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Mr.Natural Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

01-22-2014, 01:44 PM


In-Ring Name: Solange

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Solange Holloway

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Returning

Wrestler Date of Birth: April 21, 1988

Height: 5'10

Weight: 165

Hometown: Charlotte, North Carolina

Personality: A hood sista straight of Pegram Street in Charlotte, North Carolina. Many people have said that she has the beauty and business sense of Beyonce, coupled with the street smarts and attitude of Lil Kim. Solange embraces her beauty and flaunts it at anyone who looks. She loves her man, Mr.Natural, and will "kill a bitch" at anytime when he's in danger of harm.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Tweener

Physical Build Description: Tall, golden brown and voluptuous.

Ring Attire: 1:

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: 1:
4: Other's that you can find of Beyonce

Ethnicity: African American

Pic Base: Beyonce

Wrestling Style: In the ring she mixes well-oiled technicality, street brawling, borderline maniacal fight tactics, and overt sexualtiy to beat her opponents into submission. She uses the art of flirtation to play mind games with her opponents, which can range from a simple wink to licking their necks. She also has an obsession with powerbombing her foes through tables that have been lit on fire.

Strengths: One of the best female technical wrestlers in the biz today

Weaknesses: Nothing really. I mean she's Solange dammit!

Entrance Theme Music: She alternates between Queen Bitch by Lil Kim, Diva by Beyonce and London Bridge by Fergie

Entrance Description: A timeline from 10 to 1 is shown on the X-Tron. She then is seen crawling on the stage (Like The Boogeyman but Sexier and not disgusting) she then stands up and extends her arms out in a sexual worship pose. She then walks down the ramp. When she gets the apron she stands up and turns to the crowd, blows a kiss into the camera, turns and does a split (Like Melina but with a fatter ass). She crawls into the ring and stands up slowly waiting for her next opponent.

Manager (if applicable): Mr.Natural
Manager's Pic Base: The Rock

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Big Boot
Sitout Powerslam
Single Leg Boston Crab
Running Splash
Fisherman Suplex into pin
Bitch Clamp (Elevated Double Chickenwing)
Tittie Buster (Implant Buster)
Side Kick
Tornado DDT

Trademark Move(s): Pussy Whipped
Description(s): Bronco Buster

Primary Finisher: Bitch Bomb
Description: Elevated Power Bomb

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Supa Dupa Fly
Description: Stunner

Favorite Weapon if any: A wooden paddle

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