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Militem Dominum
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Militem Dominum Offline
Bow before the Lord, Profligate

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

10-18-2013, 09:16 PM


In-Ring Name: Militem Dominum

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Unknown

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: 6 foot

Weight: 240 lbs

Hometown: Unknown

Personality: Mysterious, enigmatic, and pious are words that don't even begin to describe the man known as Militem Dominum. Claims to be supported by a higher power, although he won't specify what exactly it is. If you listen to him speak, this higher power is the crux that guides his life.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel

Physical Build Description: See picbase

Ring Attire: Whatever fits him at the time.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: See ring attire, although he has been sighted often in a red and gold robe over whatever he felt like wearing.

Ethnicity: Claims to be a descendant of this Higher Power, and as such has refused to give much in the way of his "physical form" as he calls it

Pic Base: Salman Khan

[Image: 06nov08.jpg]

Wrestling Style: Physical, powerhouse style. Surprisingly agile and can move around the ring well.

Strengths: Power, Brawling, Fucking rules in the ass, metaphorically and literally Rule Bending.

Weaknesses: Gets carried away, angered easily, women

Entrance Theme Music:

Entrance Description: The lights in the arena dim as the opening chords of "One More Soul to the Call" by Akira Yamaoka and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn begins to play through the loudspeakers. No movement can be seen from the curtain until the fifty second mark, where a hooded, robed figure steps slowly from behind the curtain. Slowly, he comes down the ramp, accenting his steps as the music intensifies, until the one minute, thirty second mark, where he stops all build and just begins to stomp. He climbs up onto the apron, head down, and arms spread wide. As the chorus starts, he jolts his head up, and exploding out of the robe, and steps into the ring. Once inside, he carefully folds the robe, and places it in his corner. Afterwards, he awaits the start of the match.

Manager (if applicable): N/A
Manager's Pic Base: N/A

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
1. Fallaway Slam
2. Scoop Slam
3. Backbreaker
4. Suplex
5. Running Big Boot
6. Lariat
7. Back Suplex
8. Brainuster
9. Double Underhook Suplex
10. Powerbomb
11. Military Press Slam
12. Punches
13. Roundhouse Kick
14. Big Elbow Drop
15. Eye Gouge
16. Knee to the Groin
17. Powerslam

Trademark Move(s): Five Pillars/Down the River Styx
Description(s): Eye Gouge, followed by a Tombstone Piledriver/Superkick

Primary Finisher: Condemnation to Dis
Description: Steiner Screwdriver

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Paradise Lost
Description: Iron Claw

Favorite Weapon if any: Anything that can cause intense damage in a short period of time.

Additional notes:

[Image: Dominum_zpsd3a24972.jpg]
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