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Tyler Decker
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Tyler Decker Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Classic Heel

(usually booed; often plays dirty)

10-17-2013, 10:50 AM


In-Ring Name: Tyler Decker

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Zachary Hysell

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Returning/Current

Wrestler Date of Birth: 8-3-89

Height: 5'11

Weight: 185 pounds

Hometown: Long Beach, California

Personality: Began his XWF career with the self-made reputation as a hotshot that was trained by the best England had to offer. When he was arrested for fraud, the whole story turned out to be fabricated and he was revealed as a compulsive liar. His career went rapidly downhill from there due to substance abuse, and he has since been rediscovered by XWF's resident psychotic doctor Casey Jones.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel

Physical Build Description: A cruiserweight build, but fairly ripped.

Ring Attire: Black wrestling tights, with white 'TD' down each leg.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: It varies. Normally wears a blazer at all times, at wrestling events with a t shirt, and outside of wrestling with whatever is suitable for the occasion.

Ethnicity: White

Pic Base: Shia LaBeouf

Wrestling Style: A submission expert, who is not afraid to go high-risk. Is very quick in the ring and can beat someone through multiple means.

- Submissions
- High risk moves
- Varied moveset

-Power moves

Entrance Theme Music:

Entrance Description:
The lights dim as Enlighten Me by Masterplan begins to play over the PA system and dry ice assembles at the stage. A chorus of boos rings around the arena as Tyler Decker steps out, dressed in a leather jacket along with his usual ring attire, and holding his trademark cane. Decker walks down the ramp, slowly dragging his cane along the barricades. He walks in an almost drunk manner, soaking in the atmosphere. Think Dean Ambrose's entrance. When he enters the ring, he climbs the turnbuckle and shakes his wet hair at the crowd, to their displeasure.

(Occasional)Manager: Casey Jones
Manager's Pic Base: Cillian Murphy

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
-Small Package
-Springboard Elbow
-Double Knee Backbreaker
-Running Dropkick
-Crucifix Pin
-Japanese Arm Drag
-Forward Russian Leg Sweep
-Inverted DDT
-Elbow Drop

Trademark Move(s):


The Game Changer
Springboard Reverse STO

Crucifix Armbar

Guillotine Choke

Primary Finisher:

Secondary Finisher if applicable:

Submission Finisher:

Favorite Weapon if any: A cane, taken to ringside during entrance.

Additional notes: Reborn as one of Casey Jones' Children

[Image: TD1_zps58d1fa64.png]
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