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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Lethal Lottery 2 Entire Tourney + PPV RP Archive
The Encounter (RP 2)
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JosephKain Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Classic Heel

(usually booed; often plays dirty)

10-14-2013, 03:36 PM

:::The following took place a week ago when Joseph Kain was on hiatus:::

3:13- October 7th, 2013-Joseph Kain's residence in Florence, Al

It was a stormy night Joseph Kain had smoked four blunts and drunk six bottles of bud light since he had gotten in from the Lethal Lottery drawing earlier that night. Shane and the rest of the locker room had reintroduced the drug to Kain, and he was starting to entertain the notion that he had been missing out all of these. He was sitting back on his couch watching "Family Guy", laughing rambunctiously. All of sudden the feed on his satellite goes out. Kain stumbles over to the television and attempts to reset it and it fizzles our. The static comes in loud, and Kain stumbles back and hits his head on the coffee table. He gets up cussing and holding that back of his head. He gets back on the couch and realizes that it was probably the storm and that he may not get signal until mid-day tomorrow.

Joseph Kain sits for a moment thinking at a rapid pace. And then he decides to get up and go to the bathroom. He stumbles around and makes it to the bathroom where he urinates in then he washes his hands and makes his way into the living room once more and there is a suave man dressed in a suit sitting on his couch with a glass of scotch in his hand. He acknowledges Joseph.

Hey, Joey. Come have a seat and drink some of this scotch with me. I am going to tell you some things that you would not believe.

And who the fuck are you?

Jospeh Kain gets into a defensive position as if ready to fight.

I am your inner most personal desires. I am what you want out of life, Joey.

Okay.. Seriously, stop fuckin' around. Did Tyler send you?

Kain then relaxes a little bit realizing that it is most likely a joke that his friend had played on him.

No. He is sleeping tight next to his wife. Nice family.

Where did you come from, and how did you get in here? My security system is flawless.

I have always been here. I am with you always. I am here when you are having relations with the woman that you stole from your high school bully. I am here when you don't want to get up and go to church on Sunday morning. I am here when you ignore phone calls from your poor father that you put in a retirement home after that whole ordeal with Troy Turner. I am your strength Joseph.

So you are what my guardian angel or some shit?

You could say that. But I wouldn't if I were you. My boss does not take too kindly to his competitor's employees taking credit for his work.

A demon...

Joseph was starting to get worried now. He could feel dread overcome his person and sweat dripping from his forhead. He was in panic mode and the man on the couch was still smiling.

Bingo. Now come have a drink with me. I am going to tell you all about the power that awaits you if you keep holding temptation above your creator.

I don't.

Now, Joey, don't you lie to me. I just told you, I have been with you all of your life. ..Now come. Sit.

Joseph Kain joins the man on his couch and a glass of scotch appears in Joseph's hand. And the man smiles an evil grin.

Nice right? That is the convenience of fully giving into to our Lord.


Come on. You were doing so well...No. No. He is not. You know exactly what I mean. You know that dececrating the temple known to you humans as your body is disobedience to the creator of this shit hole. So I am going to need you to submit and give in. You already have a good start. Party it up, kill people, and rape things because that is your right. No one should be able to tell you different.

I can't do it. I give up.

That's what I like to hear.

The man chuckles, but Kain remains serious with a million thoughts running through his head.

No. I'm done with my lustful and destructive lifestyle.

The man now looks disappointed and sets his glass down on the coffee table.

You are such a disappointment. I would figure with a last name like Kain you would have more of a rebellious streak. You are a quitter. And you professional career will never take off if you do not listen to what I am saying. Harness the power.

Fuck off!

Joseph Kain spits in the man's face, and the man laughs wickedly.

Ah! That is the spirit, Joey! Remember I am with you always.

The words trail off in Kain's mind met with a song by Kid Rock called "Cocky". He rolls over falling off of his couch, and then he looks around realizing it was a dream. He immediately felt relieved and cut off his alarm and got back up on the couch. He looked at the table and saw half a blunt, empty beer bottles, an empty glass, and full glass of scotch. He sensed that it may not have been a dream and looked around frantically seeing nothing but an empty house. He took all over his "party" supplies and disposed of them. The blunt went into the toilet in the bathroom and every ounce of alcohol in the house went down the sink. He sat relieved after this feeling that he had done the right thing. He wondered what was next for him.

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[Image: Josephkain_zps03edef6b.jpg]
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