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Fact...I have more money than you.
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-17-2014, 07:15 PM

As the scene fades in we see Theo Pryce driving his car around what appears to be the downtown area of Detroit, Michigan. Why Theo is in Detroit is anyone’s guess as he should be on his way to Russia for the next edition of XWF Madness. Everyone knows the stakes, Tuesday night, its Theo Pryce vs Peter Gilmour, the King of the XWF vs the King of Contradiction.

“Peter, Peter, oh poor Peter. Why do you do it? Why do you insist upon opening your mouth when all it does is get you into trouble? Pending lawsuits, enemies by the dozen and now you’ve managed to do the unthinkable. Somehow, someway, you got a Priest to try and kick you out of a House of God. That might be the most remarkable feat in your otherwise unremarkable life. Seriously Peter, how did you do that? I’m not much of a church goer, I will admit that right up front, but I have never, ever heard of a Catholic Priest who tried to kick a parishioner out of the church. Never. Not once. In fact, doing so would go against centuries of teachings. But you should know that already Peter, seeing as how you are such a Theologian and all."

“I find it curious Peter that you would quote one of God’s Ten Commandments while ignoring the other 9. But again, as someone who is not a religious man myself I feel somewhat unqualified to speak on the commandments myself, or to try and further interpret their meaning. I do however want to hit at one of them because it fits into all of this so very well.”

“Peter are you aware of what the Sixth Commandment says? If not, allow me to educate you, “Thou shall not kill.” Remember Barney Green right? The guy you murdered? Everyone makes mistakes Peter, Lord knows you make more than the average person, but you are not beyond redemption. Obviously, that’s why you go to the church right? So you can be absolved of your sins? Except, well, you keep making the same mistakes, over and over and over again. When you aren’t killing the Barney Green’s of the world you are threatening to kill damn near everyone else. How do you think the Big Guns upstairs will feel when you get to the gates of Heaven and he reads off your laundry list of sins? He might forgive you anyway, supposedly that is his thing, kind of ridiculous if you ask me, but what do I know? Anyway back to that wonderful Priest you dealt with. I would strongly suggest finding a new church to go to, perhaps one more welcoming of all of God’s children, emphasis on children. Though I could certainly understand him wanting to get you out of there, you did drop the F bomb six times while sitting in a pew to pray. Sitting mind you, not kneeling like they teach you in every single catechism class since the dawn of time. You might be the world’s worst Catholic on top of being the XWF’s worst wrestler. But anyway, back to the Motor City, you might want to avoid Detroit all together. I would hate for you to get hit by a car that is so focused on not hitting any other cars that they inadvertently tag the Hollywood Bad Boy as he casually strolls down the sidewalk. Oh and another thing Peter, in case you weren’t aware, it rains in Detroit in February. It rains a lot actually so if the rain is really an issue for you, there is another reason to stay out of the D.”

“I want to address a few things Peter, first and foremost, I didn’t cut a promo in an abandon church because I “Covet they neighbors household”, in fact, even if I did that would not apply in this situation as you don’t own the abandoned church. Therefore, it is not your household, abandoned or otherwise it is a House of God. Not of Gilmour you egomaniacal cancer. But I will clue you in to why I cut a promo in that church, in fact, I will tell you my entire strategy leading up to our match because at this point it matters little. Everything I've said, everything I've done, has all been part of my plan to drive everything you say and do for our match. You respond to what I say because I want you to respond to it. I am 3 and 4 steps ahead of you Peter. You don't find it a little convenient that I have a response to every single thing you say? It's because I know what what you are going to say. It's a sad truth but a truth nonetheless. As for me cutting my promo in a church, there was a reason to that as well and I must say it worked better than I could have ever hoped. I did it Peter with the sole purpose of pissing you off. Because I know that when you get pissed off you talk in circles, and when you do that you start making ridiculous contradictory statements and guess what Peter? Have you picked up on it it comes...that's what I wanted all along. But back to the church idea, yeah, that one worked like a charm oh Lord did it work. You even said so:

Quote: You are just making me even more pissed off and making all these hate I have for you

“You see Peter, I know you better than you know yourself. Pissing you off is the single easiest thing to do in this world. Easier than breathing or taking a crap. It’s actually laugh out loud ridiculous just how easy it is. I will give you some credit though Peter, you are right about a couple of things. I will never be a 7 time Deathmatch Champion in Japan, probably because I will never have to wrestle in Japan, ever. That’s where people go to start or finish careers. That’s not where people who have reached the pinnacle go. People like me. As for being an 11 time X-treme champion, probably also true. You can have that one, consider it my gift to you. Hell, I may never even try and win the X-treme title, mostly because I just don’t give a fuck.”

“You spit a few facts out there, or at least, things you consider to be facts. You’re right, you are an 11 time X-treme Champ, that certainly is a fact, as is you losing the title 11 times, that's also a fact. You won some other titles by your own, also facts. But as for you being better than me? Well, we all know that’s not true and tomorrow night I will prove it to you, but you already knew that. You knew you weren’t going to beat me the second you agreed to the match. Your only hope is that you getting a match with me will be enough to keep your few minutes of fame extending just a little bit longer. But I do want to hit on one statement that you made, and that is of you having more money than me. I find that interesting Peter, for a few reasons. I recently received Forbes Top 50 Wealthiest Americans in 2014, you know what I saw on that list? Me. I saw me at #40 with an estimated net worth of 10 Billion. You know what I didn’t see on that list? You Peter. I didn’t see you. Why is that? Is it perhaps because you don’t have more money than me? Sure you have a mansion in Hollywood, I have houses all over the world. You have a few fancy cars. I have a fleet of them, a private jet and a Yacht. Where did all of your money come from Peter? From wrestling? Did you forget, I run a multi bullion dollar company, you? You are just a wrestler, and not even a good one at that. Perhaps you are still getting residuals from your fatter days when you were the Spokesperson for Sbarro’s. I hear they make an excellent Chicken Parm. But even then, I seriously doubt they were paying you billions of dollars since their net worth is less than a half a billion dollars. So tell me again Peter? How do you have more money than me? I’ll let you get back to me on that one.”

“I see you still haven’t gotten over your match with Michael McBride, still crying like a little girl. First you said he beat you, then you said he can’t beat you, literally Peter, you said those words. I am not making this up, I wish I were but I’m not. Then you claimed that even though he beat you, but didn’t beat you, that he cheated to beat you. How did he cheat Peter? Because he was busy doing work for me that he didn’t have the time to talk about you all week? Once again Peter, unlike you, Michael does have other obligations. He has a family, he does work for me as well as some of his own business ventures, so pardon him for not being able to dedicate all his time and energy to you. And yet, despite all that, despite the fact that he can’t focus solely on you, like you had the ability to do with him, he still beat you. Fair and square, no interference, no cheating of any kind. He beat you. You say you will move on and then your next sentence is in direct contradiction of that.”

“Now let’s talk about some history, you mentioned that you won the world title in all the other feds you have ever been in, all of them. Except this one. Your convenient excuse being that you wanted to work your way up the ladder. You want to claim all the titles. It took you 6 months to win your first X-treme title. You won the trios and tag team titles. All well and good. Though I am curious, you say, repeatedly that you've won the Trios title's all on your own but how is that? It was my impression, and again, this is only based off the footage from Gauntlet City where a team of you, Unknown Solider and a man that would turn out to be Poppa Feder won the Trios Tittles. Not just you all by your lonesome. As far as that team is concerned, the only thing you did by yourself was get eliminated. That's right Peter, or did you forget that? Not Feder, not Solider, you. You were the sole member of that team to be eliminated from the match. So tell me again Peter how you won those titles all on your own? Do you feel that Peter? That's your nose growing, Pinocchio. But what else have you done in your 4 years here in the XWF? You haven’t worked your way up the ladder at all. You identified one title, the X-treme title and you’ve made it your precious and so you go continue to go after it. What about the TV title? Or the European Title or the United States title? What about all of them? Peter I accomplished in less than 2 months what you haven’t done in 4 years and that was win the XWF’s top title. I beat a guy who routinely beat you. There is absolutely nothing you can say to me that can change that fact. Oh but wait the fact still remains, I suck. Such hatred Peter. Will I still suck after I beat you one on one tomorrow night? Will I stuck when I am holding the crown, a crown I could care less about mind you, and you are still scrambling to remain relevant? I'm curious Peter, how does it feel knowing that I accomplished more in two months than you have in your entire 4 year career in the XWF when you are a full time wrestler and the XWF is simply my hobby?”

“You made some interesting claims last night Peter, you said that I’ve lied, that I’ve made contradicting statements, I would like for you to take the time to please research what lies you believe I’ve told, research what contradicting statements you believe I’ve made and throw them back in my face like I do to you without even breaking a sweat. And for the 10th time in the last few days, it’s not my lawsuit against you, I am just one of the names listed on the suit, it wasn’t my idea, I just signed on as part of the XWF roster. As for how well trained the Administrative Networks Lawyers are compared to yours, well, we will just let the lawsuit settle that. By the way, Shane doesn’t sign your checks now, he’s dead, you even admitted as such. Eli James signs your checks, just like he signs mine. You work for Eli James, not the Administrative Network. Nice try, Peter but once again you are completely clueless on the inner workings of the XWF. And I’m glad you won’t lie to the judge Peter, that’s sound strategy right there, I’m glad to see your cracker jack lawyers are giving you some good advice, Lord knows we wouldn’t want to add perjury to the growing list of things you are being taken to court for.”

“Oh and by the way Peter, that was some pretty nifty stuff you did there with your eyes. Compelling people? Is that something you do now? Did you become a Vampire overnight? Or perhaps a witch? Or maybe a Jedi. Please Peter, I would love to know how you did that, it’s remarkable. If you were smart you would stand in front of a mirror on Tuesday and compel yourself into now getting your ass kicked on National Television. Or are your powers not that strong yet? I can’t wait to see how you spin that one. You spinster you.”

As the scene starts to fade out we see Theo parking his vehicle, getting out and then walking up the front steps of the “Little Church of God” in Detroit, Michigan. Upon entering the church he sees the same Priest that Peter Gilmour spoke to the night before. Theo approaches the man cautiously, not sure of where the man’s head is at after having his short term memory erased at the hands of Peter Gilmour.

“How may I help you my son?”

“Hello Father, I would like to speak to you about the events of last night.”

Fade out.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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