darkness. Ally was going to be my Queen. Her and I could have ruled the world of the XWF.
But, that was not to be.
I dig a little further, then toss the shovel up onto the grass. A moment later, I climb out of the gaping hole in the ground and climb to my feet.
No, see, Griffin MacAlister took it upon himself to save Ally from my grasp and free her from my Compound. The two of them conspired so far as to actually make up a false story that Ally was pregnant with MacAlister's baby.
Far be it for me to assume otherwise, but I honestly thought it might well have been true. I mean, the bitch jumps from one XWF dick to another so much that I honestly thought I'd see the two of them on Maury.
I can see it now, Griffin MacAlister, you are NOT the father!
Then the whore of the XWF runs off stage crying like a blubbering idiot that can't keep her snatch shut!
A month later, she'd return to Maury. Claim there was only one other person it could have been. Maury would cut to commercial with the little teaser saying the results are in. Of course, on the other side of that commercial, that dumb walking cock wouldn't have been the father either.
You get the picture. Alexandra Callaway's bedroom has a revolving door. One out, NEXT! One more coming in.
I begin to walk along the rows of headstones. Stopping every once in awhile to read a name.
But this isn't about Callaway. It never was.
This is about, trust.
Putting your trust in another human being is sacred. I trusted Griffin MacAlister with my life.
He went and broke that trust.
Once trust is broken, there is no turning back.
Another interesting headstone.
I've warned mortal enemies before, MacAlister. I've warned that cemeteries of the world are filled with the bodies of those that have crossed the King of Darkness.
I stop and stare into the camera.
You can't be first, Griff. But you can be next.
I continue walking and end up back where I started. The massive hole in the ground.
It seems things have come full circle, huh Griffin?
We started out as enemies trying to kill each other, and here we are again over a year later, chomping at the bit to finish what we started.
You couldn't succeed the first time, MacAlister. What really makes you think you can achieve your goal of my demise this time?
I pause and stare at the moon before continuing.
I'm pretty much unstoppable these days, MacAlister. Do you think you stand even a remote chance? Just last weekend I went to war against you and your buddy Eli James. And who was there to win that match?
That's right, Griffin.
That was me.
It's just one more tick on the stat sheet and one more accolade to list on my resume. Tell me Griffin, what have you accomplished in your miserable career? I mean, besides a bunch of nothingness.
I don't have time to wait for you to think of something, anything at all.
I look down into the hole and the camera follows my lead.
Your selfishness has caused all of this. You stole my Queen and what did I do in return?
That's right, I killed your brother.
You watched him die. You smelled his burning flesh, MacAlister. How did that make you feel?
I reach down to the ground and lift up a large object. The camera focuses in on it and reveals the object to be a life size replica of Griffin MacAlister.
Pretty eerie, huh?
A life sized replica of Griffin MacAlister with a personality to match.
I toss the dummy MacAlister into the open grave.
Do you feel it yet, MacAlister?
Do you feel your muscles tensing up?
Do you feel your body aching?
Do you feel the King of Darkness invading your subconscious?
You can deny it, and you probably will. I know the truth. I have, indeed, invaded your subconscious, in fact I've been there for months. Evidenced by the fact that you rarely even show your face around the XWF anymore.
I can't say I blame you.
I mean, every time you show up, I'm just going to show up and stomp you into the mat, right?
One of my men hand me a torch.
The clock is ticking, MacAlister. I'm about to send you...
I drop the torch into the open grave containing the replica Griffin MacAlister. After barely a second, the entire grave is engulfed in flames.
To hell.
I walk away from the camera. It stays behind, capturing the burning grave. Above the grave, the headstone comes into focus slowly.
Griffin MacAlister
April 18, 1987 – March 26, 2014
May He Burn In Hell |