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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The First Supper
Author Message
Andrew Morrison Away
The Storm Of Destruction

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

01-28-2014, 06:59 AM

Andrew Morrison sits at a huge wooden table, which has a set of black candles in the center and some sort of gold cup right in front of Morrison. To his left is Tera Vincent, and then to his right, Michael Kelly. Andrew raises his arms and begins to speak.

"We welcome you to our home and our headquarters, in an unknown location to all of you. We come to you today to share with you a wonderful moment. First, I would like to address another matter that has caught my attention, or should I say, our attention."

We hear an audio clip of Eli James from Super Shove-It play in the background.

"...Andrew Morrison... you need to pay for your sins and attacking me...JUDGMENT HAS COME!"

Tera snickers as Andrew smirks and moves some hair from his face before speaking once more.

"It seems that the Apocalyptic Genesis has caught your attention, Elijah. Why, this reaction is what I expected from you. I WANT you to try and come at me. I WANT you to try and take on my family and TRY to shove your pathetic beliefs and your movement down my throat. Only fools believe what they cannot see! I am not blind, Eli. You can preach and spit your bullshit until you drop dead but you WILL NOT deter us from what WE believe in and you WILL NOT deter us from doing what is in the nature of HUMANITY! What is in our blood and what is in our hearts!"

Michael nods and Tera looks toward the camera and flips it off, presumably directing it at Eli James.

"I do not fear any "God", nor do I fear YOU OR your Congregation. I know what I am capable of. I know what these two beside me are capable of. You only received a small taste of it this past Warfare, but if it is a WAR that you are seeking Eli, we have plenty of bullets for you to choke on, and when your blood is on my hands, the world will be in its rightful place. CHAOS!"

Andrew tilts his head back and laughs hysterically for a moment before looking back at the camera and smirking

"Now, onto the original reason why we all are here today. Those such as Eli would know all about "The Last Supper". Twas the final meal that "the Son of God" shared on Earth before his death. It was here that Jesus predicted correctly that Judas Iscariot would be the one to point the finger toward him, to condemn Jesus to death. It was here that he also predicted that one of his followers would deny knowing him upon his return to Earth."

"It was also here that Jesus would perform what is known now as the Eucharist. He took a piece of bread, called it "his body" and fed his followers; he told them to do this in remembrance of him, and then gave them wine, which he would call "his blood" and alleged it was "poured out for them"."

"At the end, the "Son" was soon struck down for his puppeteering of the human race and yet still to this day, everyone continues to fall for this pathetic moment by going to churches and eating the bread and drinking the wine, and doing so in remembrance of the "Son" who is just as guilty as the "Father" for spreading the word and allowing so many to be drawn into the trap of which so many has fallen!"

Andrew picks up the golden cup from in front of him and grins.

"Well, tonight, we shall have a supper of our own! But this shall be unlike the "Last Supper" that I am sure Elijah and any other fool would preach, this is the "First Supper", for this is the first time that I have shared the table with my family, with my followers..and unlike, the pathetic "Son", I care not to be metaphoric, I care to truly allow my followers to consume me into their bodies, just as they have into their hearts and their souls!"

At this, Morrison tilts the cup ever so slightly and we see blood pour from the cup; it seems that perhaps this is the same blood in which Tera and Michael were baptized. Andrew stands, as does Tera and Michael, and Andrew lifts the cup to the sky. After this motion, Tera and Michael both kneel down to Andrew. Andrew then turns toward Tera.

"Tera Vincent, this is MY blood! The blood that HAS been spilled and the blood that WILL be spilled! Blood that runs thick and blood that runs for you! For our humanity! For our cause! To watch the world burn and to take the world that which is rightfully ours! To make this world OUR world!"

As soon as he is finished speaking, he brings the cup to Tera's mouth and tilts it slightly. Tera holds the cup with both hands and takes a drink of the blood. When she is done, she wipes her lip slightly and looks up into Andrew's eyes and smiles. Andrew then turns to Michael.

"Michael Kelly, this is MY blood. The blood that shall flow through you for eternity! The blood that shall soon unleash itself and stain all of those who stand in our way! The blood that shall rise from the lifeless bodies of our enemies!"

Andrew tilts the cup and Michael holds it with one hand and takes a drink from the blood. He then looks at Andrew and nods before standing. Tera, at this point, stands up as well. Andrew raises one hand to the sky, and begins to speak toward camera one more time.

"We are one. We are the rise of humanity and the fall of those who oppose us. We are "the Alpha" AND "the Omega" of the XWF. We are the beginning of your end, Elijah James. We are the beginning of the end for all you know and all you see."

Andrew then takes the cup and puts it to his mouth and tilts his head back, drinking all that is left in the cup before throwing it behind him and smirking.

"We are the Apocalyptic Genesis. WAR is coming, and we will be ready."

W-L Record Since Return: 1-1 (singles or tag) 0-1 (special/gauntlet matches)
[Image: pdCdNLq.jpg]
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