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Warfare - 1/31 (Part 2: Conclusion)
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Giovanni Ferrari

XWF FanBase:
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02-02-2014, 08:21 PM

The Linguist
- vs -
John Raide
Steel Cage Match, Top Exit Only

The Linguist stands in the ring, clearly tired from his last bout but not at all out of the fire and determination, it'll take to succeed! He stares towards the entrance, hungrily anticipating the final competitor as the lights dim and John Raide emerges. The fans going utterly wild as Raide rushes down the ramp and slides into the ring. Popping up to his feet instantly and meeting The Linguist, dead center of the ring as a cage slowly begins to descend. Once the cage is situated properly, the bell is sounded and this final match in Warfare's gauntlet, rightfully selected to be a steel cage match....begins!

John Raide coming right off the bat towards The Linguist, with a Spinning Backfist! A move that is deflected and blocked against, as Linguist retaliates with a series of punches! Most of which are blocked, but eventually a few towards the end of the rapid succession of punches; Linguist delivers, hits home and make for a perfect window of an opportunity for Linguist to catch Raide with an Irish Whip. Immediately following up this move, with a Springboard Clothesline that levels Raide to the canvas!

With Raide down, Linguist wastes no time in rushing towards the wall of the cage, immediately starting the climb up! Moving swift, like an actually fire has been lit under him, Linguist climbs steadily towards the top. However, as this is happening, Raide has started to stir and lift himself up!

Linguist takes a moment to look back, towards the canvas and sees this going on and for some reason, it slows him down! Linguist actually begins glancing from the top of the cage and then back down to Raide, almost like he's contemplating something. Then, as a surprise to all watching, Linguist launches himself backwards into a Senton Bomb of the side of the cage and connects chaotically with Raide below!

The impact instantly drops Raide, but Linguist also looks to have felt some pain from that move as both wrestlers are now down on the canvas!

Raide and Linguist both slowly begin to rise to their feet, their eyes meeting as they both lift up into a standing position. Then with a scream of fury, Raide charges for Linguist. Catching Linguist with an epic Spear and slamming him right into the wall of that steel cage! But it doesn't end there!

No! Raide prevents Linguist from dropping to the canvas, after that brutal Spear and instead shoves Linguist's head painfully against the mesh of the steel cage, while delivering a series of punches right into Linguist's stomach and ribs! Keeping him firmly in place all the while, so Linguist feels the full blast of each punch!

After six to eight brutal punches, Raide finally releases Linguist, who tumbles forward choking and gagging on his own blood. Linguist coughs out a thick glob of saliva and blood, and shivers from the beating he just endured. Lifting his head and slowly rising up, only to get hit with a Belly to Belly Suplex! Linguist smashes to the canvas and Raide greets him with a Knee Drop to the face, before getting up only to hit Linguist with a Standing Senton!

That's it!

Linguist appears to be out!

Clearly unconscious and motionless on the canvas, Raide decides this is his moment to exit the cage. Raide strolls over to the side of the cage and begins to ascend. The fans scream and roar with excitement as Raide takes his time climbing. A smug look on his face letting everyone know, he thinks he's definitely got this match in the bag and there's is nothing he needs to worry about.

The fans can't believe Raide's cockiness to this matter, but at the same time they're cheering just the same. They love that arrogant bastard; who seems to have the mental capacity of a full functioning sociopath, cause none of this seems to be effecting him in the slightest.

But then...

Down on the canvas...

The Linguist begins to stir!

Raide doesn't notice! He doesn't see Linguist groggily rise up and gingerly crane his neck to Raide's position on the cage. Linguist slaps himself in the face and shakes his head about as an intense expression overtakes his face. Linguist narrows his eyes and releases a scream, quite uncommon for the usually calm and complacent wrestler. From there Linguist dives towards the cage wall and begins to climb up. The sight of Raide nearing the top, seems to have fueled Linguist with a new energy and a renewed sense of vigor! Linguist flies up the side of the cage and soon he is almost right up to Raide, who finally notices Linguist, right beneath him!

Raide begins kicking down at Linguist's face and chest as Linguist does his best to block the attack. And through it, Linguist manages to reach up and actually grab a hold of one of Raide's legs!

Linguist grabs onto Raide's leg firmly as Raide swings back his free leg and plants a kick, right into Linguist's jaw! The kick is enough to knock Linguist back, but Linguist is also clinging onto Raide's leg and this is enough to cause Raide to loose his grip and both men, plummet to the canvas!


Both men crash onto the canvas, causing the entire ring to shake!

Linguist, rising up on shaky arms and legs with just about enough straight to crawl over to Raide. Linguist then mounts a fallen Raide and begins to deliver some Mounted Punches. Each swing....each punch, a strain and an effort, but that doesn't stop Linguist. Linguist's eyes are crazed and it's clear this man will do all it takes and will give all he's got to give, in order to climb out of the cage and be claimed the winner of tonight's match!


Raide's nose shatters on the impact of Linguist's last punch and the blood literally pours out of Raide's nose as he reacts out of desperation and shoots up a knee, delivering a Low Blow to Linguist! Linguist yells out in pain and drops off to the side as he clutches his injured balls. Both men are down and in some serious pain from all that went on tonight.

Raide rolling to his side as he slowly lifts himself off the canvas. Blood dripping from his shattered nose as he wearily pulls himself up to a standing position. Turning quickly, Raide focuses on The Linguist, who is gradually rising to his feet.

John Raide does not allow this to happen as he meets Linguist with High Knee to Linguist's head, which plants Linguist right to the canvas! Raide then follows that with a Double Wrist-Clutch and continues the onslaught with multiple stomps to the Linguist's chest, face, and head!

John Raide yanks a badly beaten and bloody Linguist up to his feet and Hip Tosses him into the corner. Linguist slams straight on in and Raide is right after, with a Busaiku Knee Kick (Running single leg high knee)! Linguist falls to the canvas and Raide steps onto Linguist's face, before he continues on towards the side of the cage. Wiping a thick stream of blood from his injured nose, before he starts the climb.

As this happens, The Linguist remains motionless on the canvas. Raide's climb is a bit slower this time, but unlike the previous ascension, this time it's due to all that he's been through. The fans keep echoing their anticipation that Linguist will rise up again, but it's clear that's not going to happen.

The suddenly...

Linguist's eyes flutter open and the fans gasp in shock as Linguist sits up. Linguist looks up at Raide and slowly attempts to get up. Dropping back down, after his first three tries, but finally on his fourth, he makes it to his feet!

Linguist stands on trembling legs as he makes his way to the wall of the cage and begins to climb. Raide looks down and quickens his climb, but somehow Linguist manages to climb up just as swiftly as Raide does! It's unbelievable, but totally true! Linguist and Raide reach the top at the same time...

Only on opposite sides of the cage!

With the door to the cage being in the dead middle of the cage, both men have to hang and climb along the top to reach it. A task that both weary competitors do and wind up meeting each other, right near the door!Linguist and Raide glare at one another and soon it becomes a war of who can kick harder as both men kick it out, while hanging from the roof of the cage!

A war that Raide soon decides to take control of by swinging his legs back and then swinging them both forward with enough force, that when he releases his grip on the roof of the cage, he actually launches into a double kick that sends Linguist into the side of the cage! Linguist's back smashes into the wall of the cage and for a moment, both wrestlers are in a free fall!

However, Raide manages to reach out quick enough and catch hold of the side of the cage as Linguist continues falling.

Linguist slams to the canvas!

Raide, beyond exhausted...climbs back to the top and finally, exits the cage!

Linguist has been eliminated!

John Raide wins the gauntlet!

Greenback Boogie by Imarobot plays.

Theo Pryce, Mr. Supernova, Mystica and Dr.Zero make their way out from behind the back. Generally the men would receive a chorus of boos but after their actions on Madness it appears the fan reaction is somewhat mixed.

The foursome make their way down to the ring where Theo pulls a microphone out of his coat pocket.

THEO PRYCE: "Ladies and Gentlemen, Madness was the only the beginning. This federation has lacked balance for years, no more. The Company is here to keep this place in line. But it’s going to take more than just us. It’s going to take buy in from the rest of the roster. To the rest of you in the back, don’t let yourself be run by Eli James and his Congregation. You blame The Black Circle for the downfall of the XWF but believe me when I tell you, there was a lot more to it than just them. You all fought amongst yourselves for far too long, and when you finally came together to fight back, the end result was the beheading of one dictator and the ascension of another. As I said, it’s going to take more than just us to keep the Congregation to turn into The Black Circle, especially while they add reinforcements, which, brings us to why we are here right now. Kinwrathi, please join us down here in the ring.

“Float On” by Modest Mouse starts playing.

As soon as the music hits, Kinwrathi steps from behind the curtains, moving in rhythm to the beat of the drums. As he progresses down the ramp the boos from the crowd start to fade. Kinwrathi climbs through the ropes but maintains his distance from the members of The Company.

THEO PRYCE: "Kinwrathi, there is no need to be concerned, we aren’t here to harm you. Rather the opposite. Last weekend when you and I squared off, you showed me something, something I have not seen from a single one of my opponents to date, and it’s why you walked out of there the winner. You showed me a fire and determination that rivaled my own. We are going to need that going forward. We have a monumental task in front us. Will you join us?

Kinwrathi takes a few steps forward, glances quickly at the men in front of him and then stares directly into Theo’s eyes. Neither man breaks the stare and after a few seconds Kinwrathi takes a step back and extends his hand. Theo returns the gesture and The Company has it’s 5th member.

Theo’s music begins to play again and the men exit the area while Kinwrathi exchanges handshakes with the other members of the group.

Interrupting.. Theo's music cuts off and the lights in the building go dark.... on the big X-Tron Screen.... it's Eli James IV outside...

ELI JAMES IV: "I'm sure by now you know it had nothin' to do with Erica... I knew you'd think that though... I meant her.

Eli lifts his hand and it's Theo's crown. Theo mouths 'he doesn't care about the physical crown'.

ELI JAMES IV: "You boys just started diggin' your own graves...

Eli tosses the crown in one of the graves.

ELI JAMES IV: "Don't worry. We'll have someone fill it up after you lay rest in there... hehehe...

Eli moves the torch near the ground to show holes dug.. you somewhat see Amos James, Sid Feder, and Lazarus in the back with shovels in their hand... but someone is still digging.. Eli walks past the man digging and as he does.. the torch briefly shows the face... it's MORBID ANGEL.. he winks at the camera as the cameras fade with Eli singing.
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[-] The following 9 users Like Giovanni Ferrari's post:
Andrew Morrison (02-03-2014), Dr. Zero (02-03-2014), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (02-03-2014), John Raide (02-02-2014), Liz Hathaway (02-02-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (02-03-2014), Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (02-03-2014), The Linguist (02-02-2014), Theo Pryce (02-02-2014)

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