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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show RoboWrestler1
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RoboWrestler1 Offline
Kill, you, dead

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12-26-2013, 10:24 PM

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In-Ring Name: RoboWrestler1

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Rodan Westchesterson

New to XWF or a returning roster member?:

Wrestler Date of Birth:

Height: 6 ft 6 in

Weight: 400 pounds


Personality: Killing machine

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel

Physical Build Description: Covered in and made out of metal

Ring Attire: He looks the same at all times

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire:


Pic Base: RoboCop classic

Wrestling Style: All forms. Alternates on the fly.

Strengths: Too many to name and most are illegal in a wrestling match

Weaknesses: Highly advanced computer viruses

Entrance Theme Music:
Having spent many days, years, decades on the internet but never upgrading to anything past dial up has caused this sound to forever be embedded into his mind. It is the only sound in this life that brings him a momentary glimmer of happiness, but it is immediately followed by a desire to destroy all around him.

Entrance Description: The sound of a 56k modem dialing into the internet can be heard over the speakers. RoboWrestler1 walks out from the back, down the aisle, around to the steps, up the steps, into the ring and goes to the corner where he raises one fist into the air for a second and waits for the bell.

Managers (if applicable): His dead wife, Edith Westchesterson and his dead daughter Ethel.
Manager's Pic Base: Any skeletons or goblins will do. They shape shift too so a pic of Mr. T or Harry Potter also works. Anything really.

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
He can perform every wrestling, boxing, and fighting maneuver. A master of all arts.
He can also shoot his fists off of his arms and they will smash the target and return to him automatically.
He can throw his tongue like a boomerang which is razor sharp and can cut off limbs while in flight.
He can burn holes through objects and people with his fiery laser vision.
He can send a swarm of RoboWasps out of his mouth and after any victim, stinging them repeatedly or as much as desired by RoboWrestler1.
He can also fly forward like Superman and/or Raiden, smashing into an opponent and pushing them along.
He can also hover around, just up out of reach of an opponent but then dropping just low enough to deliver perfectly targeted kicks to the face and head.

Trademark Move(1): Spinning clothesline
Description: Top half of his body spins while he holds his arms out. He can walk into groups of people while doing this and take them all out.

Trademark Move(2): Spinning piledriver
Description: Can grab an opponent from well beyond what his arms' reach should be and take them up about 10-15 feet in the air with a spinning piledriver.

Trademark Move(3): Spinebuster city
Description: Just keeps bouncing up and down in an endless spinebuster until he gets bored and then does ten more spinebusters for good measure before a spinebuster.

Primary Finisher: Fatality
Description: He will perform any Fatality from Mortal Kombat 1, 2, 3 or 4. The victims die if any of these moves are done to them.

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Blam blam thank you ma'am
Description: Rapid gunshots from two guns he pulls out of his thighs. They have rubber bullets so this is when he feels like being nice. He also has guns with real bullets if needed for a kill.

Favorite Weapon if any: His modified 9999 round fully automatic FN Mag Logjammer x95 Special with custom flame thrower and grenade launcher built in.

Additional notes: Part timer will reply to book threads when available
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