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Warfare - 3/19/2014
Author Message
Giovanni Ferrari

XWF FanBase:
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03-20-2014, 03:44 PM

Izod Center
East Rutherford, New Jersey

Karl Kamikaze
- vs -
Drew Stevenson
Standard, One Fall

Masia Liota
- vs -
- vs -
Phoenix Nitro
Triple Threat, One Fall

The Gladiator and Lucena
- vs -
Brunhilde and Kim Jong-Un
Standard Tag

Mandii Rider
- vs -
Alexandra Callaway
This Girl Is On Fire! - Inferno Match
Mandii Rider has been on FIRE! as of late. Will she have what it takes to toss resident bad girl Callaway into the fire in order to win?

We are live and coming at you from the Izod Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey! Thousands of fans are packed in here tonight screaming for yet another fantastic installment of - WARFARE!

Cameras take you backstage to the office of Archie Lawson, who is seen staring at his laptop, looking utterly dumbfounded. As cameras slowly pan away from Archie, we see the reason for this is because Archie's laptop is swimming in a pool of water on his desk. A small family of fish is also seen flopping about the area along with several long strands of seaweed laying strewn over the laptop. In Archie's trembling hand is a tiny pink plastic castle with jewels on it. This man clearly looks ready to have a meltdown due to his discovery. Totally unaware Giovanni Ferrari is now staring at him, staring at the destruction that was once his work station.

Gio: Archie.

No response.

Gio: Archie.



Lawson: What?? What is it Gio? Can't you see I'm looking at the wreckage that was once my laptop. Who could have done this?

Gio: I have absolutely no idea.

Archie looks up and sees strands of seaweed hanging off Gio's shirt. Archie drops his head and sighs.

Lawson: Gio, did you do this?

Gio: No.

Lawson: Are you sure?

Gio: I'm sure Archie. In fact, I'm shocked you'd even ask.

A fish flops out of Gio's shirt pocket and lands on Archie's desk, sending a splash of water in Archie's direction.

Gio: Okay it was me.

Archie sighs.

Lawson: Of course it was. Now do you mind telling me why?

Gio: Your firewall activated. I needed to put out the fire and all I could find was a fish tank.

Lawson: You needed to put out firewall was going....where did you know what, never mind all that, why was my firewall going off?

Gio: Porn. Obviously.

Lawson: You mean you were looking at porn on my computer and the firewall went off because you made my computer catch a virus. Wonderful. And to solve this error you decided to dump a fish tank onto my computer. That's....that's just beyond words, it's so messed up. So now, you're back to do what? Hmmm? Have you come back to see what else you can destroy? What is it Gio? What do you want?

Gio: I came back to warn you not to sit in your chair.

Lawson: Why on earth would you warn me not to sit in my chair? Wait. Oh my god! You didn't?

Archie immediately leaps to his feet, most likely fearing he sat in something foul and the chair comes with him. Firmly affixed to his bottom and clearly not what Archie expected. At all.

Lawson: What's the meaning of this then?

Gio: Super glue. Obviously.

Lawson: I knew I should have gone to Madness.

Drew Stevenson
- vs -
Karl Kamikaze
Standard, One Fall

Drew Stevenson is in the ring already, cracking his knuckles and his neck before leaning against the turnbuckles.

Ken's Theme from Street Fighter 2 plays over the speakers and Karl Kamikaze is seen coming in through the crowd. The crowd, unfamiliar with him to say the least, are nonetheless enthralled by the new addition's presence! They erupt in cheers and he laps it right up: yelling right back at them with a smile on his face and giving high fives. Once he hops over the barricade however, his demeanor switches. All business. He slides under the ropes and hops back up to his feet, staring down Stevenson.

Ding ding ding!

Stevenson, apparently not taking his opponent seriously, walks right up to Kamikaze and tries to shove him back with one hand! Karl ain't having none of that however, and shoves him back! Only he does it much harder and manages to shove him all the way into the corner! He rushes in with a huge lariat that connects and knocks Stevenson seemingly senseless! Drew falls forward, landing face first on the mat. Kamikaze thinks nothing of it and continues with his attack, dropping a big elbow across Stevenson's back! The wind looks to be driven all the way out of his body and his eyes are about to bulge out of their sockets. Karl then rolls out of the the ring and the referee starts the count!


Kamikaze reaches under the ring and pulls out a kendo stick! This is a standard match! This won't stand! He rolls back into the ring and measure Stevenson up when the distinguished referee What's His Name reaches out and grabs a hold of the weapon and tries to yank it out of his grasp.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

And just like that; Miranda Tigris is... On the stage? When did this happen? It seems as though she just appeared out of thin air!

"Let him introduce anything into this match."

She continues down the ramp, towards the ring, accompanied by one of her unnamed associates. The ref's eyes go wide and his grip loosens. Karl, confused as to what's going on but remembering the task at hand, strikes Stevenson across the back with the stick! Drew collapses further, body laid flat against the canvas. At ringside, Tigris nods in approval, albeit slightly joyless. Kamikaze strikes him in the same spot again and again and again. Each time, Stevenson spasms and convulses, before ultimately rolling over onto his back, exposing his stomach. Kamikaze, still not finished with that glorified meat tenderizer, slams it hard across his victim's stomach!

Stevenson explodes into a seated position upon impact, only to get caught with a shot to the face for his effort! It looks to have busted his nose, sending a trail of blood pouring down his face. Kamikaze drops the stick and ascends the turnbuckle. He takes a couple seconds to rally up the crowd before leaping off the turnbuckle and he spreads his arms like an eagle.


He gets back to his feet and brushes himself off before peeling his opponent up and dropping him with the Kamikaze Krash (Reverse DDT)! The cover!



Tigris applauds, a little prematurely.


Winner: Karl Kamikaze

"Thank you, Mister Kamikaze. You've more than done your part in tonight's procession. And yes, procession is incredibly fitting."

She hops up on the apron, along with her assistant. Both enter the ring simultaneously, the former staring down Kamikaze with a manic smile on her face.

"You might want to go, now."

Kamikaze takes the hint and exits the ring, and leaves through the crowd not unlike how he entered. Tigris nods before slowly bringing her eyes downwards to Stevenson, who's trying to get back to his feet. Currently however, he's having issue just sitting up. She steps on his chest, forcing him back against the ground and crouches down to get on his level.

"You're a massive disappointment. You know that, right? Granted, I didn't expect much out of you, but you managed to fall short of my unbelievably lenient expectations."

He moves his head off the mat, trying to mumble something in an attempt to calm his angered boss, but gets nothing but an open handed slap to the jaw for his trouble. In her eyes is an untended wildfire, the sick smile on her face spreading wider as the amount of anger in her voice increases.

"I didn't tell you to speak."

She waves over the assistant who reluctantly comes to her side. He fumbles through his jacket pockets before pulling out a coin. Dumbfounded, he hands it over to his boss, who snatches it like a greedy child before returning her attention to the fallen man in her clutches.

"You know what? Let's play a game: Heads or Tails?"

Stevenson's eyes grow wide, and as she brings the mic to his mouth he screams loudly: "Tails! Tails! Tails!"

She laughs and flips the coin.


She then shows him the truth: a double headed coin. The assistant digs through the jacket's pockets again and pulls something now out: a syringe. Again, Miranda snatches it and reveals something she had in her other hand: a vial of some unknown substance. As could be expected, she draws some of the unnamed liquid into the syringe and silently orders the assistant to grab one of his wrists. She plays with the option of flicking the syringe to prevent an air bubble, but with what's on her mind, that would be unnecessary.

A wild vein appears!


She stabs the needle of the syringe into the vein, and shoves the plunger downwards, forcing whatever's contained in that syringe into his system. Once every last drop is in him, she violently removes the needle, slicing his wrist open in the process.

"Oh well!"

Within seconds, Stevenson spasms wildly, foaming at the mouth.

A few seconds later, he does nothing. Not even breathe.

From the crowd come two more men, one carrying a body bag. They hop over the barricade and get into the ring, and stuff his body into the bag.

"From this point on, this is how all disappointments will be dealt with. Don't say you weren't warned."

And with that, the body carriers, the assistant, and Miss Tigris vacate the ring and walk back up the ramp towards the backstage area.

Masia Liota
- vs -
- vs -
Phoenix Nitro
Triple Threat, One Fall

We return from the break with all three of these competitors in the ring. The referee calls for the bell as Masioa Liota and Phoenix Nitro both run at Slickster. They throw him into the corner and then throw him to the ground. They begin to kick him in the ribs and shoulders but Slickster over powers them, pushing both of them to the ground with ease.

He continues the assault by hitting them both with a double clothesline. They both drop to the mat. Rick Jones now picks up Phoenix Nitro first of all and holds him up in the air for a moment... Suplex! With ease. Slickster is dominant here tonight. Rick continues the attack this time on Liota. He grabs Liota and throws him face first into the turnbuckle before nailing him with a belly to belly suplex. Slickster now walks around Nitro, stalking him....


He's up again and now he's stalking Liota...


Both of them are down and out!

He picks up Nitro now and nails him with “The Bulldozer” (Powerbomb)

Then he picks up Liota and lifts him up for around 30 seconds, forcing all the blood to his opponents head. Then hits Northern Lights (Brainbuster).

He covers both men.




Winner: Slickster

The Gladiator and Lucena
- vs -
Brunhilde and Kim Jong-Un
Standard Tag

Gladiator and Lucena wait in the ring for their opponents. As soon as Brunhilde and Kim Jong-Un enter the ring it's an all out war! Gladiator spins around with a spinning clotheline that misses both opponents completely but then Lucena hits THE SPANISH ROGUE! (eye poke and roll up pin)

Lucena has Brunhilde pinned! Gladiator runs and flies face first at Kim Jong-Un, knocking him out of the ring and through a nearby table!

Back in the ring Lucena still has the pin on Brunhilde.



...OH SHIT! Gladiator says he wants the pin! He pulls Lucena up.

Gladiator: I want the pin!

Lucena smiles and tells Gladiator to go right ahead. Gladiator pulls his trusty claymore and chops the head of Brinhilde clean off her shoulders!!!

Fans: Holy shit! Holy shit!

Gladiator bulldoozers the head and it flies out to the fans in the 12th row with blood spraying from the neck hole like a fountain. Gladiator swings his weapon around wildly almost hitting Lucena but Lucena ducked just in time. He waits for his moment and strikes Gladiator with an eye poke!!!! Gladiator's claymore goes flying into the fans, sharp end first! Look out little kid with a John Cena shirt on! Yes!

Everybody is cheering wildly. Lucena quickly uses this chance to pin the headless body of Brunhilde...




Winners: Cheat Lucena & Gladiator

After the match, Gladiator swings his giant fists at Lucena but Lucena moves, causing Glad to hit Brunhilde's breasts and pop one of them! Lucena makes his exit with his US Championship held high over his head!

Mandii Rider
- vs -
Alexandra Callaway
This Girl Is On Fire! - Inferno Match
Mandii Rider has been on FIRE! as of late. Will she have what it takes to toss resident bad girl Callaway into the fire in order to win?

Hailing from Tombstone Arizona, but currently residing in Dallas, Texas it is - Alexandra Callaway!

Alexandra makes her way down the ramp, she stops at the bottom of the ramp and walks to the steps. Some cheer for her, some boo her, but she just shrugs them off and continues on her way to the ring. She slips into the ring, under the bottom rope, and climbs up onto the turnbuckle. She smirks evilly, and then poses, her arms up and in the rock on symbol. She jumps down and waits for her opponent, stretching on the ropes and stopping just as the Mandii's announcement starts and she stares up the ramp awaiting Mandii's arrival.

Coming at us from Jacksonville, Florida it's - Mandii Rider!

A slight fog raises as Mandii steps out onto the ramp and the lights turn back with flashing pink and white lights. Mandii makes her way down to the ring before jumping on the side of the ring and "flipping" backwards into the ring before blowing a kiss at Alexandra.

Flames rise up from around the ring as the fans go "Ooooooo" and the camera quickly shifts to show a man in a straight jacket who is hitting a big red button called "fires" with his head. Each time this random lunatic hits his head on that button the flames will go higher!

The fans roar as the flames rise up past the height of the top rope for a second before settling back down. Mandii and Alexandra both seem to enjoy what they see as they study the flames for a few moments...


The bell sounds and this inferno match....BEGINS!

Mandii Rider and Alexandra Callaway charge straight for one another! Catching each other with an equal match of fury filled punches!

Their fists finding a home in one another and yet, neither woman backs down or falters back!

Mean left hooks and hard rights are exchanged in a simultaneous display of hardcore female aggression! Both ladies hell bent on being the dominant force within the ring tonight!

Blood trickles from Ally's nose and spills from Mandii's lower lip as the two glare at each other. Callaway going for a Spinning Backfist that Mandii catches as she sends a Forearm Smash into Callaway's throat!

Callaway chokes and stumbles back as Mandii flies forward, only to be greeted by a Side Kick from Ally!

Mandii teeters and Ally sends a knee straight to Mandii's gut!

Mandii doubles over and Callaway casts Mandii all the way down with a Double Axehandle to Mandii's back!

Mandii crashes to the canvas and Callaway lays a boot into Mandii's back. Reaching down right after that, Callaway then rips Mandii up by a chunk of her hair before she sends Mandii off towards the ropes....and the flames, with a Hip Toss!

However, Mandii catches herself before that happens. Her hands grabbing onto the ropes as the flames flicker at her hands. Mandii then turns just in time to dodge an oncoming Callaway. Leaping to the side as now Callaway, almost crashes into the ropes and ultimately...the fire!

Callaway spinning around at the right moment to receive an Uppercut from Mandii!

This causes Callaway's back to smash right into the ropes as the flames surge up, singeing the tips of Callaway's hair. Yet Callaway doesn't seemed alarmed by this. In fact, she smiles as she leans back even more onto the ropes! Her hair now fully hanging into the fire as she begins laughing like a maniac before she plants both boots into Mandii's stomach as hard as she can! Mandii doubles over and falls back while Callaway does a flip, her hair slightly ablaze at the tips as she lands on her feet right near Mandii.

Towering over Mandii, Callaway smirks and shakes the fire out of her hair.

Callaway: I told you bitch, this is my match!

Mandii: Just shut the fuck up and fight!

Mandii releases a defiant growl as she rises up from the canvas and tackles Callaway!

The two women crashes onto the canvas as Mandii begins delivering some Mounted Punches to Ally. Shrieking, Callaway retaliates with a Headbutt! Mandii drops off to the side and Callaway, rolls over to return the favor with a few Mounted Punches of her own before grabbing a fistful of Mandii's hair, yanking Mandii up to her feet as Callaway rises.


Alexandra Callaway hits Mandii Rider with a Chokeslam!

Mandii collides with the canvas and Callaway goes for a Standing Moonsault!


Mandii rolls out of the wall though!

Callaway only hits canvas with that move!

Callaway churns on the canvas in a bit of discomfort as Mandii gingerly rises to her feet, rubbing her neck as she coughs to herself.

Callaway lifts herself up, but Mandii is right there with a boot to Callaway's ribs!

Rider then grabs Ally by the back of her hair and tears Ally up to her feet, sending a couple punches to Callaway's ribs as she spins Callaway around. Immediately catching Alexandra with a Snap DDT followed by a Leg Drop!

Mandii reaches down and yanks Callaway back up as she aims to toss Callaway straight at the ropes and right into the fire! But Callaway begins to battle back, by sending a few elbows into Mandii's side and stomach. This causes Mandii to release Callaway and Ally turns with an instant Roundhouse Kick!

Rider catches Ally's foot though and shoves Ally back onto her ass!

Rider swiftly going for a Dropkick to Ally's face!

Both of Mandii's boots connect brutally with Callaways face and bust her nose right open! Blood flows down the front of Ally's face as she's sent sliding back. Stopping a mere two inches from the fire!

Mandii then gets to her feet and pulls Callaway away from the fire by her leg before planting a couple more boots into Callaway's face, busting her open even more!

Callaway gags on her own blood and spits a mouthful of gore out onto the canvas as Mandii grabs Callaway off the canvas. Lifting her high in the air, Mandii catches Callaway with a F5!

Callaway slams to the canvas and writhes in agony as Mandii reaches down, slapping Callaway on the cheek before she wrenches Callaway back up, only to hit her with the Crack Head!

The fans gasp as Ally crashes to the canvas!

Clearly feeling the pain and motionless, Callaway seems done for the night. Yet Mandii is far from done and there is only one way to win here tonight.

Mandii nudges Callaway with her boot tip as she gazes down at fallen angel's frame. A sigh escaping Mandii's lips as she then hoists Ally up onto her shoulders before carrying Callaway off towards the ropes. Swiftly climbing them with Callaway in tow over one shoulder, Mandii's face is as solemn and cold as a stone statue. Soon standing atop the top turnbuckle with flames dancing at her boots, Mandii stares out momentarily. A dark gleam in her eyes as she seems to gaze through the audience, sending chills into the crowd. The roar from the fans quickly falling into an eerie calm, silence as Mandii Rider shifts Callaway on her shoulders. Callaway's eyelids fluttering on the verge of opening as Mandii Rider F5's Callaway off the top rope, into the fire!

Callaway immediately coming to life when she hits the flames! Screaming and shrieking wildly in pain as Mandii stays standing on the top rope, looking down at Callaway with no emotion whatsoever.

Winner: Mandii Rider

Paramedics soon move in and extinguish the blaze engulfing Callaway. Ushering her onto a stretcher, to be quickly taken to the hospital.

Mandii Rider is seen walking through the back after her match. The same calm, emotionless stare adorning her face that we saw from earlier when she gazed down at Callaway writhing in agony in the fire. When arm slips around her shoulders. That arm belonging to none other than - Giovanni Ferrari!

Gio: Excellent job out there tonight, Mandii!

Mandii stops walking and turns to Gio.

Rider: Get you arm off me freak.

Gio: Oh my what a temper! I just wanted to come over and congratulate you on a marvelous performance out there, but I can understand your want for boundaries.

Gio moves his arm away from Mandii and she continues to stare through him.

Rider: Lets get something straight here. What I did out there, I did because I had to. I did it to win. That's it. I don't give a shit if you or anyone else likes it either. I'm here to kick ass and make some cash while I do it. That's all. No more, no less. So you can shove your phony adoration and that shit eating grin of yours right up your ass. Cause I'm not interested in whatever it is your selling.

Mandii turns and Gio grabs her arm.

Rider: Big mistake.

Mandii turns and goes to send a fist into Giovanni's face. This act causing Giovanni to flinch back while shutting his eyes tight and shouting out his words as fast as possible to avoid a clobbering from the angry Siren.

Gio: I just wanted to say, I'm putting you up for a shot at gold!

Mandii's fist stopped inches from Gio's face.

Rider: You don't say? Well, got my attention, spaz.

Giovanni opens his eyes and nervously chuckles as he stares at Mandii's fist, still inches from his face but motionless.

Gio: Yes, I'm personally putting your name in to be one of the participants within the Elimination Chamber match for the US Championship.


Gio still gets a fist to the face from Mandii.

Rider: Hmmm...US Champ. I like the sound of that.

With that Mandii Rider turns away from Gio, who is now laid out on the floor...and walks off.

Gio: Now that's a woman!

Fade to black...
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(03-20-2014), Clean Lucena (03-21-2014), Mandii Rider (03-20-2014)
The Gladiator Offline
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03-20-2014, 04:22 PM

I don't remember having a claymore....oh well, wins a win

The Gladiator

W/L/D Record: 1-0-0

Kim Jong-Un (3-19-14)
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Mandii Rider Offline
Eat Your Heart Out Bitches


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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-20-2014, 04:33 PM

Looks like Katniss missed the last shot, sorry Alexandra. At least you can say you were the girl on fire for a night. Now for that US Championship.

OOC- Good Fight Ally, it was fun. :)


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Theo Pryce (03-20-2014)

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03-20-2014, 05:14 PM

OoC: You dominated round 2, and took out 2 people in round 3 of the PPV. You do great work.

Hey, Cally, at least your temperature was as hot as your body tonight. If I win the US Champ, it's yours.

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